HomeMy WebLinkAboutN 424 ~ I I I I I w:iSn-IDGE SAllITATION DIS'l'iUl~r - HiL, "cv. ith' ,'c'''H'. Application by the W..stri<4,--e Sanitation Dist,.ict to :ner""se lts 1Coil. ler, tv ar; "::,'0'.1:,' the Jefferson County COlIIIIissioners. After careful Inventigation by t ,e .]e1'fcrsor. 'ounty County C~saiOl1ers the folloving resolution was adopted upon me ~lon of ':o"1"i ',C; iO:1'" Se CQanissioner Osborne: f 1 :r~1_ . ~ -, l /-:: i Assesso.:" urd . e .J,.~fe!" ?rl G~C: ani '<'>-'0;\',: ~ BE IT ~LVED that tile application by Westridge Sani tntion Distri:t to tr e ~olo,'ado ['ax ~OlII!IlLsic" increase its mil lory to 1!L.'1 lUIlOunt of 10 mill; be a'1d \erebj ie, a;>prov<,d un1 t ',' ".ai~n aut ,0,;, 'the County COlIIlIlissioners. (''':: ..;..,,:a':'~ to f()r ~ c..",n Pro'ect No. C-ll-0121-22 2?:>->-t.'7 " 'L(. ,- 3 -b ) t''r -J -t1 :':0t'F"5issioner Schoec.., second by CO'JItD15Sione:o 05bor-n'~ and by ma.~ority vote V',(: f()lJ.o'~'ing res2_ut.1on BE IT RESOLVED that t!"le Board. of :::ounty C01llDiEsioners of J..!fferson COWlty e:-eby approycd ::;01 o.:ada lY9a~nt'~r..t of Highways project rlo. 2-1::'-0121-22 ""lich provides for the i!!lprovement o~ S. " No. "2" in Jeffe,'so" ;oun ty, and authorizes the County Attorney to join said BOI!Lrd of County Commissioners as party Petitioner ',1.t t e Co::'()ra~') Depe.rt"-nt of High,.I!LYs in the event it becomes necessary to acquire needed rig:-.t of - '."p '{ be condelllnation, i ~ being understood tha~ all Court costs and aWl!L1'ds to property O\J!l~rs are to be paid by sai~ Colorado Department 0: " gh'ol8.YC:, 'fB IZPAR'!MEIrl' OF HIamiAYS - Project 10. 50098 (2) I .o1oiOll. of eo.nssioner Schoech, second by Commissioner Osborne and by _oori ty vote tLe follO'ing resolution \1&5\ ted: IT RESOLVED that the Board of County COlIIIlissioners of Jefferson Co {y "ereby approves Colorado Department of ~ Project 110. SOO9B (2), "hlch provides f rove_nt~~: H. N". 74 in Jefferson County, and horl~s the COant,r Attorney to Join ~aid ot Count sioners as pa~y Petitioner _1.th t,~ Colorado t ot Hgb~s in the e'fent it becOllles neceslll!Lry to.JkCq needed rig;,t~~....'RY by condellllUltioo, it being dera1;(-?d that all Court costs and aWl!L1'ds to ropert -' are to by said Colorado Departlllent o~ High'0/8.Ys. .-----=-=""'_._-~_....,.- Journal of the Commissioners of _ J~!!e~~_~unty, Color~_~o...- September 29. 1958 _19. CM:TWuT ..."-._.".~~""1."1'TIIJ IAPPOIm'MElIPl' - Alameda Recreation Board ~l IUpon .otiOll of COllIIlIis1ioner 5choeC'l, seconded by Commissioner Osborne, and b;' Mt.jori ty vote, vas adopted: ---D --- f'\ -..lJ '--..:.. t Cl\ QIj ,1 .)- "'t' ,_.) t.~.e !"allo'Wi.ng resolut.ion . ,~'..IHEF.!';AS t:-.e appointment tens of Mr. '.. F. Chandler, 906 S. A".1e~ ,:tr~'>t. J~. Rok,t ,Walte:- R. Johnson, 1777 H. Mississippi Avenue, vill expire an of 0 tobe:' 1. 19')8. an:1 ea\ t?'~. .-.r.... ,.. ~ .. 3...