HomeMy WebLinkAboutQ 146 146 Journal of the Commissioners of Jefferson County, Colorado.---u~ ~_.wNonmber U. .....---. ......- ~J9M- - . 70. 47' We.t a distance of 1l7. 07 feet to a point on the Ea.t line of Cody Street. thence South alonl the .aid !:a.t line of Colly Street 51. 78 feet to the point of beginning. for road purpo.e.. '\ 'I" 1 'UI- Q VACATIONS i ! UpoD motiOll of Commi..ioner Lewi.. eecond by Commiuioner Bauer and by majority vote the following reeolution j_' adopted with Commieeioner. Lewie and Bauer voting "Aye. " Commiesioner Hoekinson absent: I WHEREAS by plat of Maple Grove Acree recorded in Plat Book 17 at Page 65 of the Jefferson County recorda. certain .treete. avenuea and alleys shown thereon were dedicated to the public, and WHJ:IlEAS the following deecribed ItreetB and drivel are no longer neceuary for use by the public. and WHEREAS ~ch nreetl and drivee are not within the limiU of any city or town and do not form the boundary line of a city, toWD or county; and WHEREAS 110 land would. by vacation of eaid atreeU and drivel. be left without an established public road connect- inl it with another eatabliehed public road; and 1 WHEREAS the Jeffer.on County Planning Commi.eion hal approved the said propoeed vacation of eaid nreeta j and drive., ~ NOW. THEIlEFOIlE. BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County CommiUioners of Jeffeuon County. Colorado. , Ip1&r...to the provi.iona of Chapter Z17. 1949 Se..ion Laws of Colorado. that the following deacribed .treets and \, _i".. .ituate in the County of Jefferson and State of Colorado be and they are hereby vacated. subject to a reler- ' l-uoa of ....ement for the continued use of exiating aewer. gas. water or similar pipelinea and appurtenancea. I Gilda. ditche. and appurtenance.. and e:Khung electric. telephone and .imilar linea and appurtena:lce.; all 1 street. aJUl drive. aa dedicated and .hown in the plat of Maple Grove Acres. recorded in Plat Book 11 at Pag," 65 ~ of the J"e...oo Co\lJlty record.. and lying weat of Applewood Village. according to the recorded plat thereof. ; ...id plat recorded in Plat Book 19 at Page 63 of the Jefler.on County records and more .pecifically the follo'wing , "reet. &ad drive.: X.-. Street (from Weat 3Znd Avenue to Weet 35th Avenue) Weat 3Znd DTive Wen 33rcl Drive Weat 3.tth Drive VACATION I Upon motion of Commi..ioner Lewie. aecond by Commi..ioner Bauer and by majority v,,~~ .ne followinl> reeohltion wa. adopted with Conuni.eioner. Lewi. and Bauer voting "Aye. " Commissioner Hoskinson absent: .. .." ~..... 61'- &.. I I VACATIOM ,..... ..... o' Commi.etoner Lewie, e.cond by Commi..ion.r Bauer and by majority vou: the followin. re.obahoQ : _.~....lUl Commi..ioner. Lewi. and Bauer votina "Aye." Commi..ioner Ho.kin.on ab.ent: e I, 1rIII:IlU8"" a "ed recorded in Plat Book UO Pale IZ4 of the Jeffer.on County record. certain atreet.. avenue. , aM aU..,. were ..dieated to Ule public, and I WHDEAa the loUowiD. de.cribed cul-de-.ac ie no longer nece..ary for u.e by the public. and WHDJ:AS the Jeffereoll County Plannina Commialion ha. approved the .aid propo.ed vacatio!1 of cuI-de-a&c. NOW. THDEI'ORE. BE IT RESOLVED by tbe Board of Commi..ioner. of Jeffenon County. Colorado. pur.u.ant to the provieioae 01 Chapter Z 17, 1949 Seeeioll Law. of Colorado. that the following de.cribed cuI-de-.ac .ituae ill the Cowity of Jellereon and the Sute of Colorado be and it i. hereby vacated .ubject to a re.ervation of ea.e- .... lor the coDtbuled u.e of exi.Unl .ewer, laa, waler or .imilar pipelines and appurtenances. existing ditches &DCl appqrt_ncee and exi.tinl electric, telephone and .imilar line. and appurtenances if any: Tract A BeaiJlninl at a point 111.8 feet Ea.t and Z49. 7 feet North of the Southwut corner of the E! of the SEl swl Nwl of Section Z5, T3S. Rb9W. thence to the West along the curve of a circle havill. a r.diu. of 45 feet, a dietance of 103.75 feet to a point lying on the We.t line of Lamar Street. thence .outh along ..id We.t line 8Z. Z5 feet to the point of beginning. Tract B Betuminl at a poiDt IS 1.8 feet Eaet and Z49. 7 feet North of the Southweat corner of the Ei SEt swl Nwl of Section Z5. T3S. Rb9W; thence along the curve of a circle to the right h.aving a racliu. of 45 feet, a dietance of 103.75 feet to a point on the E.a.t line of Lamar Street. thence South alonl ..id Eaet line a di.taIlce of 8Z. Z5 feet to the point of beginning. it being the intention of thie vacation to vacale the portion of the cul-de-.ac created by the deed recorded in Book 820. Pa.e lZ4 ol the record. of Jeffer.on County which lie. ouuide of a traveled portion of Lamar Street . ~ d I -C:J \ , . . . I , CLAIMS * * , 1 The claim. were read and approved by the Commi..ioners for the- week of Nove-mber 13. 1961. They are kept ine- ~ permaDeDt record form in the Commi.lioner.' Journal No 4. Same have been approved and constitute a part : hereof. , ADJOUllNMENT . . ~ I I There beiDa no further budne.. to corne before the Board at thi. time the meeting adjourned upon unanimous vote. t i ATTUT '-r~J hjij;;t;T;;;.. JEFFERSON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ~4 '~A~'/<.L~~J"(-.A ./