HomeMy WebLinkAboutO 115 -.;, >. ~ I I I I I I J I I I .I I I 1-1lU toile Mid COunto1 ~..loaerl ban carer'lLu.y conn_red ~.... vitiu... &PPJ:...~.."loa ...,u are .. -l.y L _Jed L. ! relaUQII thereto, I I,.ow .. rr IIIIOLlD ~t \be Mid pet.1\1Q11 lie appl'o...d ud tile rec~ndatloa ot the A.....or be cQllcurred ln, and u ....~_t &llowcl ClIl .. ......Nd ftJ._tlQ11 of $30,160.00, tax $1,907.06. /)~_ "2:~-3"b'1 2-"3.400 N ; ,/ !PIt:IAIr ~ !O conIf LAD . Mw.N c. au. 11II4 .. Y. QaN \ .,. mUClIl of c-1.a1C1MI' OIllon1e, ...t ltT oo.1aa1a11el' "'1' lUId. 111 _t..oua yoU the t'oJ.l.ovf..AC rnolllt;lCl1l \ .. adopted: , WJIIRKAS tbe CO\ID\J' of Jlatfenoa, 8w.. of caloNlIo, ....... to ha.... a rec:cml 1Dtere.t 1J:I tile toll.ov1n& cie.crtbe4 !laa4: , I 'n. IIor'tb 50 taet of I.ot 1011II4 \M 8cNtb 25 teet of Lot 9, Leppla 1IIDo1', ,1effencm COIIQt7, COlcradD. AID, - '11 t!Ie CQlaV baa DO ae'-l iD.ren iD Mid l.IID4, _, ~, . 1'1' ~YID that all t!Ie ~, uUe, cla1ll aad 1II\8re.t of the ~\J' of ,Jeff.noD, State of ~ 1D aII4 _ t!Ie ..... 6Mcrl\Mi& ~ __ eold. 11II4 COimo.1M to Mw.r4 C. QaN aad S. .. QaN ud Dm.cl R. .. __... 11II aa __ IIJGII,ate4 "uta' C t..1Cl1lU to CCIGft1 lUId. anute deed tor u4 ClIl M!alt at the COIIQt7, of .Jd'!UtMa -"Yu. aU * J'lItt\, U,tJ.e, clab 11II4 1atfteR of the CClaDV to tbe Mid Ilwr4 C. Qua ..... 8_ .. i ... .... \1M tlIh ....olll\tQII abaU '- MlIIII4 CClIIplete aatbortty tor Mid Dartd. R. Bre4e to ... c:.........J-.::. ... ' ar... .u ... to atftx tile --.1. of tile Couat7 of ,Jeffenoa _to Mid deed ot CClllft1&DCe. ~.... ~ --- N CASI .~ ~ *4Il8tDlftlAP"'-t ~ '--tQMI' OIllon1e, MCCDlltT C ,..1-.r 8eboeeh IID4 ltT a,jor1ty 'rote ~ toll.otr1Dc reao.luUClIl -1--. AID IICU~ tf .... .n.taa et e .. IIIa,teI: ~-"llr _I' a1;a1;ecl he "-1t a 6Ic1.1cla cwl4 lie .... at th1. tt. IID4 could Dot IP &lclIlc ClIl the '!'aD tbler AI'r1~ .n1ca. I ... tM 11.'1 t..... tIte ns--'., _ fer t!Ie ,.,a.. of ~ a .blIIpp1q eeat.er; tbat 8&1d plUI8 lU I __ ... ,.... ~J taIM tM orlllaal .... IIDI plata '*' __ ame4 111 to tile p'-i.g or-flla1_; tat the ..J.. "'.. __ JOII" ter 111M ...., ___ tlte1'8 are lN81M.... ClIl 1;be IfortMut 11II4 ~ C01_.; tba~ tIIiIn 18 GUIrr a 1c&1. ~ la tile anaJ ~t tbae 1a a ~ 1D t!Ie 1 U1Lte _; ud, tba\ t!Ie Pl I~ C' l-t.. '*' 'f'Ote4 tor 1t v-ri-]7, aDd _ -AII.."u.CMt ~ .w.te4 ~t tlte1'8 are det1n1te 1..... 1n ex1.teDee DOV, and preeen\ed _ IIIftU,- rro. 8af8>a7, IDe., WIIo nate4 that tha;y baft . 1eue, u4 that tile,. bad a4a a tboroqll 1J:Ift.UpUClIl of the locatlCXl, v.4 iD tIte _, .... telt Ulat 1t WCNl4 lie U 14eal1ocatlQ11 for tIleIl ud WQW4 be a benefit tor the ]A 1Il tile ana; ....