HomeMy WebLinkAboutN 077 Plti1 Noll 1.65 Cha.e Street 1350 !..un'll' Street fOr a period of two Year, from "0'0" lJ. "57.. ""..." lJ. 19", .. d lor a period of tl4iO Year, {"orn Augu.t 23, 1957 to AUgUlIt 23, 1959. ... -'.. of C_..,.... ''''.''''' ""''' by C_" K . -.,..... .... ........, "...... .""d by · ""j.".y ~" ... (."''''''. L.......... by · pia. .( De'd 1<>0. C''''''' "O.'d'd .. P"u r........ ........ ......... "d .". .. '''''... '" a.o. '21 .. P'.. .,. .( tho "ff. ".. C.""" "0. d "'." ..... d'''o'''d .. fh. PO"Io, "d , '. /""""EAs fh. f.......... "'''''bed Po"'''.f. ...... " . ..,..... ".o.....y f., ... by fh. POb"o, "d J."l<1tEAs .." Po"... of · ...... i. .... ..... fh. '''''if. . If · "'y, ...... ., '....f; ..d .f '''y OUy ., '.... 'n, ..... n.. f. '''' 'h. .. on" 'y "n. HEu:.s... "'d ....., by. ..0..... .f O&Jd po"'.n.f - - ....""..... "'''''0 ....d, "d · ...... b. "f. ."",.. .. ....bH'h.. PubHo "'d 0_0"", -......... 'off..... Co.,".y p......... C.""",,,," 4all approved the lIaid propelled ,. I. .. -".'. po""n.f. """ o · TIfEJu:",lUi:, aE IT "-L'ED by",. a..".( C."". '. , .-...... P......... of <:ha.... '''. '94, ....... Lo.. : g.,""""....... .f '.ff...... C.""'Y. Co,...... ..... ....... .. ",. Couo.,. .f 'off....". "d ..... .f Co,....,: b. .,;"" 'h.. fh. f."........ '''o''''d po",.. .; .. ..,,~ ":.:':'" fo, <he 0.......... 0" of ......... ...... ..... ..:."; .:'.:.:.~~:.~, '.~...,. 'Obj.o.... ......._ · ... -"-".. "d ....".... "'0"10. ..,.P"'...Od ''''''' .. p. ,.... .., 'Ppo"....n".. f:, .. ......., 'PPO"'n..o.., ".." .... .... PO",,,,, .f · ...... d....... .. , ff . f." ,"".... a.."" J. C."'ben G,..,. "0:..';:':. C;;"".y;; a"". Il, p.,. ".. "." .f .'Y.f ~... ..", "...... .. '''O'Ib'd f: a:.:: 'J:;"'~ ,y.... .. tho I C""y"".'d', . ~.,. ".. '.ff..... i-~.,.""L- po"'...f. ...... I U... .....,.. .f c"",.."......, """,ob. Z~.Olo tv .....d by C,"''''...,.... 1<00, 'nd b "'" . . -.--...--." .c..-!'. '~':~y ~....~ (.ll~..,... ....'0".. ----,~ .. ~ ~.."""" Journal of the Commissione... of '.If....~n ("~"ntu ("~l~..d~ ...0...." '." ' , , 'I " I fQ "8m Ul way ot ~est "11th Avenue as described in Book 383, Pagp. 350. Jefferson County Records. - pO,..tion of a Street rN '-tJ ::. LJ,) ,.J --- V'l ...J ~oc~~ and by majority vote the follo~il1j rell) lutioQ - ::0....:.:-,.,.-- N ,3.010 -J Upon motion of Corr-missioner Schoech, second by Commissioner . ~=-,-==--= -. -",,-= =:--.=-'- Journal of the Commissioners of Jefferson County, Colorado_ Allgust lZ, 1957 19 ..-.-----~=-=.~::::.~~ _:.=wi:m.~i:ffiiLCO~~;';' ;:~":!1m.:' =. WHEREAS by a Deed (Quit Claim) recorded in Book 261, at Page 408 of the Jefferson County records, certain fireets, avenues and alleys shown thereon were dedicated to the public; and WP.E1lEA5 ~he following described portion of a street ill no longer necessary for use by the public. and wHEREAS saId portion of a street is not within the limits of any city or town and does not form the boundary line of a city, to_ or Couuty; and WHEREAS no land would, by a vacation of said portion of a street be left without an established public road C:ODDecdng i~ with another established public road; and I WHEREAS the Jefferson County Planning Commission has approved the said proposed vacation of portion of a 8treet. NOW, THEREFORE, BE!, RES0LVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Jefferson County, Colorado, purauaDt to the provisiins of Chapter Z17. 1949 Session Laws of Colorado that the following described portion of iI. street sit;u.ate in the County of Jefferson. and State of Colorado, be and it is hereby vacat ed, subject to a reserva- tion of ~sernents for the continued use of existing sewer, gas, water or similar pipe lines and appurtenances, existin, ditches and appurtenances, and existing electric, telephone and simil::.r lines and appurtenance., if any A strip of land lO feet wide and along the Northwesterly side of aline beginning at a point on t'.e North line of Blvck 30, Coulehan Grange, 66 ft West of the North- F.ast corner of said Block. thence running Southwesterly across Blocks 30 and 24. Coul"han Grange to a point on the West line of said Block 24. 166 feet North of the Southwest corner of said B~ock 24 for use as a public road. VACATION - portion of a street WHEREAS by a plat of Coulehand Grange recorded in Plat Book 2 at Page 46 0 f the Jefferson County r<'Cords, _" ~ _ ...J ~ ,., _ _.+..J I I