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c( - -t l~ '~"u.ler" 'irnnr'
I' Upon lIlOtion of COIIII1issioner OSbor,le, second by Commissioner Md. by lU111l1i!llOu" 'llte the fal'CN!.nG "",;0 '1~,~ 0r, ,It1S
1 adopte'i:
IWBEREA." by (\ plat of Coulet, 'n O:-ange recorded In Plat Book 802 at Fage 2'30 of tClC ,T"ffer';on ~o:.lnt:' rec'Jr~s, cer'oai"
Ill~.reets, avenues o.nd alleys shown thereon were dedicated to the publi~; and
I ~ the following described portion of a street is no longer necessary 1'0r 'IS" by the P'll: cl"; a.nd
[:\,'HEREJ\S said portion of a street is not 1o'ith1.n the 11111its of ~ city or tow'll and doec not fo?"lll t'1e bOUTl'hrj' :lne cf
n ci ty, town or county; o.nd
f:.lHE:RE!\S no Innd would, by a vacation of said portion of e street be le:!'t '.1. tr.out ~n "ct'lblicr.e'! pub'i:: -ood "on"e"t1ns
it vlth another established public road; o.nd
; ..~ the Jefferson ',ounty Planning COlIIlIission has approved the said proposed. "a~~t!.O!C of portion of !l. ~treet;
llfOw, ~, BE rr RESOLVED BY the Board of County COllIIlissioners 01' Jeffercon County, Colo,-ado, pursuant to ~he
!provis101ls of Chapter 217, 1949 Session Laws at Colorr1.o that the follo\l1ng described portion of !!. street sitUl'lte
ill t.he Coun1;y at ~tferson o.nd state of Colorado, be and it is hereb'J vacated, subJect to n reserrotiOll of
e&ee.ents tor the continued use of existing sever, gas, vater or similsr pipe lines ar.d appurtenances, existing
d1tehes l!nd appurteOllnces, and elClsting el..ctrlc, telephone and sir.lil:lr lines end appurtenances, if any
~ North 10 feet of t'lf South 50 teet of the North bO 1'cet of the East 299.2 ft
of Lot 19, Coulehan Grange.
v,.. -"1on at ec-1ssioner Osbome. second by C~ssloner Schoech and by luumimouc vote the folloving resolution
I"" a40pted:
lllllEREAS by s plat of Glennon Heigt.to Subdivision recorded in Plat :Book 7 at P"{;e ;"7 of the Jefferson County record~,
j certe.1n st~ts, s':enues, and c.lleys sho,," thereon \/erE' dedic!'.ted to the pu J.ic; nnd
1wm::RSAS the fol1oVing def'cribed portion of a '3t~et is no longer necess<>.r-J ~or use b:; the> pilcHc, n..,d
IWHEREAS said portion of a street i5 not .. thin th" limits of any City or to~ 311d :loes not foro the <>oundnry line
lof a city, to"" or county; and
IWllEREnS no land 1JOuld by a vacation of said portion
'eonnecting it with another estl\blished public
street be left \.1.t.hout !'n established public
(WHEREAS the Je1'ferson County Planning G
of a portion of a street;
j.:>W, T~RE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Bo of County COllIIlissione;-i; of ,Tc r'l0n county, ColorM.Cl pur:;u8.nt to the
;proT1stOllB of Chapter 217, 1949 Sesoion ws of colorado that the following d cribed portion of n street r,itUf'te
lin the county of JeN'''rson, and state ot olorado, be and it is hereby v/lc!lted, bject t~ Ii reservation of ease'lllentr
Itor the continued use of ex1.sting se\rer, fl, vater or sim1}.m- pipe line" !'nd apptL~enanC" exi]t1.ng d1.t~:....~ n.r.:l.
,e.ppurtena:,'es, a.nd exi'lting eleC'tr1c telep roe and si1llil~l1ne!' and appur'..cn!'l'.c"s. 'lr an:.:
.. ch i" bord~red on the Enst ry n ock 3,
Glennon Heights SUbdivision, and on tl'~ ,lest by Block ". GlennolC :I"igrt"
Subdl'!tsion, ~.nd on the S~uth by the North".,.l:' lin~ of Glenl',on !'.,.i \,". "here
BU(':: northerl:,' line 'J'::)'lH lie \then extended. R('roM said Parfct ~t~eet,
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