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Journal of the Commissioners of
Jefferson County, Colorado~ r:t.;{ 3,
MI~;UTEZ OF I!AY 3, 19f.,";
"J _..,r tMIC. . ....t . t"l...-.-o ....Gf w.s
ae .T~fereon County Commissiflners met in regular se31::ion on ~,onday, :.:a;,' 3, 19C;" at the :;0=18-
donere' Chabers, 'ounty Court House, Golden, COlorado, I'll th COr:un1s!:loner JOE: 3. LE:\,:ie, COO1r-
-.n; eo..1..1oner Ghester L. Hoskinson; Commissioner John J. Jucp; and Lourine :r.artin, 81er1: to
u tile Board, pre.ent.
.. lH'Ian St3ftJl !'tn.~TIOU - New Roads Added to Road Sj'stec
Ibe C01DlV Jlanager, Karl G. Williams, on April 27, 1965, at the regular !:leeting of the Board of
OouDtJ ec.use1onere, presented the Board with a list of new roads to be added to the Road
I7at-. !he COIIIIIl1ssioners were in unanimous agreement that the following roads are approved
~ aDd are added to the road system of Jeffereon County:
Uew Roads Added to Road System
I. PaTed Roads
Arbutus Street,
from Willow Lane to Winfield Place
Bal.... Street,
t%'OII'iie.t nor14a Avenue to South Brentwood Street
BreDwood Street,
115' south of West Arizona Drive to lOb' south of ~lab~a
Brenwood 'lay,
Cottontail Drive to 93' north of Louisiana Avenue
Barpn4y A Tenue,
fro. Weat Brittany Place to West Brittany Place
BuUer Wa,.,
fro. West ~iEsissippi Avenue to South Bren~ood S.reet
CaQJon Drive, 441' west of South Depew to Canyon Trail
117' west of Zouth Depew to 246' west of Canyon Jr1ve
Cape Way,
from South Cody \iay to Woodward Drive
CodY' street,
West ~ex1co Avenue to West Florida Avenue
CodY' 1IaY',
West Jewell Avenue to South Cape ~ay
Devinney Court,
'Z. 2_'"'-':;'1 frort ';Jest 8th i.venue to Devinney :Jtreet
2-;' .) - Dover Street,
from West 44th Avenue to 1Iest 45th AvenuI
n.,......' w.."
.089 cdle
.216 mile
.097 DiIe
.159 mile
.148 I:1ile
.967 o11e
.03' nile
.200 :lI11e
.125 mile
.242 :nile
. 1 04 mil e
.093 mile
.,.., "1. I j I I I
\'i.... Je\',,::J..1. AVUIl\.Il' t" o.loutll "art! ..Ii::
Devinney Court,
from \Iest 6th ."venue to Jcvlnney .,trc'Jt
Dover Street,
from West 44th Avenue to Nest 45th Avenu
Drexel Way,
centerline of South Cody Court to 168' WlBt 01 South
€l Drew Way
~2-3-b,_ Everett Street,
from Weet 46th Place south to exiBtlnr, pevlng
PeI11ion Street,
Weet Florida Avenue to ~est ~exico Avenue
Gft)" Sveet,
troa Weet Florida Avenue to Iowa cul-de-~8c
Green Mountain Drive,
from South Welch Circle to Weot Iowa Jrive
Harlan Street,
from West Mexico Avenue couth
Hinaclale Avenue,
frOD South Sheridan Court eaet to Sheridan Boulevard
Holland street,
frolll ;;eet Dakota Avenue so~th thru c~l-dt'-sac
Independence Street,
from 94' south of West 18th Drive eouth
Indiana Street,
~ West 96th Avenue to dest 120th ~vcr.~e
Ingalls Street, (cul-de-aac),
!roll West Florida Avenue to 'fest Iowa ....vcnu('
Iowa Avenue,
from South Balsam Street east to existing pavine
Iowa Drive,
trOD South 7e1ch Circle to West Green :;o~ntain Jrive
Iowa Place,
fro. South Ingalla Street weat
frea South P'enton Street west
Jewell Avenue,
from Kipling Street to Union Street
Kentucky Avenue,
trOlll South 'iVadoworth BoulevaZ'd to South i',ebster
Leawood Drive,
trom Brittany Place to South Jay Court
.ex1eo Place,
trOlll South Valentine Court thru cul-de-sac
Mexico Avenue,
trOD South ';arr street to South Cape Street
Uiller Street,
trom West 20th ~ver.ue north
Oak Street,
trOlll West 9th }'1ace north
Otis Court,
trOD West Leawood Drive north thru oul-de-sQc
Pacinc Lane,
from South Cape Way thru cul-de-sac
.1()~ ::ile
.1)4 mile
.093 I::ile
.1)9n nile.
