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o.it Clainl Deed - From Jack. Clifford Fieu'lman tu J..H"r8un County
For: Eut Z~ ft of the N 440 ft. of 5 880 f\. of E 198 ft. of Nwi Nwi S..ction l3.
T4S. afl'w of the 6th P. M. and beinl .ubj.ct to .11 exiltlnll riahU-of-way and
....m.na. .cro.., alon,. throulh, under .nd over and alonll .aid tract and b..ing
.pecifically .ubject to u.. for purpose. of a public right-of-way Accepted for
road ",rpo... .ubJ.ct to lh. conciiUon th.t the cuunty .hall anume maintenance
oat,.aer conatnaction th.reof in accordanc. with the .ubdivi.ion regulation..of
Jaffer.OIl CollDty .. ..id r'lulatioD' apply to road..
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, ()&it Claim Deed lO Corporation - From Victor Sievertl and Elinbeth Le Neve
SieverU to County of J effer.on
The Weat 20 ft. of the South 214 ft. of lhe North 4S4 ft of the E. 1 of the NEt
of the NE! of the NE! of the NE! of Section 28, T 3S. Rb9W,
OUt Claim Deed to CorporaUoD - From Arthur LeRoy Scheideman and Leona
/ L. Scheideman to Jeffer.on County
,-. For: That part of the SE! of Section 23, T3S. Rb9W, de.cribed aI follow..
t Th. E.... ZO ft. .r... ...... ,. ft. .Uh. N..... .. ft, ~.. NEt .n.. SEt .n..
Journal of the Commissioners of
Jefferson County, Colorado~ JanuArY 2Z,
..) 3oa,
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of the NW! of the SE! of Section 23, T 3S. Rb9W.
Ouit Claim Deed - From V. E. Nellon and Je..ie Nebon to Jefferson County
For: Eaat 30 ft. of the South 150 fl. of the North 1S5 ft. of the NEt of the SEt
of the SW! of Section 24, TSS. Rb9W for road purpo.ea only,
CASE NO. B61-166
Jeffer.on County PlanninR Commission
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