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Journal of the Commissioners of
Jefferson County t Colo.t- rebruary 6, 1957
'n. Board. of ~1'ItCXl Ooua~ ec-:t.lIloaertl Mt in Speelal Seldexa, TtJursc!a)', February 6, 1951, 10:00 o'cloek A. Mo,
1I:ltb o-taalaaer C1areaee B. Koch, ~ of the Joer4; ec-:t.asioner Robert A. Scboeeh; c.:-1ss1oaer
o.orp .. 0lI~, RIlaa14 J. JIU'dH\1, Couat1 Att0r'De7J aDd Robert v. 1Ievtcln, COunty Clerk IIDd R~or&er, prelM!IIt:
.lICIID - Ar\IIIIr' A1d1.. C1ertt of tba D11tr1.~ Court
--. tbe BaDd of ArthIr." Addis.
Iloll.an; 8Dd
~ ~exa 117 o-L..loaer Sc:boeeh. SecOD4 \tJ c-l.sioaer Os
the follov1ng resolut.ion - adopted:
, is now in the ~t of Tea 'I.'boI~ ($10,00::.00)
va-- ~ CGart hall ordend t!a
_.. ~_. )II l'! BISOLYID tIat
8814 Bcla4 to be railed to tba ~ or
.U.350 S"
~ -'olexa \tJ ~ ..loaer Beboeeh. IMlCCD1 \tJ ec-:t.saioaer ICoeh, c.:-1asioner Oabome not '"Oting, the Deed to the
folJ.'"'"f1D8 cJeIcrlbed I'n~.... to" .. accepted:
All of tat ana bn'etorore 4e1.1Deated em tba Plat aDd thereafter vacated b;{ the !loe.rd or
CclaIIV ec-l1ll0Den as "Bal_ st.. of IItlroM MInor, IIIICh said area being IK)I'lt partieularly
dnerlbe4 vitblD tat certain rellOlu.tlem, a eertlned eop:J or vh1ch vas recorded J\me 9, 1955
in Book 92B a1; Pap 290, recorda or the Clerk and Recorder of said Jefferson County.
IlAJI:B JIA1.L LICEISB - s-.1 R. RaD4olph. IlIA Cov-B1de Corners. Lookout Nt. J Colorado
Upoa ~em or ec-l.s1cner OsborDe,
rnoluti.CID .. adoIlted:
:BE rr RCSOLVED tbat the application
3, Beat 669, ~, Colorado, be IlI1
n and by 1WlD11llOWl vote the follov1ng
JUS"l'ICZ or '1'JIZ PEACB - Rent Reso1 Ion
(The cc.d.ssiaaen _t vi th the fo
\11m.. A. Sawyer, Ralph J. T. Carter,
Babcock, Frank H. Lumberg.
Charles R. Stott, and Jack B. Toll.)