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- PORTION 27th E:::TWEE~ :-E?EW & Fi:?~:'~~
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.:, ~~:... r: ""'B!3 a.;optec; ..~-_.. c....:... ..r:l'.. ....OUE: VC"e ~:-.e ~O owing
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etcr':'5, certk1 Eo c. Lakeslce SJ.bcl\'1rlo:-., reccrced 1!': :=:at .:leek:' .FI-o~e 2C of t::e Je1"ferson County
_ _n 6t~ etr l avcn'J.€e and a~1eYf ~~cwn t~e~e~~ .ere ~edlccie~ t~ the p'J.b:lc; 8nd
~qE:As tl':e roll...... l
~v"'_nC r<p.8crlbed ;;ortlo:". of ;"<.:rept is ::: _w.. __ ~ece:=::'e.r': fc:- use 0.>' t~_e ?'..I.bllc. Bnd
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. . OW" 8..'1c, dces r.oi for'" t:-,e bCJ.r.dor'J l~:-:e
::~:::~ of Jerrersc:-:, 1s ~~t ~lthln the limits
c~ & clty, tow~ or cCJnty; a~~
-: ~'HER!;AS no lar.o. 'W'cu16, by . vacation of' Baid portio:':. ot' street be left wi tt,:ut a" ee.... bl -~-
road connlcting it with another eotab11sbed public ro.~; and .. ~B hhe~;;:
"P.E:RUS the prcpoaeO vacation of 88.10. portion of et-reet hes been app:-ovec. b:; t:-.e .: erreNi:l!'. ~~.':
flenning Comm16s1onj ~.~
t\OiltJ THEREFCHE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of CC'J;.",:~' CO"!t":.lssloners 0:' JeffE-:- Ce. :':j..t" "'.
pursuant to the provisions of Chepter 217, ;949 5ee-'~o!': LaWB of Co101'8"':0, tr.Ft t:-.e iQ~~ \,:~o!'~:
portion ot street 61 tuate...in the County of ,J etferso:::., a:-.c. State 01' Colo-:-acc. :::~ c.~ 1'" -,""lr.~:!
ce:ted Bubject to a reserv(;tlon at e8.sements tor the cor.tin"J.sd sue of exlrtl:.:... ;e".~r :;s te:"t:~Il.
alml1ar pipe lines an6 e.ppurtenances, existing dltct".~6 and eppurter.anceeJ B..":.c. eX~fti.!:~& ~ ~lit"r.:~
phone and s1milar I1nee and appurtena!':.oee, 1f M7: ...; eAectr~~l ~
The South 5 feet of the platted street ly~r.g adjacent to and
Lakeside Subd1vision.
irr.rr.e~1.l :ely !i_!'t;; or s:~!
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