.025 mile
.216 oile
.184 nile
.122 oile
.021 ,_ile
.042 cile
.104 ::lile
.035 mile
3.039 miles
.014 mile
.021 oile
.120 cile
.013 mile
.021 mile
1 .000 cile
.045 mile
.122 ::lile
.122 mile
.012 cUe
.057 nile
.012 ;;;.il('
Journal of the Commissioners of
Jefferson County, Coloradoo- "uJ' 3.
T"I..1',"~."""".((J ,~..... v.:I9I
Quail Street,
from West 26th Avenue to ~eDt 2~th Plac'
Sheridan vourt,
~,,('c.,' from Ken Car:!l Road to Hinsdale
__0 ~ . - SWadley Street,
^I/l from West 46th Avenue north
Tabor Street,
from 'lest 25th Avenue to "~ost :~6th :.venue
Upham Street,
e8' north of Utah Aver.ue to 125' south of Utah :..ven',e
Valentine Court,
from \Vest Llexico .lvenue thru ct:l-de-sll,c
Vancouver Court,
from West Greer. t:ountain Drive thru Ct.l-de-sac
Vivian Street,
from ~est 26th Avenue to ~ard Jrive
Yarrow Court,
from Mexico Place to ''';cst IO\'1a Drive
Belevin Drive,
from South Van Gordon to the e.:lst 3!'.d "-;CBt
Chestnut Drive,
!'rom Kendall Court to Elmhurst Avenue
Chestnut WaY',
from Alder Avenue to Elmhurst \venue
z.2- ~? b" - Dudley Street,
B from Everett Street Southeast
from Everett Street North
':.1.3 b'i- Everett Street,
West 44th Avenue to Dudley Street
'ill West 46th Place to West 45th Place
Kenda~l Boulevard,
from Blmhurst Drive to Elmhuret Avenu
Kendall Court,
fron Elmhurst Drive to Elmhurst Avenue
22-3-(,"'< - lnieper,dcneo :>treet,
froe ',;est 44th Avenue to ',Vest 46th Aver-tiC
. Ir~a Street,
fro!:'.,:cat 44th ,',venue to ',jest 42nd \\,('1;'-1'
Van Gordon Street,
frorr. Belleviel'l Avenue to Bellc.view Jrivl'
foY j
, j
B ; '1.2-3-,
.096 nile
.096 mile
.122 ::lile
.083 mile VI
.049 nile ~~
.096 Ir.i 1 I' '7.:' -0
V i C...i'
.050 mile
.147 nile
.126 oile
.020 mile
.010 mile
.020 mile
.014 oile
.005 nile
.024 mile
.014 mile
.,)24 mile
.011 mile
.021 mile
. ~'2' ::lile
.016 ::lile
Weot 16th Place,
from ~cot 17th ~ve~ue weot
Va,I, "vrool, voet.., I I
frot: Bellev1"\{ \ve::'IC ~o H':ll'v1el'l J!':'/'
. '2." ,3-",9 Weot
S/2 .
'--- "'lest
,''1 ?"
