HomeMy WebLinkAboutQ 361 ~ "'''''. ... ................-. -....-. --..... -..-- - - -- .----- - - I em~ nedl poBI Id dt reb] i hEl Lth ~ pt "I HosltiDsOll to affix bis signature thereto in acceptance thereof. ppr sarr ,d hi y a\ ~iz<<; -, -lItel . PETITION - Boundary Line, Park and Jefferson County , Upon motion of Commillsioner Bauer, second by Commissioner Lewis and by unanimous vote the following reso- lutioD was adopted: BE IT RESOLVED that the Chairman, Chester L. Hoskinson, of the Board of Jefferson CoUllty Commissioners be Journal of the Commissioners of Jefferson Coun . Colorado__~_____~..!l~.sL_. 19 6Z ~l'MILa_~Oll.. ---- .... &ad Ilere'by is authorized to affix his sipature to the Petition on behalf of Jefferson County, said Petition being as follows: State of Colorado SS: PETITION Counties of Jefferson aDd Park I The Board of COUllty Commissioners of the Counties of Jefferson and Park, State of Colorado, hereby petition the State Engineer in accordance with Colorado Revised Statutes 1953, Chapter 34-2-10, to run out and establish the north-south boundary line by plain and substantial mounds and marks and unmistakable natural mODllD1eats with the assistance of the county surveyors of each of said counties, and to furnish the Board of County Commbsioners of Jefferson and Park Counties with a description of such line as soon thereafter as may be practical. The said north-south boundary line is so l.udefinite that a portion of territory, in excess of 1200 feet wide along said boundary, is claimed by both counties, and there is con- fusion with respect to taxation, roads, subdivisions, and other matters affecting the resideats of said counties. Each county shall pay its respective county survey- or, and all other expenses of such survey shall be borne equally by said counties. (c__. ~-' 'J-.l c- Board of CoUllty Commissioners of the Cowzty of Jefferson Board of County Commhsionerll of the County of Park By: (Signed) Cheder L. Hoskinson Chairman of the Board By: (Signed) W. C. Lewis Chairman of tbe Board ~T A T1'O OJ:' r.OT .()R Ann STATE OF COLORADO ) c:;s.