HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 218 218 Ul<-.1- Journal of the Commissioners of Jefferson County, Colo., 19_ J\1lle 1. 19c;4 I 3.2% BtE!\ LIC~S& APPUC"TIO~ _ HELl!:N BURNET'! (~bal CHICItJ:N SHACIt - 9315 liEST CO~IJ. AV!:. Upon aotion by Commissioner true, Becond by Commis81oner loch. find by unan1e.ous vote t~.! 1'Cl:ow:.~: reEclutlon weB adopted: 'IIllERW eppl1est101l was 81&6e 011 th1e ~ete by Helell Burnett (~ba) Chicken Sheek, for 3.2% Bet, '::" .t 9315 Ii. Colfax Av..; &lI~ \riP.ER&AS Bt t1a:.e of tiling appll()8.'tion, said premises ""1"'e being operated uncpr' L':lC'e.l !.1ee!";~t_. be and 1t 10 hereby approved, \~~ NOV, 'I'IlE!\ErORE, SE IT RESOLVED that the app110at10n S'JBt!VlSlO:: ~W.TS ACCEPTED - CAAALt!: - BElIR'IMAll Upon motion by Corr.:r.16s1oner T!'ue, second b)' Commissioner Koch, e..r.d b:,' unB!:1:r.':'...:.f \'c"e ":.:-.f' r:~::.,.. resolution was adopted: 'SE IT RESOLVED that the Flats ot Carrlen and Berryman Subdivisions be aI:.G ~:.P~. . e ..c, e.., l!.h_ ;~;.~~l~~~e~~~d th:~bi~~t c~~v~~:n~~l~~"~~: ~~~~i~1~~~~' ~:d~o~~, s;~e1;~f~~~;~ ~~,,~~, ;rr~~,~:~Lc:.t~,:.:,L,:,-;,:,~ tenanee of any ~uch public way, road or street only F-fter construction of s~c~~. '~~~ n .hall ha.e been Eat1sfoetorily eompleted by the .ubd1vl~er. OFFICERS Y.O~THLY P.EpORTS Co~nty Coroner - Velman Seal County Sh~rlrt - Carl Enlow Prisoners Co~~ltted Frl s onere Fed }.~8Y . AB_t.TE::~:T5 OF TAXES :"1'!;~r: :;,ct1cr: tj' Cc::::r.lu,ioner Koe'!'"., secant by COI!'.~l:,,~lone::r True, ar.j by ';!"'.t:~.1:: ..." ';:!-.e !'~:::--,.. resolution w&s acopted a~ 8 re~lar meetlnL hele on the 1st day or Ju~e A. :. 1;~-; 'AHEREAS the County Assessor haG recommended thEit the followinG abate;r.er.t~ :;,f t......e :m:t::- 19:3 ':t approved; ~:C\\') ':'!-!EJ\EFO?E, BE I~ RESQLVSn bv tr.e Bos:rc. of Countjl Com"':".1Bs1onerE thllt the follc.....lr:c ebe.te:r.er.t6 be" and they Eire hereb" approvEOd: hSE€GSeG val~Ftlon ; 9,130.00. ~ax Ab~ted ; 525.3g. ~1' Je....f~rr;::. ~ ,..v.'. C:::~,;;, k:{)t.e~~r.t ~~e.me of O....TJer Type of Property Reason for a~"';'I~':" 7ax AbBteme~_____~::..r~":1;' ~f~f: ~ ~~--- ~ 2",- 1~ :. 32:;' ,.,Z: .~ .~ ,t ~, ~~' ;, 454 4;;,t;, 456 457 ~5g 4"9 460 40 4G2 4'" ,,';r, ""'t.. 4('5 R R R R ,R R R R R R P R ~rcte, W. E. & M. L. Stout, Alv1n E. ~reet, A. S. & L. ~. HerndonJ, E. :8. Brow", ~. t. ot al. Benallo, J. R. c/o Ca~pbell Shanks, J. L. c/o Priest f>.ltcher.o, 1\. A. nutct:.er.6, 'w. A. El.ltchens, 11. A. S:n1th, :I. L. & l-\.. F. Gr1mar.n, E. W. Error 1n area E!"ror 1n ol&;s. Error 1n clef'S. :.....ro:- 1n cIa Double AaGess~e~t Foot1nge after 3/1/"3 7 rGut1n~6 after 3/:/~3 Error 1n c1a6s. .' I::rror 1n percente,:e ., Error 