HomeMy WebLinkAboutP 311 I I .~ lOne term of appo1D~t of Ira Hard1n, as an a.l.t;ernat;e t;0 '.:.h" Inter-county :'eglO!llU :>l.alU1ing COIIlIIIlusion expired as of August 3, 1960, Blld WHEREAS Jefferson County needs constant representation on said Commission, lOW, "J."I1&lIS.t'\lRE, BE rr RESOLVED that Ira Hardin is hereby and here\l1 th appointed as ... .'"!gular member d the Inter- COIIIlty Rl!g1onal Planning Coaa1ssion for a term of one year, said term to expire as of Augunt 3, 1961. ACCKP'1'A1fCE OF ROAm - 44th Pl; Vance; Upham; 47th Pl; Quay '2..3 -3 - b~ Upcc IIOtlC11 ~ COlIIII1ss100er Osborne, eeMllld by COlIIllissioner Bauer and by unanimous vote the following resolt..tion ,.. adopted with all three cO\llllissionels voting" Aye": WHEREAS the County of Jefferson, State of Colorado, requires all streets and roads to be satisfactorily completed betore tM 118IIIII v1ll. be accepted for maintenance by the COlmty of Jefferson, and WHEREAS the streets and roads as described below have been satisfactorily completed Blld the County Road Supervisor baa inspected the S8IIle and recOlllllended the said streets Blld roads to the Collllll1ssionerG of Jefferson Couuty for acceptance for maintenance purposes, !lOW '~, BE rr RESOLVED by the Board of Jefferson County COlllID1ssioners that the following streets and roads are hereby accepted for County maintenance and are hereby declared to be County roads and a part of the County road s fBtem: satcl rOII48 8ZJd/or streets are: 44th Place, Vance to (4iham Vance Street 512' North from 44th Avenue Upham Street 660' North from West 44th Place ~7th Place to existing paving ~ Street from 47th Place South to existing paving zamro, REZONING AIm RECLASSIFICA'IION Case No. BOo-I04 Arapahoe Bulld1ng Co. I tJpon IIOtlC11 01' COlIIII1ss1oner Osborne, second by COlIIllissloner Bauer and by unanimous vote the following resolution .- adopted with COlIIlliss1oner Osborne voting "Aye"; Bauer"Aye"; and Schoech "Aye": WBE:lEAS The proposed re~oning is consistent \11th the development along Sheridan Avenue at ~his point, and WHEREAS it is part of a well defined unit of an entirely new area to be constructed at this point, and WIIZREAS there were no objectors present, '!lOW, TIIEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the application of Arapahoe Building Co., CaGe B6o-104 to amend lIIlp 6 to incb I within the R3 District and exclude from the Al District the following unincorporated area of Jefferson County be aDd hereby ':'s approved: Subject to acceptance of a satisfactory plan showing good drainage for the area. R3 area described as that part of the SEt of Sec. 25, 1'45, R69\1, described as beginning at t.be SE corn"r o. Seot1C11'25; thence North along'the East line said Sec. 25, 1290 feet; thence .I.,st and parallel with I the East line of Sec. 25, 815 feet; thence South 55.'.1, 176.0 ft; thenc", S 63. 10' '.I, 415.0 !'<;; l..)ence Is 23- 30' II, 75 feet; thence South 135 feet to South line of said Sec. ,2'5; thence East 900.0 feet to point or beginning EXCEPT the East 50.0 ft and the South 30 feet thereof. For Road purposes. p -0 tP w - -