HomeMy WebLinkAboutP 299 'ony.'ying: I 'onveying: :;onvey1.ng: conveying: CmV1l)'ing: I Journal of the COlllmhsiollcrs ot Jdft:rson County, Colorado, - 19 - _I . .' , -' . V\,T "'lit ,.T\oO.6 n.n.~I,/.. l;"W~ I""."'" It) ,}lit :laim ;)eel from 1lf,30LD P. J,:,c:rS ":be Sast )4 feet of the South hal:' of trac.-:, rJ~be"" 1_, '";Ol: club Acres. a subdivision of t.he southeast <luarte, of Sert.lOl.l, ':'4::;, R6Q" ;f the 6th? .11. as reco,ded 1:1 ~ 11t Jl 00;: 4 at Page 14 of the Jeff'erson ~ records. j,e 'lbove :r.cn~ioned tract to be used for roM pUl"PO~. : r:. ROBlllSQll AD ,\G:iES ROBEr-a:; ,~ui t ':laim Deed ':'he We5t 25 fee 15 0011 club Ac above t,act fo of the North 122 feet or/South 24. feet C)f es as recorded in book o'1{3 page :'71. The road purposes only or to,'rcv~Y't to ~anto'r'r:. "uit ::laim Dee o:RVIJ: G. r:OEL1'ZOW iuld 1.ffiIA :\. ,4>EL ~",C'" The East 10 fee of the parcel descri~ed as follo~~: That oart of the No heab ~ ouar' er of the /Northeast (Ju'l.,ter of the :~out.hvest quarte of G';,~tion 14 ,r3il; R6g...., dcs;ribed as follows: Beginn ng at a point 252/feet No:n;h of the Gouth...es', :om~~ of said Northeast quarter of Norpheast Quarter of South'.'est quarter of said Se tion 14; t~ce East 300 feet; thence North 126 feet; thence We ~~; thence South 126 feet to the place or beginning: ((iui t : Claim Deed from MARTIN P AND EFFIE I. NEJJ1ES ') The East 15 feet of a tract of land in the N"~ of the rrw~ ,. C'f the swt or Section 22, T3S, Rb9'.. of the 6th ?/,1. ....hich is described as: Co~nc1ng at a point on the 'lorth line of "aid Swe. 612.;' reet East of the West Quarter corner of -;aid Section 22 (ror t.he purpose of this deed said north line is assumed to run due east and vest) and running thence South 10 Oq' East 66. ' feet to the true point or beginning, thence South 10 OQ' ~ast ,00 feet, thence North 880 53' West 190 feet, then~e llorth 00 ,)'7' ':ast 300 feet, and thence South 880 57' E 180.5 feet, ~o,e 0, leso, to said true point of beginning. Qui t ::laim Deed from RALPH B. ARNOLD AND E::'I':"Y :.1", ...:\:n:~j) :'he East 10 feet of the folloving de5crib"d :)"" ,>:~: ;;"qi':ni".' at a point 126 feet e 3~thve~t COer.e, of ~~e folloving described 0 acre tract;n 'y..tl\e iL.' of ti." ~;st of the :;'..Ii:- of See,-, t, "T'~! ;16?l..1; t he~r:~:':... r':-om said poin~ of' beginning 126 ~eet; :he"'."i~ ~:a.: "\, feet thence Sou-:.h 126 fee:'; then ."e ',{est -' 1 I ~€.'e" . I) _1__.1_- ry (' V -J '--- \:lD -rJ --...... LJ) c.!--.. C) ('oJ -h --,":>