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,-- - JltJ."1 . u~
~Ph J. ','. carter,
rge M. Shade,
nine Bums,
~ H. stolt~,
aht B. ~,
JUstice of the Peac~, for the month of July, 1958.
JI.lst1c~ of the Peac~, for th~ month of JUly, 1958.
BoDe De~stration Agent,for the month of M&~, 1958.
Agricultural Agent, tor the month of June, 1958.
Ass't Agri. Agent, for the month ot' June, 1958.
_1:100 of ~ssioner Koch, second by Coa.1ss1oner Schoech and by unanimous vote the following resolution was
IS the !o&rd ot Directors of the Wheat Ridge aDd Recreation District has petitiolU!!d for the belov d.es<:ribed
~ a1tuate in the County of JeffersOll, State of Colorado, to be included within the boundaries at said d1strict~
, WHEREAS said property has been properly excluded by Order of the District Court of Jeftersoo County, Colorado
the bound.ar1es ot the !forth Jeffco ~tropolitan Recreatioo District;
, WBIRBAS proper notU'1catioo havtna been gi'len lIlId a hearing was held on this date;
, 'I'IIRKPtBB, BE IT RESOLVED that the following described reeJ. property situate in the County ot JefferS()ll, State
Colorado, be induded within the bo\lftdar1es ~ the Wheat Ridge Park lIlId Recreation District, to-wit:
A parcel ot land located in the sw: ~ &lid the IlWt S~ ~ ~.:tion 22, T3S, R69W, being lMlre particularly
described &II fOll~( to-wit: CcE:encing 300 teet South at the point at intersectioa at the
W..st line ot said :;~ ~ lIlId the original South line of West 44th Avenue; thence South along
the West 11A. of s&id swt ~ &lid the IlWt sFlk a distance ot 1281.0 teet to the center line of
Clear Creek (1932); thence lIort~terly alcmg center line at Clear Creek (1932) to a pvint 5(X3.'?
feet ..t at the West line of said JWt SEt lIlId _sured at Right angles thereto; thence IIorth parallel
V1th the Vest line of said S'* at aDd the JWt SEt a distallce of 1~26.~5 teet to a point 00
the South line of Vest 44th Avenue; thence 1I0rthlluterly alcmg the South line or Wfost 44th Avem.
. cI1..t.Ic. ot 50 teet lMlN or less to a point on the South line or West 44th A~, which point
b 1,.58.2 teet Elu1; ~ the West line of tbe sw: ~; thence South parallel to the Bast line a
dllltlmce ~ 300 teet more or leu to a point directly East of the point of beginning; thence West
"58.2 f'eet to point ~ begl.DIl1n&. Said pe.r...e... coot&1ning lJ,..55 acres, .ore or less, topther
V1th -.ter, 41tch lIlId lrrlp.Uoo rights belODgl.ng tbereto or used in coanect1oo therewith lIlId
includ1Dc, bat not by ~ ot 11I111tat1011, fourteen (14) inches of _ter per second ot tl_ out of
the OaeJ..ette Ditch 110. 5, baYing priority 110. 5 out of Clear Creek with appropriatloo date of
_ 31, l86o.
.otloo ot cc-s.sslO11er JCoch, secaa4 by C~IIs1oner Schoech and by unanilBOUS vote the tollov1ng res~u1;loo ...
1Ir. IIIn7 Steipllll, at the Boards request, presented IlAIIIeS of persons to work as an active c~ttee to cbeclt i
feu1ll1l1tT ot a eo..at7 Hospital with rep.rd to locatlO11, eeono.,y, practicality as cOllp&red with present t
, lIlId tbe -.r t'aeetIJ coanected with the establishing of a County Hospital,
, TJI.5IUiPVRI, BE IT RESOLVED that the following persons are herebJ duly appointed to act as a County Hospital
Mr. Fred ICirschlte, 1010 Hol1.aDd Street, IAltellOOd
Dr. Jbbn ChBIIberlin, Jr., 8790 West Colfax Ave., IAltewood
Mr. 0lm1aD Rob ,rts, lli870 West 32nd Avenue, Golden
Mr. QILle Sellens, 1965 IIellCc:-b Street, IAkewood
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