1- ;~? ~
~z.- 3 - (,'1
5/Z -
'2.'2.- 3-bq
.._3,/,'1 - West
, (, th P1ac C f
from ~cot 17th ~vo::ue ~cat
1'fth Avenue,
fron West 1dth Jrive to 210' \lest of "Cct 1;,th :c lace
25th Place,
from Pierson street \lest to cxist1::C ~~Vil~
26th .\venue,
from V1viar. Street east
27th Avenue,
trom Teller street to Vance Street
}7th Plaoe,
trom S1mme Street west thru cul-de-cnc
42nd Avenue,
trom Iris Street to 11'18 Court
4,rd Avenue,
trom Ir1s Street to Ir1s Court
46th Avenue,
trom Tabor Street to 141' eaet of S~udloJ Gtreet
82nd Avenue,
trom Sheridan Boulevard to Shoridan ';o~r~
II. Gravelled Roads
Aspen Lane,
~rom Ponderosa Drive to cul-de-oac
Buchanan Drive,
from Sage Circle to cul-de-sac
from Section line SE to S~t Lane
Cabr1ni Boulevard,
from Paradise Road eaot to c'll-de-f'ac
Clover Lane,
froa firer/eed Drive to turr.-around
Cody Park Subdiv1010n Roads,
'!O'..:.nt !laple Road
Spruce !toad
ColUI:lbine [.oad
!3lac.: Birch Road
Il:w loud
: cd Lor :.000
,1r.i 1 (',. Road
=' i:','\'/(: C I )ri ve,
lro!:l !.:eadol'l Drive to 443' oo.th of Iri::; J~'i\'c
!larebell Lane,
from Pireweed Drive to cul~le-Ellc
Iris Drive,
from ~eadow urlve to Firc~ecd Drive
Juniper Circle,
from Sage Circle to Fonderon:l Dri\'I'
Loco Lane,
fl1l\~ Cuf ,M. Dr .~-< t6 Jrr'S- 1)ri-.r.
, ,1 ~-' :.-.~.J..f_
. 1 ~:;:- :Jile
.2!..j Lile
.u72 !:iil'~
. ')tv ;;)i1"
.123 !:lile
.013 :lile
.004 mile
.003 mile
.090 r.'.ile
.oo? mile
10.102 miles
.123 !:lile
.32C mile
.320 nile
.3:?4 mile
.083 oile
.G52 lJile
.070 mile
.023 mile
.034 tlile
1.140 mile
.015 z::Ue
.l\42 !:iile
.7~'3 nile
.136 mile
. ., 76 ...ile
. ,'Ii...,-:t :.ile
Journal of the Commissioners of
Jefferson County. Coloradop- 1 ar 3.
Lupine Drive.
from Pireweed Drive to Loco Lane
Paint Brush Circle.
from Buchanan Drive back to Buchanan ~r1ve
Panorama Hei<<hts Subdivision Roads.
Un-naaed roads wi thin the oubdivia1on
Bellview Drive
Columbine Avenue
~:a1n A venue
Mountsrield Drive
Panoraaa Drive
Ponderosa Drive.
from Highway #74 back to High~B7 #74
Ridge Road.
tram Buchanan Drive to Southeast
Sage Circle,
from Ponderosa Drive to Juniper Circle
S~t Lane,
trea cul-de-sac south to Buchanan Drive
Stmr1se Drive.
from Paradise Road Zm theaat
!h1ableberry Lane,
from Pa1nt Bruah Drive to cul-de-sac
Pine Park Subdivision Roads.
Valley Drive
Valley Lane
High Lane
High Drive
High Circle
Turkey Lane
Valley Circle
Banch Lane
Low Lane
Plateau C'irclc
.Blue Jay Road
Blue Bird Road
MeadoVl View
'r.l.r"af~.~L.. vJ'.........~__
.340 :::11'"
.164 I::.l.le
1.0S0 dIe
.u2~ oile
.040 r.lle
. ~27 dIe
1.800 wile
. .J€O ::::ile
.037 ::dIe
.02 E ::i1 e
.3C3 :::ile
.359 l'l.l.le
.148 :-.l1e
.035 cile
.26(, :::ile
1.820 oile
.0113 oi.lc
.OC7 oile
~.160 oile
.009 raile
.097 mile
.013 nile
.005 cile
.L'34 oile
.CO, oile
.00:; :::ile
.J~O :::.ile
1.1..0 7 miles
\ I
suI' \ . C, l'lll\'llit'iC..:.t.\.
