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. -.rcl R. AIl~1lOrl1' an4 Donll M. An~~
..a.on of COIIIt.....on.r Osborne, Moead by COIIIIII1..1oner Bauer and by unan1111O\1.11 vote the follow1ng z-esolut1on
., 1'r IlIBOL1D .-1: tbe toUov1nc C~sll1oaera Deed be and hereby 18 approved and Dav1d R. Braden, JeUeraon Couo~ :
. 1a beft~ ID4 beNV1th &}lP01nte4 ec-1ell1oner to convey and to execute deed for and on bebalf of the COUIrt7
~ .em, state of ColOl'adoz
'!118 ~~...... .... tbl.1I _ 4&7 of .........1', One 'l'bouMad nine buadred 8ZId t11't7-e1sbt 1let lBen
the ~~ ,of'>:'~IClIll, ... of CoJ.on4o, acting by and through 1ta ~ cOD8't1tute4 8D4
... ,Ilk CbIIIlntoaer DRt4 R. BNl!a to CCIIlY\o7 and to exeeute deed, first JI&rt7, IIDIl aar4 R.
AInbaar u4' Dllir1a N. AD~ pe.rt1.. at the aecond part,
-.& t-....d1~-:m..
... tB, the Boer4 of ~tJ eo.tall1claera or tbe Coun~ at JeUereon, stde at ~,~~
G4''''ftp1.ar...uas dl au Ja.r4 bel4 a1; tbe ;;oart Hou8e 1n aa1d Couat7 on the 5th 4&7
tilt ....u ~...l'. A.D. 1958, cIIaI.7 II40pt u4 pua . reaolution autbor1:&1ng the COt1~I6uee at the
\. ~'4Mcrlbe41'M11~t." 1;0 HCOD4 pu't1ee, and did b7.-1d ".....''ltt0ll ~_ 8D4
) ~ 'tbe lIIIC1era~.. """-l-'I10Der 1;0 CClI1Ve7 and execute deed ror aa1d real estate to
~.~- rar and on '-JaJ1' at the aa1d Count7 at JeUerll<ll1, State at Col.orado, tIDd cUd
~ ..4b..dse .. UDaera1ped to execute We deed and to affl.x the eeal at aa1d Cb...tq
~ ..~
\ ='~,~ ~1~5=i~ <"~~~.==- ~:' to~O: ~~ ~e=: =:e -: ~.:,
-~ Sa :~~ and~, the UDdera1ped. ac:t1Ds.. CI .-t....,-
.. ... b,r .... ~. :.-14.... eel1, C;<lI&."'J and qal1: c1aIJIc mto .... ~ II
- t to. 1D -a-. lID.. ~ tleM4ta. tbe II1Ir'I1YOl" at ~ ..... tbet%'! bda
., dl nIb..-wt* ~..tIN. aU. a.: rIcJrt, Utle, ~t, el.aiII..... ~ Jllltddi
. .~ tit ~....... ~ ~'r r. [. .. 1D aDd to the f'o1law1Dc dlIecrf.1Md :rtIIal
. .dWlte, ~ .<Wzre SA tJae ~ at ~__. state at ColozwID. to-1II.1:z
'{\. ........ I ~ ic1E'. ~.:' or tJae VMt i of .. Ven it: .. 1IM1: .. at tba
JJ. N ...,.~ .' ~ tit Iecrt1Cl1l 22. T3S. , unpt tbe 1l'etR
.f'~. . to... 80atlb a14I Of Un ~.
to .. _ . ~ the .... ~ 111_ aUlIDIl _."IP"'" ~ 8Dd. prlyt1 _
l' .~.. .~"" or ia~ tIIIInaato "aC~."."L llIl4 aU tbe estate, ~, title,
:~ .....,.'tIlIIII'1t1Ida .lult.... ~tJIj ..t4 ~tI, at .llttferaon. stde at Colondo, el'U1er
lD ~ or ~V, to the ~ pl~L" UIIe. "..ttt. and. behoat or the said parti.. at the
a.cclIIl1 ~, .. eun1YOl"tIt tbeIt llIl4 the be1ra and ua1gns at such Illzr'f1:90r ~r.
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D ltUJlli!lD w_ the ua4ltraial1e4. actinS 117 and. ror the County or Jefferson, SUIte at COlorado,
.. ed'O&6N4. bM ~"'lm"" Nt !d.a huld and Mal the ~ first a1love written, and bas hereun1;o
&f't'1ad tbe Mal at the Mtd Coun~ at Jet'feraOll, State of CoJ.orado.