HomeMy WebLinkAboutM 296 ~"....rrMta ui' nsb -I 'J I ---I ... I .eeOlld by C~1a.1oner True and by unan1111OU1l vote the foUo'J1ng l"@tlQlut1on '4& adopte,j,: . IT RE90LVID tllat . cle-,d troa ~ Stratton RoblllllOll and Oeorp S1dney Rob1naon, Jr. to the tollov1ng J.escribed lll'ell be IIIId it 18 ..by accepted I An "--'I\t for ~he CCft.tructiOll, uae, .aintenance, repair apd repl.ac_nt of Il dra1.na8e pipeline, ditcb lIDd ..........--~.. ill, \iDUr aDd aero.. ~be IIorth 5 teet of tbe South 8l2,"( feet ot the Eaa~ jOO teet of the We.t IIalt of tile Iorthnat Qlarter of Sect101l 2'( 1n Town.hip 3 South, R.anee 69 We.t ot the Sixth Principal. Meridian, for tile :-urpoae of carrying .ur1'ace vater .~ f~ the 3~ block ot Estes Street. ACCEl"fOCS 01' DEED - POR'1'IOIC 01' 'l'URIlAROUtm AT S(X1l'B aD or ClII8'J.KlOR ROAD lJIlclD .ot1.CIl by ec-1.a1oner Koch, ::eeOlld by ec-1..101ler Tru~ and by WW11l1oua vote the toUov1llg reao11rt1on WIU adopted: BE IT RmOLYXD that . deed troa Wlll1 dellCr lbed area be and it. 18 hereby ac and lelle )letb Weller &lac mow as lieU ~th Weller to the follov1ng I .....') . part of Pano~ lIei~ Subdivt.101l ~r 2. ~ " - o' ~ '" UlJr-. ~IC1l \tJ ec-1..10D1tr 'rnIe, _ODd. b;y ~..IOD1tr Koch, lII1d by ,~..1......18 vote ~he foUoving reaclutlO11 .-s adopted: Journa of the Commissioners of Jefferson/ County, Col I October 15, 1950 19 - . - -~ - . IT RBSOLVED that a deed. accepted : en to ~he tolieving described e..rea be and U is lw!reby Tract A and Tract B ACCEPWlCE OF IEED - JCJ:IImtICK soorB or 29th UpaII ~iOll by ec-1..ioner True, aecOlld by C~..ioner Koch, an~y WW1iB1ous vote the folioving :'esolution w.s adopted: folloYing described e..rea be and 1 t 1s hereby au~epted: BE rr RBIlOLVID that a deed. f~ Olelldoll L. bDdr1c:k Street, &II .hown on the P ~ c:I 1EEIIl . tui'tIOI JCIPLDO BE'NBEM I ')1. - -" ,