'r\ .1 .' ; ;
.,:~ ~ ,,_lC
'BeU~a.r .\Venue.
from Ga:rrioon street i." ;<\1'1' ';. t,e!;. t
'Berry street.
frot!. cra'oll;p~lc to ::li::.'lJ.Cc
carr street.
{rOO 'Bel t',ar :\\,cr,uc to 011....0 Flu.ee
Codl street.
frolll 'Bel }.:ar !"ver.uc t.' ChiO 1'1u.cc
r-roo ,.""..... n." t. ",,,,,,,,., :.",,,,,.
Cr&b&pple ROod.
<rOO ..., 2'" ,.onu. to 01;";" S.r."
Derratlc street.
,_ 7'" 8th ,,,.nu' ,. ..... '," ...."u'
DeT'inne1 st-reet.
<roo ...' "", ,W.nu, to "", .,,, ""nuo
Dove-r street,
f-rotl 'Bel }.'.&r Avenue to OhiO Ill-Bee
DUdley street,
:f'-rotl Bel \\&1' Avenue to OhiO 'Place
,roo .." 44'" ,.,nu' .. w..' 54'" ,.,nu'
Es'teB street,
rrolll 'Bel l~.ar Avenue to 01110 'Place
~erett sueet,
fr01l1 Bel )tar Avenue to Ohi.O 1'1aCe
Est.. street,
trOIIl 1L1eeieei.ppi Avenue north
~e%&t'een. D1e-rgreen 1'..r1: :.etateG
1'1e14 St-reet,
..... ",,1 ,;or ,..nu' ,. ,."..... ,wnnuo
1l0"er street,
<r'"' "", "" ,..nu& " ,or"''''oo ,w"u'
GeneT" Court,
!r~ ~eller street to Reed Drive
R1llei4e D-rive,
rrom ,'0 R111Sidc ,lest
Indiana street.
rrotl. Hi.g11'<<9-1 f'(2 to ',jeot getb. ,',venuc
Jay Street.
..... .,., 10'" ,."", .. .,., 11" ,.,nu'
Ken'tUck1 Avenue.
t-r~ Ga:rrisOl'. "treet to Onio ...venuc
~eball Street,
trom ';leSt \~...:~cd"" .\Ve;\lC nor\.'1
'i.yYb"'fCNelSOn street.
5/ _ <rom ..., ,.'" ,.on'" " ..., 20.h "..""
~ _ <roo ';;.El ,o'h ,."", " .... ,10' ^"",'o
OU street.
"oO ...t 11" ,.onu' ,. .... 13'h ,..n'"
onio 1'1ace.
from Picld street to carr street
, i - :..i.l.t
,f (. :~i.le
. --
i ,.' :..~~:.e
. '-'".
.,12 "'-1.1e
.1 ~4- ~_.: ~~
. ,2Z ~i1e
.200 ,--He
.2'-'S ;:cilc
2.460 ;r.ile5
.26') r.ile
.2t.4 cile
.ObO ;r..ile
.100 oile
.,,1 ci1.e
55' l:lil e
.090 t;'.ile
.v40 ,-,ne
1 . ,52 :.ne
. ,Z' L,il.e
. ,00 t.\ile
.0'\0 7.'.i~c.
.u r. ..\ile
.2:'0 nile
. ,'7U r,).l('
VI. h
I ~
I 'Z7'<'> b 1
I silL
'2.\- 3_bc,\
I Sjz--"""
l,z.:z. - 3-,f;..-
I Nh.'
