HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 049 -r - l:?-~on a: "\ 99 3~ 70 90 31n 02 511) l"e e the ---- , \..- Journal of the Commissioners of J..' Jefferson County, Colo., June 22. 19~3 491 g~ L~ 19~ .. -.. ---.- rhe Board ot County Comm1ssioners met in regular s~ssion Monday, June 22. 1953. at 10:00 A. M. ;1th COmllliss10ner Emil M. Schne1der. Commissioner \ialter B. !'r'le. Comm1ssioner Clarence H. Koch C(')unty Clerk. and Reoorder Robert W. Newton, County Engineer Kenneth R. Fenwick and Acting Atto~ey ROIOOI Pyle present. :;OLDEN. RAU;TON CREEl( J..~D CHURCH DITCH CO. & FARY.ERS RESERV':IR & IRRIGATION COY.PJ..'lY upon :netion by Commissioner l.och, second by Com.."!\.lE~loner True, and b:-' unanimous vote the following resolution waf: edopted: wr~ by resolution adopted June ~. 1953, it was ordered thot the hearing on the Boplicotion to ri.x rates tlled by the Golder. Ralston Creek. and Church Di to!: Co:nnany ane the F8Mer~ ?efl.e!"volr 8~: IrrigoUOn Company be set tor June 29. 1953. at 3:00 P. M; and ' WllERW Dartd J. M1ller and Y.elvin Dinner attorneys tor Goleer. Ralston Creek and Church Ditcr. Com- pany an~ the Farmers ReBerTOlr and Irrlgotlon CompAJ'lY ent ered t~elr appeo.rance and moved for 8 ccn- tinuance on said hearing; and WHEREAS Robert Dick. attorney for said applicants. 8D,earec R~C conBented to Baid co~tlnup.r.ce; KOW THEREFORE. BE 195~. VACATION OF STREET IT RESOLVEt that said hearing bs co ntinued to A:1gus t IS. 19<;3. st 10: ()(' A. v - MORRIS SUBDIVISION ~. ,t U~;Qn mot1on by Commlsf>ioner True, second by CommlsR10ner K.och, a"l.d by Ul"l.anirr.D'..lB votE' the tOllo.,:l!"lt':' re~olutlon was adopted: 'iKE:RW by a plat at' Mor:'ls Subdivision. recorded in Flat Book 9, Page 36, of the Jetfercon Count" records, certain streets, avenues and alleys shown therecn ver3 dedicated to the pL:blic j and i'EEREAS the following described portion ot' street 1s no lo:r".-er ::ecessarj' for use by the 'Oub1ic J 87",: 'W5ER.EAS said oortlon of street l1es e~tlrely within t~e Count:; ot Jefferson, is not \.tlth1n the 11~1ts of any. city or town and does not form the bounc~:' ~~~e of a c1ty, town or county; Md l~~ no land would by a vacation of Ba1~ nortion of street be left without an estsb1ishpd pub1ic road connect1ng it with another estab1iched public road; ar.~ ,-::.E:R.EAS tr,e oJ e:' erson County Planning Com..1fI1ss10n r:as ap'::1l"'oved the nrooof\ed vacet~ on of said t'o!'tlcn of st!'eet; ~;OWI THER~FORE, BE IT RESOLVEr by the Bop.rd of County CO!T'u'tlssloner~ of Jefferson County, Colora:::o, 'OU!'SU8.."lt to the prov16ion~ of Chapter 217, 1949 Session La.,..~ c~ Colorado, that the fc: ~ o"'1n~ eE'~'- 1"\ :::~lbed port~on of street situate in the County of Jeffer :'!"'. a::::: State of Colored-o, be Bnc it 1s r ::!"ebv vacate'3, subject to a reservation of esse:i\ents for t!":.e continued Uf'e ot existing sewer, ~.t.lS, "'ster or ~llt1lar pipe lines and appu.......tenances, existln>: ditcr:ec: and ar::-:'...lrtenances, and exiEt~n; e'eet!'iC, te'lenhone and s1milar 11neF Md appurtenar,ces, It R.!':y: AI} that part of the culdesac or turn-~round ly1~; c~tside of tr:e nor~Al East and ~~~t lines or In~aIls Street extended, SO'..lth of 33rd hve~~e, as shown on the recorded plat of Y.orris Subdivis10n. f. '3';E:::V:~IO}z ?LA.TS ACCEPTED - FLETCHER. CROSLEY I S. LEON. ~A!.E-::::.F.ICK. PARA."':OU~T HEIGETS - PA::.T 7"/,'': ~iXln motion by Com:niss10ner Koch, second by Com"Tliss1oner "1':"".1e, and by unanimous vote the follo"f1n€, 1"eElol;JUon was adopted: ~ IT F~SOLVED that the plats at Fletcher, Crosley's, Lear., ~a}e-Herrick a:.d Par~"Tlount Heights, rart TW"o, Subdivisions be and they are hereby a'Pr.rovec for ~i~ing ana that the conveyance of the pb~1c ....e.ys, roads and streets Shown thereon be and it ie t.ereby accepted, subject to the follow1r.C ~onQition8 The County of Jefferson shall undertake mainter.~ce of any such way, road or street only after construction of any such way, road or street shell r~ve been satisfactorily completec ::>:>' the Gubdl vider. ACCEPTA..'\CE OF DEE:I ~l;>O~. motion by Commiss1oner Koch, seccnd by Commissioner T!"..le, ar:.d by una"11mous vo':":e t:'"l.e rol ~o"'.1n~ reSolution was adopted: =E Ir F~5C~V~D that a deed fro~ Bruno Zawecxls a"1d Pauline Za~eckis to the follow1ng described real pro?erty be nnd it is hereby accepted: Tract A and Treat 5, Bruno Subdivision with all its appurtenances. ACCEPTA~CE OF DEED - POP.nON HOLLJ..~D BETII'EE!l 32nd & 3~th Upon ~,ot1on by COMlT',lssioner loch, second by Ccmmi8s1oner !~e, end by unanimous vote the following resolution WBS adopted: BE IT RESOLVED that a deed from J. E. Pett1crew and Mary Arm Everett to the tolIoY1ng described area tor road purpoSAS be and it is hereby accepted: feet of the South S19 teot ~he We6t iO feet of the EsAt lSo.65 teet ot the ~orth 7g9 or the NW. Section 27, Tow;.ship 3 South, Range 69 West. ~EPTAN:E OF rEEDS _ FORTI(;;~ YCUNGFIELD STREET BETI:EEN 'lOt~. &: 12th ~~n ~otion by CO~~iEEioner Koch second by Com~18s1oner :~~e, and by unar.imous vote the rollow1nr reSOlution was adopted: ' ~ I: R::SCLVE: that l! de8c frOm Julia Carnes to t..'r)e rollc.1:--..; descr1bed area for rOf,d purposef: be ,0. 1t 18 hereby accepted " .1 \ ,I{ r' /) ( I I , J