HomeMy WebLinkAboutM 109 C: t7 ".?7 4" / S$,/ e? /;? It!? /'..5' 4>ec",...c/s "P~e /07 Jq/l/&Qry .?~ /9~? 6~, )Y\ J \) r ID ", q' ~LI:: 4 "- In' ttl', 2 . ) -- 'antl PalrICII 01' S'lllI:ft III COO1ZIlAW GllAIIGI! ;;? J - J - ? '1 '" 'WJt1Cl1l by Coaa1asloaer Koeh and lteCood by C~..1oner Tr\.1e the t'ollov1ng resolutlO1l .. adopted.: -"" a plat or Coulebo.o GraAae "",0_ 10 Plat Book 2 at Pall" 1,.6 or ~ JeN....... CouDty roeorda, cert&1. .t>Wt., ..... ... Illleys lbovn tbereoa were ded.1eated to the public; ud. ~ t.be tollovtne: 4er:;.cr1bK port.1OQ or street 11 no longer MeeP&1'y tor \lM by the pl.1b1.1c; ~ ~ N.14 port1oc. o.r .t.reet 1. not Y1tb.1D. t.be llII1te or any city or town aDd doe. DOt. fenl ~ bouDcS&ry 11118 or. city, or eouaty j azul ~ DO la.Q4 VI:)Ul4, by a Yaee-tJ,oo of M14 portioa of .treet be le....""t Yitbout an. e.t&bl1a.bK publiC rtlM. eooneetlng it .. _u.r e8t.all11.~ pUblic roe4; &Il4 III:ItAS t.ht .)eN'eraoo Co\D1ty PlamUDg ec..1..1oo baa approTed tbe aaid p.ropoaed vaeat10C1 or 8&14 portion or 1t.rMt; ~ ~, BE I'I' R!SOl.VED by the Board. ot' Coun'ty ec..1.ll00e.n ct .Je:!'f'enoc County, Co4.0rad0, ~t to the pro- :;,. "" at Cbopter 217, 1909 Bese100 La... or Colorado that the tDllDri.o<< ~ocr1_ port1oo or .u-t a1tuaU. 111 tho tIXl~ Jrefftnoa and State or Colore4o, be &Ad it 11 'bereby -..ca'Wd nbjeC't toO . reHM&ticm or ......-nu tor the IIli uee of enat.1n.g MWr. pa. .,:ter or 11Kl.lar pipe Hoe. IID4 ~ce., ex:1lt1.np; d.1t.ebe1 &Dd ~.4 r.ft""", ~ electric, telephoae &Dd 81m11ar linea and .;>pUI"'teD&DCU. 11' UQ": J1eg1IU:l.1n& at a po1.Dt OIl t.be North 1.1n8 of Bloek 3, Coo.le~ Q:ous.@!e 10 f'Ht &u't or thI: IV corner of N14 Bl.ock 3; t.bene. South p&ra.ll.el vit.b 'tbe 'We.t. 11.oe r4 a&14 :B.loe.k 3, 9 het. to . po1.n~; t.beDce I&8t. )l&l'al.lel ~ 'tbe Iort.h lae or aa14 Block 3, 10 teet. to . po1.Dt.j th~ee liortirW.ter17 13.~5 teet. to po1.D\ fd ~"ftfthll. . , ,. \-1' " ( ) { ,,1 !\ll"" \ (\ 't