HomeMy WebLinkAboutM 137 IS_ >41 IlIl-., Journal of the Commissioners of Jefferson County, Colo.,. February 2'/, 195<> bl.<' ,rn . '" ;1' 137 . ,I I 19 ill ~ IJt IEED . GARIZl1 ROAD B!"M:EII 27th and 29th II i i 3 ;: .,ttCll ~ ca.1..ioner 'lTue) aecond by CoaID1..1oner Koch, and by unan1mou.a vote the folloving relolution vas a40pte<l: . II IT]lISOL'fED that a deed !'rom L_r E. Beran and Susan F, Beran to the r 11 ~"':ePt;.e4: 0 oYing described &rea be and 1 t is hereby )lg:\.md.ng & t the Soutm.eat eorner ot Lot 12 Orchard Gardens' th ~ 25 teet; t.henee Korth and pa.ra.llel with the West line at aald'L:lte~e ~t72al~gt~~hSouth line of said Lot 12, tlXlt red1ua eurve to the left a d1l1tanee of 80.43 feet more or lea" ~o t~ wes~ l' n ence &long the arc of a 125 along t:{!7lt line 446.72 feet more or less to the point of beginning; 1 e ot said Lot 12; thence South And ""'\ 'fm,t part or the West 25 teet of Lot 5, Orchard. G -rdens, lying North of the Rocky Mountain Ditch. lllOO mUon by COIIIIllaslon.er Koch, second by Commissioner True and by unanimous vote the folloving resolution 'oIU adopted: ~ the Jefterson County Planning Commission has proposed the fOlloving amendments to the Zoning Resolution for Jeffer. IlXl COunty adopted May 6, 194-6, as emended; 8..'"'l.d wmEAS &t least 30 daya notice of the time: and place of public hearing upon said proposed amendments has been given by at ~ ~ publication in a neYBpaper of Beneral circulation in Jeffers~~ County; and . BREAKER 11);:Ul mtion 'by CcmtIiseioner True, second by COJm!liseioner Koch, and by unanimous vote the follov.l.ng resolution was adopted: .~ E.!",r:' REsoLVED that the County Controller be and he is hereby authoriz.ed to :puchase a portable Athey Breaker from the . Ib..oy CCll!p&:l.y for the amount of $13,580.00 ,; V~CA~ON _ PORTION II. 48th AVENUE. PORTIONS OJ' OAJ{ & NElSON - CLIKJ:E SUBDIVISION .1O;x:r. b:ltion by Commissioner True second by COlmlissioner Koch, and by unanimoUS vote the follov:l.ng resolution vas ado:pted: . . , ..~ by a plat of Clil:lie Subdivision recorded in Plat Book 8 at Page 53 of the Jefferson County recorda, certain streets, i lyt:lues and C.1eya shovn thereon vere deidcated to the public j and 4 r " . ~ ~2.AS 6i.id. POrtions of streets &re not vi thin the 11mi ts of any city or tow and do not form the boundary line 0 a c y, i.OW:l or county; and ~ no land vould by a vacation of aa.id portions of streets be lef"t vi thout an established publie road eonnecttng it Y'.th &nOther estabHshed public roadj and il'll';>ot,.,..~ uA at10n of &&1d portions ot .treet.a; -~ t~ Jefferson County Planning COlIIJI1..ion has approved the 8&14 propo...,-u. v&C C t Colorado, pursuant to the provis.. ~, 'l'H::?J:F'ORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Com.issionera ot Jefferson ~o~~ of streets situate in the County ;~ or Chapter 217, 1949 $easton Lava or Colorado that the folloYing dese~~ r re~rvat1oo of easement. tor the eon. t: JeNeraOOI and St.ate ot Colorado, be and they s.re here~i va.ea~, ~~ee. exiSting ditches and appurtenanee., w- :I ~ ll.M of existing seYer g&B vater or similar pipe nes an a~~..... -- , ~~J tzilting electric, telephone' and ~imil8.r lines and appurtenances, if any: d those parts of Oak StrHt and Neleon Street. W. 48th Avenue 8.6 show on the p~at at C11.Illie Subdivision an Iiart.h B&U' of the Northwest Qu&rter of the Bortb.. lying vitr.ln the Ncrt~ 120 feet ot the "'est 690~ f6t9 ~~s~t the 6th P M. as show on p_at or Cl1Jrle SUbdJ.. elLOt Q-....IArter of Section 21, 'I'ovoship 3 SCJuth, ge vi.ioo. .L , ~--. ~... !!!!!! ;d..~... .. pllcat1'" 0: -' I, er ; atI4 - Uov\Jli'-' 1, ~ er"~. 2. ,. ~ ~ , ooe4 to ... ~ ......._..~ ,. : re~- PI-"i.."-- "'-" at ,...... D ..~... - ~. ,~ W. ,...- ~ . ..el Dri": ~ ..... It_tbf~"lfII. ..... '"'l.l ;,..e.: to ..... ,,' .-it f 'dIt rfC Ii' I I ,'~ .~. Li "'" b01>I Mid hearing was held on this date; Case No. A '( ,!E!REl"Cf[E, BE IT RESOLVED that Jefferson County Zoning Map No.3 be az.,e:1ded to include within the R 3, Residential Di.tr1et and exclude from the R 21 Residential '!\to District the folloYing described unincorporated area of Jetter.. CowIty : That part of Lot 2, Graves Subdivision as shown by the amended plat thereof not presently zoned R 3, Residential nu-e. . Case No. A 9 nIR'!'HE:R RESOLVED that Jefferson County Zoning Map No. 27 be amended to include within the R C, Residentie.l Coarnerc:1a.l et Il:ld exclude tra:c the R 2, Residential Tvo District the following d.escr:bed u!,incorporated area of Jefferson Pl&t ot survey ot the East Half of the Southeast Quarter of the Southeast Q'..l.arter of the Southeast Quarter of Section 2, Tovnship 4 South, Range 70 West of the bth P M. in Jefferson Cmmty, Colorado, except the South 71 teet thereof that lie in U. S. Highwy No. b and except that part thereof that lies Nort-h of the South line of U. S. Highway No. 40. Case No. A 1 IT FtIR':'RE:R RESOLVED 'rhat the proposal to amend Jefferson County Zoning *'p No. 13 to include Yithin the C 2, CarlXJercia.1 Dilt:1.ct and exclude f'rcm the A 2, Agricultural '!Vo District the follorlng described unincorporated area bf Jefferson tj, be and it 18 hereby approved: Lot 17, Sta.'"'l.ley Heights, except the West 300 feet of the North 134 teet thereof 1 and except 150 feet on the East and eccept 75 feet on the West. D'~1.ght H. Pace, Asst. Agricultural Agent January 'I .111 Iii III II, III " I!I iii III Ii: 'I !I ,I II il iI II i , II II 'I \, II ;1 ~l\ ~\" 'J;'