HomeMy WebLinkAboutQ 174 n. '0. poln' wnu;n lie. ,u n. ea., 01 ,ne we'l une 01 .ala Nt.~, "l W fl '-cu~r .,; Ih---- I h a' ron.ai__ ..,itbl.___ we'- ...Ie at _..d ~"4 Nwl a Ji.t "'''' ot Z". 3 !t,. mor~ or 1.... tv . point on the .oulh line 01 .aid W. Z6th Ave, ; thence we.t alona the .outh line ol.act W, Z6th Ave.. and parallel with Ihe north line o! aaid NWi Nwi o! Section 3Z a cli.t&nce of so It. to the point o! beainninl tv be u.ed tor rvad purpo.e. only C)lait Claim Deed - Louh Pedota tll Jefferaon Cvunty Accepted for rOAd purpo.e. .ubjecl to lhe condition that the county .hilll a..ume main- t_nee ollly after con.truction thereof in accordance with the .ubdivi.ion regulAtion. of JefferlOn County a. .aid reaulallon. apply to roada: Ea.t SO ft. o! the weat 630 {\, o! the north ZOO ft. o! the NEi o! Section 22. T3S. R69W of the 6th P. N,. for public roadway purpo.e. ( being that portion of Field St. intera 'ct- iAt W. 48th Ave, a. platted in the plat of Nvrth Green Valley Subdivhion "by aeparate deed" I. QlIit Claim Deed - Jame. Fie.elman. aka Jim Walter Fieselman.to Jefferson County Accepted for road purpoeee eubject to the condition that the county shilll assume mainteDAnce oaly after conetruction thereof in accordance with the subdivision regulationa of Jefferson County as .aid reaulation. apply to road.: Ent 25 ft. of the .outh ..0 ft. of the ea.t 198 ft. of the Nwi NW:. Section 23. T4S. R69W of the 6th P. M. and being .ubJect to aU exi.ling rights-oC-way and easements acroe.. alonl. through. under and over and along said tract being especially subject to uae for purpoaea of a public right-o!-way. ()Ilit Claim Deed - John W. Schilling and Signe M. Schilling to the County oC Jeffereon Accepted for road purpoaea .ubJect to the condition that the county shilll a.sume main- tenaDce only after con.truction the reo! in accordance with the subdiviaion regulations of JefferlOn County aa .aid reaulationa apply to road.: We.t 2S ft. of the north 330 ft. of the weet 26. ft. of the Ni NEi Nwi except road on north. Section 23. T4S. R69W oC the 6th P. M. and being subject to all exi.ling righU- ot way and ea.emenU acroa.. along. through. under and over and along said tract and bem. .pecificaUy .ubject to use for purpoae. of public right-of-way. ()Ilit ClAim Deed - Mary Fie.elman to the County of Jefferson Accepted for road purpo.e. .ubject to the conditionthat the county shaU a..ume main- tenance only after con.truclioD thereot in accordance with the subdivision regulations oC J efeer.on Counly a. .aid reaulations apply to roads: The .outh 25 ft. ot Ni NEi Nwi except .outh 330 Ct. oC east 528 ft. of welt 79;; ft. . e31cept .eet 264 ft.. except ea.t 50 Ct. of north 175 Ct, . Section 23. T4S. R69W oC the oth P. M. and being .ubject to all existing righli-oC-way and easements acro... along. throulh. under and over and along .aid tract and being specifically subject to u.e Cor pur- nn... of ftuhlir ,.;aht_n(_.....:.v )'- , !.:--" ( \' , i '\ , , o~ -:::;l r 02:J ;:~ ~ -l +