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l'll ~ ~ iI'U I ~ ,...., I Jill ga ,. ._, ,~ ) UIII woq l.~ Y.).j
~, ~.. l!' RI90LlID t.bat tb1s Board does herebJ u4 herewith approYe ~t ot the two _hen total.1Dc
1'5291.05 UMl
'- l'! .._ JIISOLlID t.bat the'fOUCher 1D the lIIIOUDt ot $3547.95 be held Imtll further cbec:1t ot -.p8 aDd pllotogapba
I-- UeCUM1ca thereof ~ 'be bad.
..u.ca of ~.stc.ler oellorDe, HCClIId bJ C~..loaer lauer u4 b7 .......i_ 'IOte tla tollov1Jac reec.LIIt1ClD
MiDpU4 w1~ aU tIIree ~..lClD11ra wt1Dc "A1e".
tile co.rt7 of Jef'teraca, Mate of COlorado, requ1res all streets u4 rcMI4e to __ eatlstector1l7 c~
an tile _ wUl M accep1;ecl tar -.1D1oaaDce bJ the CouDt;T of Jlttteraco, aDd
tile etreeta UIIl rcMI4e .. deecr1M4 beJ.ow !aft 'been eatlstllC~ c~eted UId the COuIIt7 BDII4 8wperrtllOl'
1aa,.ct.e4 the _ IlIIll 1"8<: C ~~ the ea1d Irtreitts UId roeds to the cc-1ae1oael'll of .rett_ co.rt7 tOIl'
tar ~ }lIIl"POH8,
, ~alI, .. l!' IIIIIlLlID ~ the -.rd of .Jetter_ COIIDt;T C~ssloaera that the tollowllll e1irMta ell roaJa
...., aco.pte4 tar eo.t7 ~ IlIIll are herebJ ~ to 'be Coaat;T rcMI4e ud a ,.-t of the co-~
~d roIl4e u4/0II' etreeta are:
'AYE ------ ."Z"Il
( 118ft 3J,n A~ rr. Yard Coart to Vr1&tIt Street (265') .~
t1fr1Pt 810reet rr. Yen 31st ATm,. to Wn1; 30th A....- (~') 5
PA'fII __ - IJwp1ratlca Po1JIt Subd1"f1e1ClD
Z.r1 ... 3" (,1
51 z..
--- \J
"IS'- -tt
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JUaIUL CltAlIL "'..-.:. - PlDe \'&lJ.q Acres
- ru.u..e Roe4
~ of ~"1.-r oellozoDe, HCGDd bJ ec-:t..loaer Bauer UId b7 .......i_ 'IOte the tollov1.q rnol1ltlca ..
wl~ aU *'- ~..lClD11ra 'fOUJa& "A;:pI".
)f a dMd of t.bat certa1A roK recorded 1D Book U 71 at Pap 229 of the .Jetteraco COIIDt;T reeorU, eerta1D
, ~s IIIIll .u..,.. s.,. the~ 111I1'8 4ed1cated to the Public J UId
~ * tall.owlDI described portlou of roe4 are DO 1ClDpl' IIecessar:r tor UN b7 the public; u4
~ Wd portlou of roe4 are DOt v1WD the u.1ts of ~ clt7 0' town and does Dot tOl"ll the 'bcND4ar7 11M ot a
!Clti7, W. 01' .....t1 J u4