HomeMy WebLinkAboutP 274 by l\ 1;ioJ Loti _, BlocL _ _ and. ;ortL..)f sL _ ron~__ ,cad I requested to be vacated, adjacent to Lots 39 and 40, Block 27, aU in said Indian Hills Fifth Filing, the radiUf point of said cul-de-sac described as follow: BegilWing at the N'o' corner of said Section 7, thence " cO S3 I '.'est along the W line of said NWt of ~ of said Section 7, 450.0 feet ~o the N'w corner 0: said Lot 42, thence S 610 35' E along the t1 line of said Lot 42, 237.1 feet to the NE corner of said Lot ~2, thencp S 650 24' 49.0 feet to said radius DOint. z--z.--3-(,r; VACATION - JUchem's Garden Place - Flora street 77,010 N l1poo Motioo of COIIIII1ssiooer Osborne, second by COlIIIJIissioner Bauer and by tmanimol's vote the adopted with C0lIIlIi9sioners Osborne voting "Aye"; Bauer "Aye"; and Schoech "A:;te": BE IT RES<JLVE'D that the following vacation resolution is approved subject to Wellt side of Block 18 - Independence Street: i/I:."REAS by a plat of Juchem's Garden Place recorded. in Plat Book 2 at Page 1 lItreetB, avenues and alleys show thereoo 'Were dedicl\ted to the publiC; and WHEREAS the following described street is no longer necessary for use by the IIJIEREAS said -:treet is not within the limits of any city or tovn and does not form the or county; and WHEREAS no land would, by a vacatioo of said street be left without an establi&hed public another eltabl18hed public roe.d; and WHEREAS the Jefferson COtmty Planning COIIIIIl1ssion bas approved the said proposed vacation 1O\i, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the B08rd of COtmty COIIIIIl1ss1ooers of Jefferson Cotmtv, Cole _ prov1a1cns of Cba'pter 217, 1949 Selsion Law of Col.orado that the following described. street ,- of Jefferscn, and state of Colorado, be and it 18 hereb7 vacated; That part of the south Half of Flora Street lying immediately North and adjacent to the West Half of Block 18, J\.Jchem's Garden Place, situate in the COtmty of Jefferson, State of Colorado; and, beginning at the N'../ corr.~r of Block 18, JUchem' I Garden Place; thence R~!"th along the East line of Secood Street to the center of Flora Street ; thence West 20 feet; thence South 30 feet, IllOre or less; thence East 20 feet on a line extending from the Nortu line of Block 18, JUchem's Garden ?lace, to the point of beginning. VACATION - Reed Street Mr. Osborne Jade the motiOlJ that the vacation on Reed Street be Taken Under Advisement for tvo weeks to June 20, 1960 and tllat Ira !I&rd1n notify the property O\/tlers that a portion of their grotmd is being vacated. C0CI:l1ss1ooer Bauer mde the second and Ccmn1ssioner Schoech voted "Aye": oJ' '7' ~ -0 ----- "" ---- ~ 0- ~--o ~ + I I I