HomeMy WebLinkAbout0013 {; C,.t:;53Ai 1 J '...."I<A.JI ':t. J DEVF LOP.tENT I,CRE:E,.fENT I...... J 'LUTS [)i.;r./f';!/)r:>lJ~Ll,'l' fJ.G!~EL .;E~~.r7', (as pro7I1ded by parogrAph V, Devclopr:7ent '1 C',_:".:.'nt, '.'ithin sr.,'. un ScrIE'!: VMUk':CES, of tiF' SUBDIVISIO': REGU- ":,"'TO::S or tlr CTl'r 0::' "/HSAT RIDGE, passed, d,nnroJcd and adopted fcb- 7, .l J " de; d~'?I:.:ndccl) erlLc'Tccl jr:to tILLS 20th, da~} Di November 1) 72-, bct'.;een The city nf fihcat Rirlge, a Nunic)pal Corporation, lk'r, j nCift('r Tt_-,:fcrrecl tc as Ci ty I ancl Terrance.J ~ Ammon f /,_ inafter rcfcrT':..~'d to as Or.-rncr. ~. ['l\JESSE'.T'll: 1. r.'i!EREAS, the O;.;ner is the ti tIed Oimer or a t1 de t of land in the ci ty of f,'heat Ridge, County of Jefferson, State of Colorado, des- cribed as folJows: Lots 53 and 54 N G) ~ r.:; ...} (LJ ~ APPLE WOOD VILLAGE SUBDIVISION SECOND FILING (Exhibit "A" Attached) 2. flHEREAS, the O,vner is developing a tract of land as described in Paragraph No.1, and in fact is being issued the following permits to do so: and 3. flilEREAS, All Street Improvements fronting On Union Street said tract of land as descr~bea-rn Paragraph No. l and the neighboring tract of land are incomplete and below those standards as set out in SECTION FOUR: DESI~N STANDARDS and SECTION FIVE: IUPROVENENTS of the SUBDIVISION REGULliTIONS: and 4. r/HERE/IS, to be consistant .'ith the existing neighboring improvements and completion or non-completion of those improvements as required by SECTION FIVE: lHPROVENENTS of the SifBDIVTSlON PEGllTJI,;']ONS r"i]] make no significant change at the present in those streets fronting that tract of land as described in Paragraph No.1, and the neigh- boring tr~ct of lands; and c: fiHEREAS, in order to conform to thOSE " oqtdrem2nt.s r)S set out in SECTION .':]UP: DESIGN STMJDARDS and SECTIOii rIVE: I1JPROVENENTS of the SU501'VISION REGULATIONS this agreement is hm:eby determined to be applicable. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY AGREED, THAT A. Property responsibility for meeting and conforming to those require- ments as s"t out in SECTION FOUR: DESIGN S'f'l1NW1RDS and SECTION YIVL: INPROVE }'ITS of the SUBDIVIC:l.JN I(EG[TLlITIO'\i~. J S herehy recogni zed ana affirmed. B. The Director of Public fTe,rks, upon the advice and consent of the Mayor, shall direct the O:me~ or his assigns and S lccessors to J/;eet those reo quirement'; as set out in SECTION FOUR: DESTGN STANDARDS and SECTIOn FIVE: INPROVENE!TS of the SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS. C. In the event an improvement district is created by the City to implement those requirements as set out in SECTION FOUR: DESIGN STANDARDS, and SECTION FIVE: INPROVEMENTS of th" 5UBDIV'C;ION JlECUUlTIONS for those streets or streets fronting that tract of land as described in Paragraph No. .1 'II1ri the m';,,:}hl)oring tract -~ IAn'?' r I, (Jr.'I/('r or I-ds assjfjns f)nd success, cms will not oppo::::e its creation "' (h 7 1e --..J en :J1 U1 :"'J , '" ~-=:- s:. , J (,"I 2813 78,1 D_ In the event an improvement: district is created bl! the City to dccom,rJ]ish the int(-'nt of C,rl'7'T(IV roup: DT'STG:\7 STlu\'D/1RDS and .