HomeMy WebLinkAboutP 033 ..., a t.e4 Oft IIUla ..... r- n4 IIlI7 ftbIl ....r recoNld 1n Book 869 a~ Faa- 50 of ~ JlafferllGll CQlUDty NCOI'f,a, certa1D .t.NeW WI'lI a.a.aae4 to \be pdluoJ u4 ~ toUowlDl a..crlbecl pozUou of eUHt are DO 10aear neeeseary tor ,..b1 ~ public; ~ M14 porUou Oft .tne~ are DOt v1tb1n ~he l'.a1t. of any ei~y or ~0\IIl and doe. no~ tOn! ~ bo\llld&rY line or e1~, tCMl or cOl8lt:'i u4 ....... 110 lIID4 1IOlIl4, by a YaCatior of 8&i4 portion. of .treet be 1ett v1thoU~ an eatablillhed public road connecting 1t witb another e.tabU.heel public road; u4 ~ I ! ~ , j (" \ \ ) I I I 8'fAB or 00L0IWXl ~ 881 0CMmr or .,.... 1'.....01 'lU AlOft AID JOREOJIO PI'rl'l'IOI WAS 8~ uroRl .. 'rBIS 6th DAY or JULY, A.D. 1959, BY _1 A. ~ AID _J; W. DWlOI, AS 'l'III CBAIJIWI AID C1AIIro, _1I.,ilIYILY, or TIIB JQdI) or ~ C\.tIIDS~ or !II 00Wft'f 01 oIU"l'''', 8'fAft or 001DIWl0. ICY C~..lon &xp1re. YAL JrotU'7 I'UbUc. . . . . . . . ~DD8 '2..'-) ~h7 <. ..> .otion of c.-i..laner Oallonw, MCOD4..., ec-s...icmer Bauer aII4 b1 -~ TOte ~be roll,Qv1nC rellOl.~lC1l -- . . \he ~ Oft ~. 8'&_ Oft COJ,orIIIkI, reqa1N. all. ~ an4 I'OII4a to be 8&ti.fac1;Or"1l1 CClIIPle1;ed \be _ wUl be uUIltla4 rr. ___ ..., ~ ea-~ Oft ,Jid'tertlClD, -. ... IIIVMU .. roe4a .. 6HCIribe4 belaIIr taft __ _~t0rU7 ~ aD4 ~ CGlaV BDa4 ~ Sa II tla4... _ .. n 1 ~-t ... ..u nI'M\II aD4 I'OII4a to ~ C t adaaera of JdterllClll ~i tor rr. ~ ~., , . -.d. . l'f .m.UD..., \be 1kIU'4 of .-ttueoa COUDty C~.a1coere tbat ~ fo1.l.oV1DC nraeta aD4/or ~l lIIrI"III7 u.,..a tor COWIt7 ..ut 1 -::.... are ba1"elI\Y Melare4 to be CCIIUDt1 I'OII4a .. a pgt of t.be COUDt1 road [ t 4 roe4a u4/or .v.u are: 1. V. 38th Place at ..l- etnn, to u4 1IIOl1lll1D& IIllla' COurt -. 38th p~. 2. "lR A...... at "l.aClD eveet, to u4 iDCl....1... III..Uar Court u4 "let A..-. 3. IIDore BtrMt rr. 38th Plan to "lAt A__. ... I&1.l.er CGla't &'t 38th Place to "lAt A__. _ j;Ip1.ftD04 .... ft1r4 AlW1 tiCll -'tOIl of oa-L..lcmer ()aborDe. MCOD4..., eo-s...l-- Bauer eD4 b1 .....t_ TOte tbe rolJDdla& ~~lC1l ... . . _. -.1.--"'.