HomeMy WebLinkAboutO 006 I I I I ..wur"". of tll" cAuJlois'llllJller\ or Jefferson Coun~Colorado':.._.,..____~:.o,'~~~G,~:.! ' 'j), 19_ ::iiJJrlIlI:.-. .... -.. I E rr I'UR'l'HER RESOLVED that COllIm1csionel George M. O"borne be :lnd )If:re!;y j . ai'poi,,'"'";" 'j""'.'" 'Jr."r _~ ':onvey and execute s.id Deed for and on bC:Jalf of the ~OUllty of J"rf"rnon, ~te':., 0:' :-,0';,1". A 30 foot. strip of land 102ut"d in t..,. as foliow: Beginning at t:'e N'ri comer South 121.75 feet; thence "est 30 feet; point of beginning. _ of' .;~cti.o;,. 2, T4S, ?'7C,,', ~O;.~t; P' ~J...: ~_a; y of :'::J~... ~) i':Jlw:nbir G~r,l':. ... ~.. ther:ce ~a~;t it) I"eet; then':'-~ :.o~t".- 2.;.}. 7'- .' I ':: _""' ~- ,~'i , , I I f '. . . . . " . "":,!'o;: !,CCEP'!'AIICE OF DEEm - Evelyn Ho'.rard Dieker and wilbu.:" ,'}. "o,",,,'J and Uc' [)cui ~'l-:! ;':" x'd, In'. Upon aaotion ot COdDt1ss1oncr Koc~~, -e::ondcd by Gommi .~.i..()r.':~' 0 bo;-ne, and ,:,y In c....ity ';ot~, ... _S adOpted: :)1_" "C"g :"A..olution WI!BRIAS tllere bas 'been delivered to Jef1'erson COWlty Ii deed f:-o::l ~elyn HC''llrd !Jier:",r a:ld "i~"ll" ~. Flo','llrd conveying to tht. Count.7 Ii portion or the East Half of the Sout:-..'Cst Qua:-ter (E~ s',.f/;) a.."li :)1' t, p Non,.., t ~uart.e:- of t.he Soutbea.at Quarter (~ SBt) of Sect.ion 28, TollDShip 3 South, Range 69 West :-un.,i~,g along 0:- near tne center line ~ ea14 s~tion, and a deed f::'Olll Lee '". Doud conveying a tract 0.'" land ~o:iti;;uou~ to t.,,, land "on'/eyed 07 tbe deed fro. EveJJtn Ho\8rd. Dieker and W1l.b1U" G. Howard, said tracts of land to be included a.; pa:-t of propoa",d Oak St:-eet; in this ueichbOrhoOd J:Unnlni f'roal Tvilight Drive to \-lest 32nd Avenu,",; and said deeds were delivered to t,.c C:ounty subject to t..e corl'iitior. t:.ct t.~.C :'01.:.0'1.1:; ,,'_colutior: 0" :tdo;:te<l by t1'is Board, 8Dod this 1loe.rd deelllS ttle provisions of the re1u.":t~d :-esoluti=::, .le c:'ei::s.fter ~.:t fort!:, to be satis- 1'Betory IIlId re6sonable; JIll, 'l!BmEFORE, BE IT REEO!..VED t.y ":.1'.'''; uOL.':,"'.: 0:' ~a'~~lt:r -~a~::1i ;::..:l:\~r ''''''.~ as follows, to-.1. t: :'}',::.:-:y 0~; J,_~:~f\~:" C:'.. St.a.:.e J~ .~:)':"o:-ado. 1. That th1:. Brord ~ acting fo" !'.:1Q :'.i .:.~:- o~~ t;~0 County 0':' J2f:"~~:'o:i, 't<i:'e 1.._ "o__c:.a.:o. accept, and it d.oes ~1ereby ~~ ~(.;~t :-::~~.i d~ed"". !'O!" road p1..1rpO~='_ 2. Tla~ no ~ or street be cut in ove~' t:L property conve~'::',i by ~D.:l .ieejs~ a~ t:.i.~ ti-l:'?, c..'1! that no llUCh rpe.d or street be cut in at any time in tf:e futlU"'it..cut fi.:--t gi....ing .,aid ::Velyn Boward Dieker Md said Wilbu::' G. HO'...llro. or their' successor: in ti tl,~. :~x month:; .","!"i ~t,:n noti:"'e ~ intetltion to do so. I..e- ,0 r 3. That wilen such road. or street is actually cut 1n through tl,,, lards conveyed by ,'aid deed". tM Count1 of Jet':l'er!lon stand by the levels '~nd tr' ;:>rofile f::c '\1,' '=Cl' c:- ,.tr,"'t ".0",'. ty the levels and the p:-ot'1le for the :;trect lezignated as Oak St::"cct., b t.,,-or. 1" 1:.:,;1,t J::-i'.'", a.r.l West 32nd Avenue, on a draving prepared by the Lane '::ngineering Se!'\'ic~ :'0:- t'" ::Or:soEJ.3t.e;:! *,-1MLl Water C<lIIIp&I1y, ."bieh dreving beat's t.hereon tl\~ signed ,,?;'rova:. Jf r. ',. '!"!'ri c, " ~oun1;y Enpneer of Jeffe:-soo County; that at such time So" devi'lop::lC'nt 0:" ar"v of t..e :n:.1c O~. either side or the lands conveyed by -aid ''''"dE 1:: w:.l,:"t.a};:n ~ ' j,v" D,',,:" c:" eu:: ad :1C:'''~ property be required to ;:;ral', suel road 0:" ,t:-",,'" tc t,,~ [;rnd c""",y'J-' ,,:-apin -; ',-ni :Ics:; a ""opy of said draY1ng h_~ pla~e1 C'i ..lIe "it1; t ' n' i t'Ll ';i::,t~ ':J.~ t, -:-.'I't:r:- ~ o "'" ~ I ."-. T.....at W1t11 ~UC~ tim a~;, a I"ou.. clo ;t '..~t.... L.j q~il"'J 'l.:1 \. " a:d ':::':3~d::, ':.,'1' ~~a:~::."';:; i.. .,1::. du l :-lJL" -.J ~ ~,,(' o!"../ey<~d t.h ::--~l-:t. '",rr::. 'if':['t, ';ovevcr, .;-\ l l t~ r::o~.i2H in r"'er'p~~t ~)" at ~e.;d. by '/l~..tue -I:" 1-'!1 ~ -,' , l.'->--y