HomeMy WebLinkAboutQ 009 '" --.. -- - --~ ~ ~..~~~. , Lou-I. and 2 ~"8Ubd1 YI.r-on LooaUClIlI ~9Ql IDS1ana f)..J.. ~ ~fl/ VUL ~ ~ 4 tllJICID 8Otton or ec-tsa1cmer HoakinsClll, second 117 CoaIIId..s1aner Levis and by .J4J1DOU8 vote the ~ _ IIdaptIed. w1~ all t.Ilree co..s..sionera-.-vattns "Aye" I ., I j 1IIBRBAS lI;y a Deed recorded 1D Book 1212 at Pap 226 or t!Ie Je:N'eraon County recorda, ctn'tam. I an.,.. abDm t.hereon wre dedicated to t!Ie pUblic; and 1 j .-mAS t!Ie t'ollov1.na dePcribed portion 01' a road is no lonser necessar;y 1'or 118e by tbe public, eat ;#f.: , ~ Rid portion o!' a road. is not V1th1n the limits or an;y c1ty or tovn and does not !'01"18 1;be belli.;, ; a e11:;y, towD. or eoun1:;y; Uld i ...'m. - wu.an-DaYia School i WBIRI!:AS DO land would, b;y a vacat10n a!: sa1d portion or road be left without an established pUblic %'OlI4 , U V1 th another e8tabli8bed public road; and llBEREAS the Je:N'erson Count;y Pl.ann1ng COlIIII1s81on has approved the said proposed vacat10n 01' port.iClll or road, . 1IOll, ~, BE IT lm30LVED by the Board or County COlIIII1ss1011er8 or Je:N'erBOI1 Coun1:;y, Cal.clr84b~....t to . proY1810D8 or Cbapter 217, 19'1-9 Sess1on. Lava o!' Colorado that the !'ollow1ng de8Cribed porti<*l Of I't*d irLtuatle t!Ie Coun1:;y or Je:N'eraOll, State o!' Colorado, be and 1t~~bY vacatftd, 8ubJect to a reaenaUGi:I or 1.' U : t!Ie COIlt1mMd _ or exi8ting sever, pa, vater or si p pe line8 and appurtenances, existing d11:C!lit* IID4 spparteDImc:ea, and exis1;1ng electric, telephone and similar 11ne8 and appurtenances, 1f' azq: ~~%1J1 tt ~S T!!~t part or the swt 01' SeCUOI1 23, T3S, R69w 01' the 6th P.M., described as beg1nniftg a10 t.be D eomet' CT the SEk or the .w: or the sw: 01' Sec:t1011 23, thence Nortb 25.0 1'eet ~l-. We81; l6II-.8 1'ee1;J ~ SoIlth 50.0 !,ee1; thenc., East 164.8 !'eet thence Horth 25.0 1'eet to the po1~ o!' begJftMftg. Alao ~ ~ or Lot 57 Wbeatridge View nrat Add! tiOl1 described as beg1nning at t!Ie S ;lamer or 11&14 Lot Jl' tbeDft 1IW 18.0 1'eet .ore or 1es8 to a point 12.4 1'eet ve8t and 12.5 1'eet north .J1' the 5E CorDer or 11&14 Lot$t thence West 127.0 1'eet thence North 50.0 1'eet; thence ea8t 127.0 1'eet; thence 5E 1.8 f'ee1; ___ ~ lesa-,W a point 50.0 reet norfh or the 5E comer or said Lot 57 thence South 50.0 reet to the ~ of' ~~ VACA'l'IOI - W1lmore-!lB.v1s Schoolm tJpoI1 UIOtio.. 01' CCllIIlII1.8s100er Ho8kinson, secOI1d by COlIlIII1ssiOl1er LeV1s and b;y unan1D1OUB vote the 1'oll.owtng ~. .. adopted V1tb C0lIIII18s1ooera IIo8Id.naOll, Levis and Bauer voting "Aye": I .~ Wilmore-Davi8 School bas an extensiOl1 01' its !'ence placed across the road, and the Rl School D1tRr1C't U : ~stmg & vacation 01' said road, and st maintain that sucb a vacation V1ll not permit them acces8 in or otrl; or their pt~ "'", ... /: property O\IllerB are coneerned about said vacation, '1 ~':-:5.' - ~...,;.~ - ...,.. o~ Count;y C0lIIII18sionera desire to ..e a peraoaal torip, ~'~". b<<ton _~~:::v=u~ ON 40 bereby and herev1th take \II1der lI4vlaaen1o tor CDe _k 1;0.. ,o'.~ I ~or or ~g a tDspeC'tiClll. 1 .' ~ _......... OJN-tL B:SPn'AL . i )..tJ.plD.. 8OttClll. ~ eor.d.8a1GDer Lev1.~ lie...... .tIr'~~1 "1"~1I1th . . it.'.;; ~