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OOMJUSSIOI:ERS DEED - Wilbur L. Richards
,Upon motion by COIIII:lissioner Lewis, secol~d by COlilI:liSBior,er iloBkir.sor., n.r.d b:; ::lajori ty vote,
;COmmiseioner Jump being absent, the following resolutior. was adop~ed:
iDE IT RE30LVED that the Chairma.."1, Chester I.. Hoskinson, is hereby appoi:-,ted COlIlDissioner to
;oonTeY and to execute deed for and on behalf of the County )f Jefferso~, ~tate of Colorado,
'oonveying the following described parcel of land to ','/ilbur L. .,ichards:
North 1 foot of the l:Ei SEt swt, Section 4, T3S, P..69W,
of the 6th P .11. and South 24 feet of the !;orth 25 feet
of the l:Et SEt sWi, Section 4, T3S, H69i'/, of the 6th
P el,'!.
~C01OUSSIOllERS DEED - Arvada Packing Company
lUpon motion by Commissioner Lewis, second by Commissioner Hoskins.:m, and by I:I8jori ty vote,
Commissioner Jump being absent, the following resolution was adopted:
aBE IT RESOLVED that the Chairman, Chester L. Hoskinson, is hereby appointed Commissioner to
!'Convey and to Execute Deed for and on behalf of the County of Jefferson, State of ColoradO,
oonveJing the following described parcel of land to Arvada Packing Company:
That portion of Harlan Street lying South of West 54th
Avenue, as deeded in Book 565 at page 516 of the Jeffer-
son County records, more particularly described as follows:
Beginning at a point 270.75 feet South of the ::orthwest
corner of the swt NEi of Section 13, T3S, R69W, of the
6th P.M.; thenoe East 20 feeta thence North 128.5 feet;
thence West 20 feet to the West line of the If&t; thence
~ South 128.5 feet to the point of beginning.
~KKWAY AG~~. MODIPIED - Project 1 70-3(8)268
l Interstate #70
~pon .otion by Commissioner Lewis, second by Commissioner Hoskinson, and by majority vote,
1Comm1ssioner Jump being absent, the following rssolution was adopted:
lBE IT RESOLVED that the Chairman, Chester L. Hoskinson, is hereby authorized to affix his signa-
1~ to the I..odification of Free~ Agreement, Project 1 70-3(8)268, on behalf of the County of
:Jefferson, said agreement being as follows:
WHEREAS, a certain Agreement was entered into betweer. the DEPARTl.:El;T
OP HIGHWAY:'; of the State of Colorado, hereinafter called the "Depart-
ment" and the COUllTY OF JEFFERSON, State of Colorado, hereinafter
called the "County" on the 18th day of November, A.D. 1960, said
Agreement, captioned under Project I 70-3(8)268 and relating to the
location of a Freeway over a portion of relocated ILterstate ~oute
70 within the County, and access rights to and from the arterial
lanes of said Freeway and
WHEREAS, Paragraph III (E) of said agreement states that the same
may be changed or altered with the approval and concurrence of the
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