,? _ 1~, ----
i N/2
Journal of the Commissioners of
Jefferson County. Colorado,. l:n~: ;,
Fierce Street,
trom West 120th Avenue south
Quay Street,
from 7est 120th Avenue south
Reed Drive,
troc Geneva Court through cul-de-sac
Ridge Hoad,
Easley Road to West 44th Avc~ue
Tennessee Avenue,
trom Garrison Street to Field Street
Tennessee Place,
trom Dudley Street to Cody Street
Vance Street,
tram aest 10th Avenl.<e to i7est 17t!'1 ',venu,
7f es t
7th Avenue,
from Garrison Street 600' eart
11th Avenue,
from Lamar Street to Sher11ar. Bouleva=d
11 th Place,
tram Lamar Street to Jay Str~et
12th Avenue,
from Sherida:-.13oulevard to Benton Street
13th A ver,ue.
froD Benton Street to Depew Street
23rd Avenue,
from Allison Street to Balsan Street
35th Avenue,
fro::: r:elson Street to Oak st::-cct
.123 mile
41nt .venue,
from Kipling Street west
45th Place,
from Garrison Street 4~ blocks east
46th Avenue,
from Garrison Street to Everett Court
50th Avenue,
froo ~!clntre Street to :Alsle::
?o tal
, ,...., ".'l;. ."IItY.c""(.~""",, W2tO
. 'jb3 ci.le
.0<33 mile
.147 mile
.240 oile
.132 mile
.170 mile
.093 :nile
.113 uile
.760 ::lile
.142 m:.le
.113 ;::ilc
.142 cile
.133 mile
.1:'3 nile
.141 ::lile
.211 cile
. , 6 1 mile
.738 cile
13.330 miles
Ut ~'-;o
- " 4". ,. "lac1
." ' 1 :Jtl'eut 41 uloc" :, 1 ~
from uu.rI'lSdn LU ~i ~ . .....1<:
':Iest 4bth Avonue,
from Garrison Street to Everett CO'" t .1(,1 :;.111:
Weat 50th Avenue,
l'1'0tl ~,~cI n ty"e Stl'O{. t to das1.':' .'"'38 :::111:
',o,d 17 77 re.1 le~
..). ....J -'
Road ;;ha;'.gcs :Jtat';f'
!lo roads were received or ta;:en 1':-0.. th(. 'Jo'.:,t. L 1 ;'W't.
, O. , 02 miles ------- V\
14.087 ciles '-.....
"" rrf-J
24.1(:;9 oiles v , <.....J'
1.22b.52 mles r---J
1 .2 52.71 miles
Classification 1 - 'i'otal ,jew Paved i;oalln ',tidpd
Classification 2 - Total reV! Grav~lled r:oa<lc ;,.Jdcd
70t&1 ;oud~ ~ddci
Total of Roads P:-eviously :.:aintained by the CO'..lnt:..
TOTAL RODS ::'\I::7AI1;:::) '3Y Cr U::TY
.\S OF J.\!:UA..1Y 1,1965
~~~ Joe B. Lewis
(Sip:ned) John ';j. Jw:ro
ra J.J. urdu:.
C cnlJ! t~. 3r.t;ineer
(Sip:ned) Chester L. Hoskinson
11 Thorne
County Road Supervisor
; LEASE AGR-::c""r.T."' I rORT.D D Land " ..
! _=_. + _ " ,,' , , . "an ry Boat ,.:ar...J.u, llie.
: A proposed leaoe acreement between County of Jefferson a.'1,d Dca:. Dry Land Boat : aril~a, Inc., 0!1
iLots 1, 2, ant.! 3, of Block 5, in the proposed Industri~l Sublivi~io~, loeatel ~~ land surrounding
\ the Jefferson Crunty Airport, waB presented to the ";'):.::::1:::ci,':H'1'::: for disC'..lccio!1. ~,~r. "cnty fib~
of Industries for ,Jefferson County; :,:r. Geor.:;e Dean; n:".d 8~her ';:ere' rrcse:",t. Cert~D1 cha~.geG
,were discussed.
'l'he LeaBe, as proposed, is for a term of thirty (::':1) ::,a1':::. :o:uliG['iore:::- Jur.r covei t!1at~t'1~,
time element be changed to twenty-five (25) years \';l th :.l ten t 1,') year or ,)!1 to rene\';. _00015-
,sioner Hoskinson anended the motion to include that tlw rC:1c';:ul ':.oulj be '.:,-or :",~Goti:ltiorc based
on the Consumer Price Index of the U.S. Bureau of Labor St:ltictic~'. 'V0tL, ('In tr,:, a'"\c:".~~:'l~,v:a~