HomeMy WebLinkAboutP 036 3U Journal of the Commissioners of Colorado. ~ .u. 19.'9- ~.~_..-....-.....~.....~ :;: Jefferson Coun ~'7J \bat. nala.u ~ Mi4 fttlt'-Y UN the _ CODt1Jl&l.l7; tbat tb1. 1. - ~ \1'aftJ.e4 I'OIlI IIIIll ..n ... pan4. We.... 7'*' t .t ..te _"-,lOD to w. atter.. A 4:hcua1'111l we bad ~ the ....., ~, tUl .. ao forth. eo-laa1CD11' IIMr ...sa ~ to -' 1d.tb a 0-1"" troa the ana 8D4 pezo-ona,117 10 Oftr 1t with ~ 8&twda7, JIU7 18, 1959. UI;IaD mtS.OD of ec-1..1~r C>>bome, ..cODd by ec-l.a1CD11' Jauer 8D4 by .......,t_ Tote the toll.ov1Dc ~lut1OD we i .....: , . 1'f -.1:ID 1Ib&t. tM f\loll.-". a.eda CGIlftJi.DI .. tc.llow1DC ducr1be4 parcela of laD4 ... 8D4 hereby are .ecept.ed t f'ar :r Ie -'''C: .t C1A1II J)M4 ~ Carl.. aDlllIartba P. Aaana1 COImI11ns to ,JlIt'teraaD CouIlq: "- IIIiR ....V he\ at ta. to11oIr1Dc cIMcr1l1e4 _ ty.: C I dDc at _ po1at ~ ten atn .. tIIIrtr ,... 80db at ta. ~ caner at t.be ~ QIarter of 8ecUoD 26, ~ ~1' 3 1alII;h, .... " WenJ u..c. South 350 t..t; u..c. IOrtb )1" )1' Wen alGa& r1.F\ fill _ fill ~. 1 b Dl.1Ich 305.28 he\ to _ po1at; ~ Ifort,h 90 teet; t-.ce -.t l60 fW\ to U. ~ fill .....,-1IIl1. .' C1&III .... ft.- ~hrt" JlII.nr1c\ Gf t.be ~ Chureh-llluour:l 8;yDo4, _ ~.uCID ~ ilI'_ t-4.. ednIaa _ YlrD fill tbe ~ Gf Ot"-"~, lAAf-,1D& to ~ CoCIDt7: !tie 1IIR 25 he\ of t.be 8Drth 558 fW\ of t.be -.n 330 he\ of the Wen 990 teet of tbe JIortb- __ QIU'ter of tbe ~ QIarter of Bect1CID 29, 'l'38, a69W of tbe 6th P.M. tor plbllc roK _.AI'.. I .' C1A1II DM4 floo. IIatI1'w C. ...n t;t aDll ... *1'1 Iftr1 t;t cClllft71q to .JlIt'teraaD CouDV: ftII 1IIR 25 t. of t.be Ikwth 558 he\ of tbe ..., 330 teet of t.be Wen 990 he\ of the IIorth- __ 1 __ fill tbe &oatll'lllift QIarter Gf s.cuOD 29, 'l'38, I69W of u. 6th P". tor paIalic roK _JAITI) .. U. ..n 25 fW\ of ta. JIar\h 285 he\ of tbe ..., 350 teet of tbe YIft 660 teet of tile "'L lit 1 .... of t.be IIcJatbIIHt Qaart;er of Sect10D 29, 'l'38. R69w of the 6th P.IL tor p6Uo 1"014 ....~ gUI . ,,~ - ~ ~ - P1n\ M41t1GD __ -'lAID of ea.1a.1aaer o.borDe, MCCIII4 by n.-f..1~r "liar aDll by .-"...tllC)'" vote the tollov1D& reeoJ.uUCID'" , ~: . 1'f .-clLfD tbet t.be Plat of App1ftIDo4 RlDcbette., Plrat Ad41UOD ... aDll 1\ 1. bereb7 appr0ft4 for f'1lJ.q u4 tIIa tile c_~ Gf ta. paull ...,., roMa aDll .treet. .bovn therean be Ul4 1t 11 hereby .ecept.e4, l\Ib,1eCt to tbe l t~ c.u.Ucu: I , 'I'be ea.rb of .JlIfttrICID ltaU ~ WDMDaDce ot Ul1 .w:h public vq, ra.4 or Itreet. CJDly att.er cCllll~t1an of ...__........~.._-.. I I