1n f1L'Jri:':G ca.r:; 33= Should have hac exe~~~~~~ L Bldg. moved ove~ e ycc~ ~o 3 ~ 22:,- 2:," :~ '7 2.. VkCA~ION OF S~REET _ ?OR~~~N__~~~ Vpcn motlon by Com';\lfcloner True, EeCCno. by Co:n"';lseloner Koch, and b' unDnl:r;ouf vo"-e tr.e rol:~"~~~ resolution ~a6 adopted: iP.EREJ..S by a ::lat of Y.art1r:.co.le recorded 1n PIst Book 11, PaGe 20, or t~e oJ efferf,"';;: County Tte:::"~, certa1n streets, avenues and alleys s~own thereon were ded1cated to tr.e pub11c; cr.d ,,"R~.E.AS the fo~lo"-1n[ descr1bed )Jort1on cr street 1s no lonGer neceGsary f')y" ;;.se boo H.e ~'J,!i~; ['. -"-i.?EAS sale nertlon 01' street lie6 entirely w1thin the County of Jefferson, !f not \,;lt~.i:": t~.e .,: ot eny city or to..-n and does n~t rcr~ the boundrry l1ne of a city, town, or county; B~d '*'H:::':EAS no land would, by a vacat10n of said pOrtion of street be left without ar: eGtElb116~t~ ~::~ rOBO cor.nectir.g it with another e6t8b116ne~ public roadj and flHr..J:l.::AS tr.e Jefferson Cour.ty Flannln~ Co:nT,les10n ha.s approved the prcpoF.e6 VRcst10r. o~ t'(l..1.~ p::;:~': at f,treet; ~WW, ':'EUtEFCRE, EE IT RE.SCLVIi::l b~ the ool1rd or County Comrr:lesionere of JefferSon :OU;lty, ColC~~-: PU!"'t'UMt to tr.e p.....ov1s1ons of Chapter 217, 1949 Session LawB of Colorf~do, that the tcllo~..ln:f"'T' portion ot street s1 tuate 1r. the Cou.nty of Jefferson end State of ColorC1clJ :>e an.J it 15 her ".r. 'Vacated16u'bject to a reservation ot e,-.r.e:!lents for the continued Uf'e of existln? scwerJ gsS, VI:/:. cr sl::..l.tu 11n~f' sr,d Qvu~ter.ar.cee:, ex1stine ditches and 8o'Curtens.nces) a~d ex.l~t1.n€ electriC. phone and slc;l.ar lines and appurt.enances, if RnY: .. That part of La$ar Cou~t lying East and 1~~ediately ~ert1nCa1e, and that pa!"t of Lamar Court lying ~est 227 of Martindale. d ZJ. :~ adjacent to Lotr 20) l!.\ to.....: and Im.:'!ledlatelY sdjaCen co"''1~,... ~.. to ~;""4 P' ot .., tU7. 0- ~,~,',:t. .1an ~~ct1n roal,l .,..-- ""'*, Je .~~ or .' uiJUPORE ~.... th ,ribd-~on r. r'b7 _etee ;:u,<<, ala11 .l.otr~,~" Ule ~hat Il&rt ~o 1 TIO.u.,OJ' S~ Upoa aOUon b) r..o1a~ wal ellllll '''' .. " t...OIl County publltl cd iIIIIIIII tho f, ar...\ 1I1thir or eadt1; an, WllIftUI 110 la publlo ~a<l e YIlIUAI 'be J .r nnn.; 101, !mu:rOR Plll'_' to t or1" JOl'Uo .... llIzoe'b1 Ve gUt *1i11' or Ill!: tl..tr1o, "', fho Seo '!he Rei TACUIQI or 1 UPOA action I r"'l\R\on WI mu.s by a COQ'tJ 2"lcor\ ~the I!III&a IIH .r tdlJ cl tl Il!IU.\a QO 1 1'014 eallQI ct IHIU&s ~I or l\reot; 101; 'tImEro ~'\o h JlOl't1 .~~ waco 'l..tr or e10 le, te ~J .. ~ 1 '. h 'e .1 tl ~~ ;0\ "" tel '5' !l' 62 ~3 ~l 75 00 17 00 33 on 36 fat 20r Bnc '0) 6'\ /' /1\ (> n01 tYi 'n I 10r ~I .\ C, he U1d B' 'tll ,at ,~y