HomeMy WebLinkAboutQ 061 ... Journal of the Commissioners of JeHenon County. Colorado_ _.l\.&JJ 31.. VoL f1 19 61. I UlIDee lIonIIw.ur~ &lcac 10ba ~_ of a tr1aqle 19.35 feet lION or leas to tile po1at of ."_flll', :qarr ClaW IM4 :t'raa AR'l'IIJR Jr. ~ and. LtIU.DI P. IBIBJIBII to Jeff.rlco COImt1: !lilt Yut 30 feet of the Iorth lTI2.5 feet and. the Jorth 30 feet of the Welt 503.25 feet of tbe Io~ ~ of Sec101co ~, 'l'38, R69W. For rOIId purpoael oaly. . ~t ClaW Deed :t'raa ~ .. OOODIIII and. JAJII C. OOODWD to Jetteraoo County: AD _.. lilt for the ....r17 ten feet of Lot 15, Applevood Ranchettel mown .. 133~ BNaD..... Draf-r: , ~..all' ~. i I ~t ClaW D8ecl :t'raa CQUI~, lMIIirJllkl) BUILDmS, CO. to Jeffersco CountYI . !lie Iorth lbe feet of tile follovlDs deecribed pareel: '!'be Jorth 125 feet of Lot 3J tile Yut 15 r..t of I. tIIIt Jrorth 125 fen of Lot 2, 8114 the Wen ~17.23 feet of the South 50 feet of Lot ~, all 111 Block .\, .....~ ~ Sabd1Y181co, accorUng to the recorded. plat thereof. Parcel to be __ for at a.at; a f1ft foot dft1D 101!e. ~t ClaW DM4 :t'raa .-.ano C. RICIIARDBOJI, aBRALDIIB K. RICBARIX:lOlf and IfAXIIII E. RICJIARDlQf to .JiIf1'vaaD ~ !lie Jrorth 5.0 fen of 10ba 8oIIt.b 50.0 feet of the east 190.0 feet of Lot ~, Block ~, leftrq ..1__ \ SabUv1s1on, CoImty of affenco,State of ColOl'lldo. For Drainage purpoeea <lIlly. i CLADI5 j'!'be claba wre reM. aDd approved b1 the eo-tadooen for the wek of J\al,y 31, 1961. '!'bey are apt 1D pe.--.t recOI'Il fCla'W 1D tba eo-t881OMr'. JO\U"ll&lllwllMr 3, _ _ve been approved and const1tute a pu't benof'. I I ~ AD.Iv- .. i j'ftla'e betDC no turtber bua1De.. to c~ befOft the Board at tMI 101_ the _tinS ad,Joamed II(IClIl -1~ YOte. I ~ "."......... C(Qft'f 00IICIBe~ 1 j < I / .v.>~ ,. i C1eI1t - , ~ - / .u A..4.('4 --14'''6.- ~~ .,A../ .t:. ~,t ,;:.y r-