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QpoG ~lQQ of ea..1ss1oner Scboech, second by Commissioner koch and by unanimous vote the following resclution
edopted z
llBIRBAS 117" Deed trca '!'rout .. Quante, Contractors a Co-Partnership of the County of Jeffersoq., to Jefferson Coulr
_, a ~ Corporate Uld Pol.:.t1c, recorded on the ::!4th day ot J\ll.y, 1950, in the Records of the COlmty of Jefferson
eD4 State ot Colorado, in Book 1006, at Pap ~17, a certain Street or Roadvay described thereon vas dedicated to
tM PlIbUc, &Dd.
~, the tollov11l8 deacribed street or roadw.y 1s no longer necessary for use by the public, and
WIIRIAS, aaid nreet or ~~ is not Within the l1mts ot any city or to1olU and does not fOnl the boundary line of
a c1 107, tCNR or c~107, IIDd
,. WBIRIAS, no lAIIld ~d, 117 a ncatlcm ot said street or road.y, be left without IIll established public road connect-r::P
I f.Dc it nth lID01:Mr eat&bl1sbed public road, and 7'\
VIIIRBAS, tbe Jetterson COllIlty Plannlll8 C~ss1on bas approved said proposed vacation of said street or roadVII,)'.
.ow, mIiIUW'\iII, IE I'1' RBSOLVED by the Board of County COIIIId.ss1oners ot Jefferson COlDlty, Colorado, pursuant to tho!
prortalO1Ul of CRS 1953, 120-1-13; Cbapter 217, 19l1-9 Sessioo Law ot Colorado; that the to11ov1ll8 described street
or ~ aituate In the CcNaty ot Jeffersoo and state of Colorado, be and it is hereby vacated, subject to reaer- c:oo
...u_ or ... ta tor tbe cexatln1ae4. use of ex1stlng sewer, gas, water or sll1llar pipe lines or appurteDADces,
-at1Da elite.. IID4 ~ea, IID4 ex1atf.Dc el.ect.r1c, telephone &111 silllilar lines and appw1;ellllDces, if any:
Ca 11ct.ac at a polnt wI11ch 111 1685.06 f'eet South and 1320 tut East of the HW corner of the lIEf; 01'
8ecUexa 22, T3S, R69W of the 6th P. M., said point be1n8 the point where the Borth bound&ry line of'
VeR Ii6tIl A.... lnteraecta tbe We.t llne of the East ba.l1' of the Northeast Quarter of said Section
Jourm'} of the Commissioners of
Jefferaon County, Coloradoo- If&)' 12, 1958
--Of" iffiT- me._ . "'f1; ('6.. CiIIUlWIIi-m1W. ,.,...-
. _,J
~1..'Z.'C> N
22, 1'3S, R69W, ... platted in the Plat of' Cl-.rva: e SIIbdiv1sion, recorded in Plat Book 15 at pap 37;
tbeDc. South 45- 1~.035 feet ~re or lesa to .. point wb1ch is 17~ feet South and 1211.08 f'eet Slut
at' the IV COrDer of the .. of' said Section 22, thence West and parallel to the 1IIorth bound.&ry Une
of I&1d Sectioo 22, 533.06 fe~t IIOre or leas to a point vb1ch is the ....esterly lIOst extension 01' the
IIorth'bouDdary Une ot W. 45th Place of ~S, SOO1olU on the recorded Flat thereof, re-
corded iD Book 12 cd Plat. at Pa&e 52; thence South 0 teet; thence East and parallel to the &aid
Jforth Iotmdar)" Line ot sa1d Section 22, 567 teet; hence !forth 45. East 100.065 feet to a Doint,
vh1ch 1& 73.92 feet South ot ;he point of' beginning, d is also described as the point v~re the
South llouIIcI.az7 Une of Weat ~th A",:nue intersects the vest line of East h&l.f of Northeast Quarter
of _ld Section 22, ... platted in the Plat of Clearvale ubd1v1sion, recorded in Flat Book 1') at
Paae 37; theuce 73.92 teet !forth to point 01' beginning.
--~I_- _~ - _.___.
t.o \
Journal 01 the CotOtOissioners 01