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I I , I. -... . ~I
Osborne, second by Commissioner
COlllllissioners voting "Aye".. Bauer and by unanimous vote h
t e fOl~o~ng resolution
BE IT RESOLVED that the Warranty Deed f
lmd (J&apar F. Perricone, sole partners r: The Bear Creek CO'IlIpany , a partners hi
hereby ill accepted and approved f ' Jefferson COlUlty, conveYing the p compolled of Roger:'. Johnson
or recording: . fOlloving described property be and
Part of the HE.! of the SE.l
IIIOre part1cul~ly describ~do~S~hection 35, T4s, R69W of the 6th P. M. and
recorded deed.
OF DEED - Arth A
i ur . Smith and Vernon L. Bush
, Vpao LIOt1an of C~ssiOller Osbo
.. adopted. \r1th all t~e c'-' rnie, second by COlllllissioner. Bauer
-..lIlI OIlers votin "Aye" and by l'llanimoUB vote th
g : e folloliing resolutiun
upon IIIOtion of Commissioner
1Ma adOPted ~ th all three
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Journal of the Commissioners of
__}efferso~ County, Colorado.
.....--'-- _.._--_._-_._-~--~---_.~------~-------- ---"--
June 20 1 9 60
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BE IT RESOLVED that the Quit Claim Deed f'rom Arthur A. Smith and Vernon L. Bush to Jefferson COU<lty conveying
the following dellcribed property be and hereby "s approved and accepted for recording:
Tract "A", Bush Subdivision.
SUBDIVISION - Crestview Park Subdivision
Upon IIOtion of C~ssicner Osborne, second by COIIIlIis5ioner Bauer at d by unanimous vote the folloving resolution
vas adopted vi th all three comm1sBioners voting "Aye":
BE rr RESOLVED that the plat of Crestview Park Subdivision be and it is hereby approved for filing OUld that
the conveyance of the public way, road or street SDovn thereon be and it is hereby accepted, subject to the
following condi tiona:
The County of Jefferson shall undertake maintenance 0: any such public way, road or street only after construrtl~n
of such vay road or street shall have been brought up to County specifications by the subdivider:
A subdivision of a portion of the NEt and the SE~ of Section 22,
T3S, R69W, Jefferson COlmty, Colorado,
DEED - Warranty Deed frOl/J Jefferson County to COlorado Central Fover Co.
Upon IIIOtion of COIIIIissioner Bauer, second by COIIIIIissioner Osborne and b,' unanimous vote the rollo\o1.ng resolution
vas adopted with all three c~ssioners voting "Aye":
A.__' 1'"..........._ I"'....'f'l'\"'!"'lnv reta1nin~ the ri~t
J~ ~ _,.,.. _
JeN~H'vI1 cd_OwJ clL.. md'l., rdeIt, e c~ '11n4 "'m.1
parcel of land iR more particular~ described as fo11o'JS:
Beginning at a point on the North line of said tract and the North line of
said ~ S~ from which point the NE corner of said 11 S~ bears North 98"
48' 00" East 77.5 feet; thenc~ from said point of beginning South 00" 24'
East 2627.5 feet to the South line of the above identified tract and the
South line of said ~~ ~ <'ran which point the SE corner of said ',f~ S\f~
bears North 88" 04'15"East 77.5 feet.
The above described :>arcel contains 4.524 acres, more or less.
( ~3-3-,q
ACCEPl'ANCE OF ROADS - Stanton Drive and DoWle Dr. - Upham Street froC! 46th Ave. to l+3th j,ve. '- N
, Upon motion of COIIID1ssioner Osborne, second by COIlIlIlis:>::'oner Bauer and by unanimous vote the rol,;,o\o1.:1g ,"~solut1on
\ was adopted \o1.th COIIIlI1ssioners Osborne voting "Aye"; Bauer "Aye"; and Schoech"Aye":
WBERFAS the County of Jefferson, State of ColoradO, requires all streets and roads to be satisractorily
coapleted before the same \01.11 be accepted for maintenance by th~ County of Jefferson, and
WHEREAS the streets and roads as Uescribed below have been satisfactorily completed and the :ounty Road
Supervisor has inspected the same and recommended the said streets and roads to the :ommissioners of Jefrerso~
County for acceptance for maintenance purposes,
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of CO\Ulty Canmissioners that the folloving streets and road, !U'e
hereby accepted for County maintenancE' and are lJereby declared to be County roads and a part of the ~ounty
road system:
Said roe.dB andj or streets are:
Stanton Drive and Dowdle Drive, around Block 2 ~~d 3, of Stanton Acres
Upham Street from 46th Avenue to 48th Avenue
,..:. V
The Jeff'ersoo County COlIIIIissiCT.lers cODvened as a Board of Appea.J.s to hearing the fo11o\o1.ng case:
CASE B60-7l
Hild1ng Olofson
upon motion of Commissioner Osborne, second by Commissioner Bauer and by unanimous vote the following resolution
vas adopted with &ll three cOlllllissioners voting "Aye":
WHEREAS thi& case vas denied by the Planning COllIIDission because the Board feels that rezoning at this tit..,
would cause more trouble in that area than there is now even though Mr. Olofson amended his application from
R2 to RlA.. and
wm:REAS the Board of COWlty COllIlIIissioners desire to mak.e a field trip to help determine the heat Ul'e of ~h,'
land in question and the effect on the area
NOW, TllEREPORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the application of Hilding Olofson, Case ",50-71, ~or rezoning of "rorert)'
located at 10120 West 13th Avenue, t'romRl to RlA, b", and hereby 15 taken under advis",ment ~or one ~eK to Ju;," ",1960.
The Board of Jefferson County COllIlIIissioners adjourned as a Board of Appeals and reconvened, u.S '.he Boord of J,'1'f,-r800
County Commissioners.