HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 240 t , - Ct?~ /?7 /Ss/h'pe-r..5" JU!y t?t../ /9.>~ /lcc(Jrc/.:s ~/ - ~K--, 1- , -1- ~ ~ - I5 3-~9 VACIo.TION OF STRE!:l' _ PORTION JJ:i. 5TREE'l' "7 / .- t/ , Upon :notlon by Commissioner True. eeoond by Coatt.1.61oner loch, and by una.."l.1.mcus vote the rOllo\~;: resolution vae adopte~: "-rlE:REAS by a plat or H'II~e...on'. Amen~ed Sub~lv1010n, reoorde~ 1n Plat Book I, Page 23, or the Jo- Bon Coun't:r reoords, certain streets. 8'Yenu... and alle,. shovn thereon were ~~ld:.~~ed to the PUb~~: 'liHEREAS the following deBcrlbed port1on of street 16 no lor~ger necessary fer use 'oj' t'::e public; l:'.: WHE:R.&AS sa1d port1on ot street lies ent1rely ..nthln the County o! JefferGo::, 16 !:.ct ',\'it!':in t~.e ~'.' of ar~ city or town and doea not form the boun~ar1 line of a c1ty, to_~t or ccur.ty; ~d ~~ ,"F.ERE.A.5 nO lan~ would 'by a Tacatlon of fHUo. port~on of street be left w1 tt.out 8.:1 establ1Gr.e~ ~~:~: :O&d cor.n.ct1r~ It With anothe.. ..tabll.he~ p~bllc ..oa~; and \l.":!m~5 th~ Jefferson County Planning COlUtl.1861on haa e.pproTed the Tac::a.ticn c~ 6al.:': pO::--tlon c~ ;,t:-n r\O":. THEREFORE. BE IT RESOLVED b, the Soard of COu....lt1 COM:r\1661oners of Je:t~er6o;. ':.)'..\.::tj', Colo!,aj~ pursuant to the prov1sions of' Chapter 217, 1949 Sess10n Laws of' Colorado) t::.at t::e followlnb d!~~~: portion of street situAte 1n the County or Jefferson and. State of Colorado, be a:-::: 1~ 1s here~':,~ subject to 8. reservation of easem.ents ter the co:'I.t1nued. use of er.1stlng se'ol'E!:", t;Ri',. :ate!' 01' sic: pipe line s a.''J.d. appurtene.nceB. exlet1ng dltche& a."l.d ap?urtenanees. and ex16t~n3 elect:'1t.J 'te1epo;.! slm11ar 11nes L~d. appurtenances. 1t any: The West 10 teet of the platted Jay Street lying betweer. West 30th Ave~'J.e ar:.:: ol.eet )2~.~ Avenue.