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Upon motion b~' Commissioner True) second by COIlDiasioner KoeZ., and by una::.1..mous vote the follov'..ng resolution wa.a
.~ by a plat of Pa.l.myre. Park Subdivision recorded 1=: F.:.Lt book ...2 at ~ 8 o~ the Je!'fenon County records
certain stre-et$, avenue. Md alleys shown thereon 'Were de-i: c:!.:teC. tc the :publiC: j and '
i1CREAs the ralloving described portion of street 18 no ~~~:' r..eeess&ry fer use b)" the p-.ibl1e; and
.'E'BAS said portion of It~t is not vit-hin the lWts cf' Cty eit)" or tovn end doea not forll the boundary line of B.
tit;', tovn or county; and
~1i:E:RE!S no land would, by a vacation of said portion of s-;t"H't be left vithout an eatablbbed public: ro&d connecting it
Vi th &..."lother established public roaclj and
\,'H:?..EA.<i the Jefferson County Planning COIlDII..i.ssion has ap;::"'O~~ t,.:,e sa:..d proposed \"B.Catioo:: of Hid portion of .street;
A'O;..', ~, BE IT RCSOLVED by theikwLrdol' County C~"!.:):)e."'1l c~ Jef'ters::Y.l Ccr.mty~ Co':"orado. purl5\.lAl:l.t to the provi-
Sions of Chapter 217, 1949 ~saion Lays or- Colorado that t.l:e fo.:...lov'..ng describeC portior. tof st:reet situate in the County
of JeNenoD., and State of' Colorado, be end it 18 hereby '.'&C&~ a-.ib~eet to a reae:-.....t::.or: of eaae.menta for the continued
'.l.Se of existing sever, gas, \later or t,1mile.r pipe lines cd.. ~~-t.e:la:lees, existing cl.1te~s and. a.ppurtenancl!!:8, and exist-
ing electrtc, telephone and 81milar linea fJ.nd appurt.enaneea. if e.ny:
~ginn.lng at the N\J corner ot' Lot. 4, Pal..m;>"1"a Park S~T1.s1oc, said pout bd.ng a.l.so the KE' corner of Lot 3;
East &long the North line or .aid Lot 4, 32.10 feet to 'to r'.Je point of be~nning; t~nce &ut 20 feet; thence
20 fettt; t.benee West. 20 feet; thence North 20 feet to ':::"lJe point of 'beg;i.nni.ng.
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I VACATION - PORTION CARR 5'rREIn' · 'roRHAROOXD SOOTIl OF "9th AVEItll: f Z - J - (.. 'i
Upon motion 'by Coaai..1one.r True, eeeond by CcamissiQtler Koeb, &od by unani>>ou.s Y'Ot.e the t'ollo\l"'....ng "solution waa adopted.:
l. ~~.i:AS by .. plat of Williams Subd.1v1aion recot"'ded. 1n Plat !OO, 7 ..~ P8.8e 60 of t~ Je-"t'erao=. County reconta, certain
~reets 1 avenues and &lleya shown thereon were dedicated to the ~e; and
"1S..o.E.A,S tbe tollov:1.ng deacr1bed portion of st~t and turn.around &..""'e no longer ne:oenary for uae by the public; alld
...~ said portion of' atreet and tUl"D&1"OUDd are not vi th1c ~ l.1C. u of any el t;r or t.ovn and do DOt fot'W the boundary
-..he of .. city, tow or eO\mty; and
iffltREAs no land lIOuld, by a T&eation or a&1d portion of street and turuaround be let"t V1thout. an ut.&blhbe4 public
roa.d eO."lliec:tlng 1 t v1 th Ul.otber ...t.a.blhbed public road; and
,----- -----
WHl!:RF.AS the Je:N'e:osOh County Planning ec-u..dOl1 h&8 app.r"O'Y'ed U. wd :&:!ropoM'd n.e..tlon of POrtion of Btreot AZld
lfO\/', THERE1'ORE, BE rr RESOLVED by the Board or County C'O"C'...ioner. ot Je~t!raor:. County 1 Co2-c:"8.d..o, purauar.t to t
v1.e1oDa of Chapter 217, 1949 Benion lAw of ColO1Wl.o 't.hlI:'; t.~ rolloYinl: 6teeribed portion at street ano. ttr:'ne.ro~ ~:'t,.
si,tuate in the County of Jefferaon, M.d State of Co~ora4o, be &Dd 'they an be~b1 vacated aut.,.1e-ct to a l"eserva.t~o"d ~
U.llelDent. tor the cootinued uae or enl't1n8 aewr, pa, '.:t.e.r or .taU.&:' p1~ linea a.nc1 &;:p1Z'te:l8.l1ees ex'aU .iil c.
and apllurt.e:Danc.., and ex1.t1n& elee'tr1e I telepbone and c.at:.u' Un.. and .ppurt.enazu:~.., it L"1y: J'" nt t~r.el
Beginning ata point 60 :feet South and 190 teet ;.feat or ~ llC)rt,beu1:. cornet' or ~etiOll 22, T 3 S. R 60 \I
ot the 6th P N.; thence S::outh 825 teet to & ~~t ~ on ~ C:ircusference, of 8. 45 foot r&:tius eircl!! ~at
center is 25 fe-et Eaat and 862 41 f'eet South ~ acc1 po...nt of beg1.r.n1ng, thence to t.:.e lef't a.long the '
cumference of' ,a,id 45 foot re.diua e1n::;"e 229 72 t'eet to a point; t.bene-e West ~O :r~t to Il. point; then~;r~., .'.
825 feet to a point j thence West 10 fttet to po~t; cf beginning. :l...