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Upon motion 0: :~~i[;3io::e~. Baue:-, secD..'1d b,y CotItliasioner .... ....hoe2fl 3...'1j ty ITlU" :)'!:i...~ .. 0:'-..:: :::c fo_ Lo....i;~ . r,!s'J..l.,:t.ion ....a~;
&darted vi th both ~OIlDi6S' one:-,: voting "!>,ye"; and Commissione:- OsbOr.Je ,bsc;: ~:
BE TI RESOLVE:! tha: tr.e ",ui t ~l(li:n Deed as follo'o'S to Jefferson ~ounty '0::--,' rin 7~!" ro_~o,..L.
/Il.d Tlereby i6 app,ovcd and accep:.ed for record.inc:
G~~ib.~i ~'~:)I ~tj \~
(" From:
) Marvin 1':. :1oc,:ey and ',lice J. Roc<-ey:
l A s....rip of ..;..lULi iC8cr1bed as follows: The :Jouth ten f~et of the r~arth t'..n~:1ty-!'i"" :'cc ~.: ':;~e
'I " l soutre!l.S':. ",~ter of t.he 1l0rth1ol'e6t J.uar1;er of Section ..'J, ':'.,S, "tod", bc;;in:1~:1G a,: a poi:)'. .
feet .:es~ of ::le ,;ast line of the Northwe6t C,u.a.rtc, of said section, a.'11 ex:"mcii:lg ...3.$', L 'l rec~,
for road. pUl"POS~S or.ly, according to a survey as recorded in Boo. lL_'C_,, -=-a,;~ ~",~, .~o'J.ntJ r"):' ,J~:'.:'cr3cn.
,.;ir.'lla..'l:i, Inc. b:r James H. E~furdt as ~resijent, }ardon ~~. ?1:i1'c:: as r;{,:,!""ta.~ . ('. .r_'':'~...C~:)O:1
)'" l
A stri" of ground 1) feet vide off the South of the Northcaot ,1ua:-:.er of t,he :;c,,"'th\le5t uart", of
Section 26, T3:3, R6')'''', running from the center line of Jadsworth B1vJ. to :J. poin: ,j,)J l' ,e'~ '!'cst
of said ~enterline of \{adsowr'th Blvd. and a 1> foot strip off the north side of :he ,outh2u.s'.
'uarter of the Northwest "uarter of said Section 26 running from the cen:cr l1:1'J of ,:ad3'.rort:.
to a point. 1~33.35 feet West of said cente~ line of Wadsworth Blv'i. fo!' road purposes.
(' F'R~: J. A. Willis to Jefferson Count.)'
"L,) A strip or land described as follovs: The "outh
(,.v.. ' 13S, R69',/, beginni,lg at a point 43~.3; feet ',:est
/ and extending East 33.35 feet, for road purposes
L BOOK ' 263, Page 488, County of Jefferson.
{FROM: Edna F. ?arker to JeN'erson County
,lJ Korth 25 reet of the East 33J.5 feet, e::cept the north l5 feet thereof an:l except the ,,:ast].'
,~t', ' feet thereof, of the SEt lrwt of Section 26, ':']S, R69H, :O\I:'Ityof ,Tefferoo\', for road, purp03"S
only according to a survey as recorded in Book 1263, ?age I~, County of JLfferson.
r'. lOM: Harry R. ::1nn and Eula L. 2inn to Jefferson County '2.4- -"3 -(,'1 ''2. 4-.04 5 5
'!'he East 10 feet of Lot 3, Karen Subdivision. This J.u1t Claim De~d is to correct a.nothcrui'~
y~ Claim Deed recorded in the ~ffice of the Clerk and Recorder, Jcffer30n ~ounty, "olorado, i~
, ;:,'-" S 300k 1197, ?age 260, werein certain parcels of land \/ere deeded to Jefferson :;OW1ty for US"
. <' ( in videning of Harlan Street. The aI'orementioned deed vas duly accepted 'oy tne Boar:\ o~ :;oun'--:l
i),l}i \.. CQlIIll::'ssioners of Jeffers0n County, COlorado on the First day of J'.l.'1", FI/".
1:: feet of the 1[( of the ;rJ!. of Section b 1
of the east line of the ::1'I~ 01' said :;ection
only accordinb to a Su.-vcy as recorded in
-z.4-.o4-5' $
fFRCt-l: George Ea.-nest 1&2 and Eleanor Kaaz to Jefferson C;ounty. 'Z..(. - 3.- (. '1
The East 10 feet of the East 150 feet of Lot 1, Y.aren Subdivision except the ;;orth I f,~":
~ thereof for road purp06es only. This -:u1t Claim Deel is to correct e.noth~r 1ui~ daim led
~l A1 reeorded in the office of the Clerk a:,d .~ecorder, Jeffei'"on:;ou.'1'::r, ~olo,:...lo, Ll Boo L."I,
, L "age 260 \/herein certain parcell' of land \/ere deeded to ,Jefferson;ounty fo, u:;" in .n';cnin,
\,'}'v'r:. ~f Harlan c:treet. :he af')rementioned deed. ';as duly acce]lted by t1,e B=,;, :If "')',mt::'=Lsc'0r,',rr
o. ,T',ffe:-son ';0 Llnty , colorado on the first da;,' of June, --9/).
FROM: Richard .f. Phelan and Lois R. Fhelan to Jeffe:-son county -z...4 - 3 - b4
1'''ne Se8~ l'J fee~ of the ,:ast 135 feet of the ~lcrth 'IS feet 0: La:. l, .n.~c.
'u1t ~la1m Jceu is to eo:-:-ect anot.her 'lu1t clai::! :iced. ,,,C'o:-ded in 'Or,..: of,'~', u:' ',le,
~ecorder, Jefferson ;ounty, .':'olorado, in Boo' llY(, a€;C r,,-;.; ~..:h:::-~i:. ~""....~,
'2.4-,04-5" 5
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