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Journal of the Commissioners of
Jefferson County, Coloradot- May 5, 1958
,-1Y~OI - Clime Subd1T1s1on
jupoa ~tlon of C~ssioner Scboech, second by C~Bsioner KOch and by unanimous vote the following ~eso1ution ~
I adopted I
I WB!RBAS b7 a plat ~ Clill1e Subd.1 vision recorded 111 Plat Book 8 at Page 53 of the JeftersOll County records, certain
illtreeta, annues and all.eyII llhovn thel'eCll1 vera dedicated to the public; and
l J _U! Hi.,; . IrA1'T_ ~C, co/.ULUlC f"~ lit.' P1SS:J
1.l - J - t/7
WJIB:RIAS the follov1ng dellcribed portion of a street 18 no longer necessary for use by the public; and
WIIIRBAS Aid portion OT a street is not within the limitll of any city or tovn and does not fOnl! the boundAry 11ll<' of
a c1 V, town or C4MaVJ and
WIIIRIAB DO l.8nd would, by a vacation of A1d portion of a IItreet be left. vi thout an established public rOlId CoaDect-
1qlt with another elltablished public road; and
the Jefferson COIIDty PlanD1ng C~salexa has appl'O' 1 the said proposed vacation of a portion of a street;
_, ~, BE l'l RESOLVED b7 the Board 01' County C~. ioners 01' Jefferson County, Colorado, purBlaDt to the
~ Clllrpter 217, 1~9 Sesll10n Lava 01' Colorado that the tollov1ng deacribed portlexa of a street situate in
till 0Ilm1i7 of J8ff_, and State ~ Colorado, be and it ill hereby vaca'4ed, subject to a resenation ~ ~ta
tar till cau-d _ of ex1st.1DI sever, pi, _ter or II1mlar pipe lines and appurtenanc:ell, existlDg d1tcbes and
~s, and ex1111:1DI electric, telepbolle and silll1.lar lines and appurtell&Dces, if lUQ":
'ftIe ..10 30 teet of Lot 29, CllId.e B11IMU:t111011. vb1cb 18 recorded in the Jefferson CoImty recorda in
Plat Book 8 .t Pap 53, aa1d West 30 teet of Lot 29 be1.Dg preT10usly reserYed tor a IItreet.
CASE B58-68
Louie Asbury, Jr., By: Dean Iorris, Atty
second b7 ec-1sllloner Scboech and by UI1IUlimu.s vote the follov1.ng reaolutiOl1 li&S
l'!' BISOLYlD that the eppl1cation 01' Loule Asbury, Jr., By Dean HOrrill, Attorney, to UIe11d MI.p nWlbered l~ to in-
cllIIIe witb1D the B-2 District and exclll4e troa the :t-l District, the following dellcribed property be and hereby 18
DIlated beoa.e this parcel of l.8nd ~ lMltore the ec-1slllOl1ers a fev months ago and -.a denied because of the
M&'f7 obJecttexa 111 the SIU'l'Olllld1D& area, and because the 1I1tuatloo has not changed at this time - the objection
the _ 111 still ~Y7 and it Is DOt the desire 01' the ~sllloners to grant lover zoning vb1ch mght tend to
sna4e a tlrat class B-1 ne1l!1borbood:
rroe -l
down -
~ BeiF1;e Subd1Ylslexa
LOCA'rIOJI: 20tb and lI111er Street.
CASE B)3-l0
Kenneth Adau