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U;:on mo't1on by CO$llJls61oner True, Bec, nd by Coa.'tiss1cner Koch. Me by unar.lm:uE vote the 1"ol1o.,.~r,~
resolution vas adopted:
W'HE..BEAS by & J::Iat Of far8.D1ount Heights Part Two re-corde~ 1n FIst Sook 12, at Page '+ cf the ';erfei'f:.
Cou.nty record6,~ certain 8treetss- 8.VenU~,8 and a'!.le,.. shown t.hereon were dec.1.cetec t.o t'r.€1 'Publici al',:
i"Hi.RE.A.S the following deserl bed portions Of st!"ee':6 Ilre no longer necessr.ry tor use by the tJub:lc;
t.1iEREAS the 6t.id portlon6 ot streets are not w1t~.~n ~he 1i.i~e of an] city or tow:"! lL'1d do not rC!'l
the bound~y I1ne ot 8 city, tovn. or county; an~
.'B.m~S no land would, by 8 vacation of Bald port.~ons ot' streets be len v1tho'J.t B!\ !;'steb;,1Ehe~ ~~~
rOad connectln~ ~t with another established public road; and
'a1l.0\E.kS the Jefferson Count:f Planning Coromlss1on r.as approved tl"~e proposed yacatlons 01" sela ~,:,t':
of streets;
'0 - - - C ty Color8~C,
N ~, 'I'Hi:REFO.....E, oE IT RESOLVED by the Board ot Co-:.:..nty COtlIti8Sione!"5 of Jefferson our. '... Eicr10e:
suar.t to the provisions of Chapter 217. 1949 Ses6:'o!:. Laws of ColO:-Bc.o that the fo1100..:lng ": he~t~:
port.ionB of stree'te sltu&'te 1n t.he Count)' of Je!'ferE~n, an:: Stat~ of Colcrado, be sr;: It 1 "'8t!!'c
Y.c8te~ subject to a reservation ot easernente for tt.e cor.tinued use of existing se'Wer, gae'trtC "
8111.11ar j:lpe lines end sP?urtenances, existing c1.....cr~e8 1I.r.:. eppu:-tenences, and e~1.6tl!'lg elec I
phone ana sl~11~r l1nea ~~d eppurtenances. it sr.,:
"h t p",r': ~
'1'h8t "P8l"t. of ':'w111ght. Dr1ve thet lies "jest or Elocks nu!tb~red e1ght L~d n1ne, ~.8 l": ::0:
r.I11sIce Drive lyIng "Il'esterly of the .eEterly boun::s.ry I1ne of Lot r.urobered seven e.r.d lltf
nwabered e1ght, ano, the 40 root roae. t~t. r"oJns ~or'th"'e6terly t'roa: H111el0t Dr1."~ 1.,0.
between Lots numbered eIghteen and nine:een 1n Bloek 9 of raraaount Heights Psr