~r:CTl()!i F rVE: IgPF-OVEMFNT - (,' t h,' Sfr !Cr'!V!' leN) RF:(,U~Al'IONS, the LJJstS dcc-L'.-;s"ble shall h,' of din'LI: }~cn(!fiL to that propertr; as (]l' ( '-l!I:;_'cl _in Pardrq,]fih iV J, 7 an.? ,-,.! J) I not btc' costs thaL dTL' disl!rl)}Jurt l'/nClte wi t-_,; ~. J.;L; LlcC'/:-J3s<1blc. t) other nedrby and ,like properti,",;_ 2819 785 E_ Upon "v(.dltion or this J)'.'\.'F:!.oP-.JFVT A(;REESENT hy the Citl} and O,.;ners, th(> City \... I_L ~'lcI11,'C' the' qu('rantt'LC; fUl l- J ~)I if imprDvements ilS set out in SECT TOd TIIRRE: PROCEDURE (Subsection C _, Pa 1 dgrap!l 5.) of the SUBDIVJSION RI/:lI1 f,TIn,VS r. This uqreem9nt _is (''{('cuted by tlJf! O,';IJL'r purc;lunt to the C;UBD[VrSION REGUIJlTJONS of thl CITY nr r'/lIl,'ijI P LU,L', passed, approvec7 and adoptec7 February 7, 1972, as amended. G. The Parties hereto agree that this DHVELOPMENT AGREEMENT, by its terms, shall be binding upon the City and the Owner, and upon the assigns and successors thereof; and shall constitute covenants running with the described property. This DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT shall be recorc7ed with the County Clerk anc7 Recorder. IN WITNESSTH WHEREOF, the parties have set their hands and seals on the date first shown. (i .', ; ~ ! t , -' RECOMMENDED BY: { - ~1 I ~........l..... ( I i, L- L. \..~ .. J ~ Public Works Department APPROVED AS TO FORM: ! L- G ----c tl, ~"'-", I City Attorney Citlj EXECUTED EXECUTED;::-- CITY: ~-4""..J~- Nayor A~~:flii #,- I ~ . L~ /t1!:J ra:~ City Clerk . . , , ..\... ' State of Colorado County of Jefrerson : ss .'. ~ , . ~ The foregoing instrument _ '7///'-fLl 111 C-<-I'.-! I v.,lS eX0cul 'd bef07;t. this 19_~, hy ~- /'<-:.<. (J,i4 'I :--: ) , of My commisssion expires: '-}/~'1.U J<J1.f~ /(.C; , J.!LU- / , , " 'I :,'\ "~r . ate H~ (~~ j;,'{"i) ~,~. Notary Public ~ , " 2819 785 ".r ~.".::t::: ~,'i"l' ,''>,. 'f:;-li':" ,,'ii, ~ .,f~~';.".' ',: ';~~~:1~{~~~r~~"'>'~'1~0"':{;;ii'~c~~;"7..;:,fi,~:," ";';':-_'.',}~:':~%."'x ;..}~~.~k~j:,~~~~\1et~~"~~:r../;;~'- :- ~-:rt'~~ '"",!<;.' ,,~.d""~"~"1.,":" ",;,. "~~'",-"'-'~}~'p^.?",:."",,,,, .-......,'"' ~ ,~:.~;,,'~~:i',.:..~~:~~',.i ':'1\:';' <:, ~"'1;,,f'i';.~,f'l-:r...'i:"~;~ ~<_",~""'-f..; .c,:..};jJ;~,.~1:3';~~~~;2~: t' .. ~'" ~.,... v"",.....: ^;.,~~,; ~";.-";',;'c ,;,,:...A'.:.::?"!..:. 2~~19 786 EXHIBIT "A" {r~~ f" ~ D !,~ B L , 1\1 G \ ,\ '1 !( } ~J H": r~ i . 'J ....\;:...= ',If [,Or 5.1' '4 "v[ '.; 5{!c c?9~ 7'35, R69111 r Jo-\ ,,' ~'c590,-'13 ,-- " . , ~r ,~ , PLACE ,I. / / c' S ,_\ :t4 J IJ ~ ~0\. \1:) 50 ':)1, 51 , , ,;\',- '-'~ ' '.''' ,l"'.~nr . </9 ';:l 52~' , 53 q' '0' I , '\J, jl{), 0 :~~ ;1 ,Y; " \'05///\ .d / _~A ) L - __-' /, (" 4 ~ l'r/ ~ I.c; ':\ :~ ~ tj') '"'\.. ~ > " 18 r\ ., , . l./ , .) " , "" " - --_:;' ,- - ~~ --'~_: ~~ ,a.;.-"" '.:--; ..; '"'I ~ '. (J > . '0 l3" 3:J >?-. ~ I I ~. . .(, l.z ,'J) 1',- ,>.) .. ~ ....~ .~- ...,.::; ..:: " \. ,-, " ~ } / ... / ,}. r c) , l~' ; 'J I' I /' ,~ /,', /y ,,~ " ... 'I "", h- " (J) ~ I' I~ ~ CJ " ( , .j -; " ~) . - ,; C>< "\ / /' ./ '" (>.,0 , ~ (~ ,~ <" C) ...... < ~ ..... . ,""l'- V u' (j' /, I <r~':: _....:,L o..'J '-')/; /.'~ , .{,' ~ . " ,,,/.,, (5A8' -58d ~ ' " : ' "~ 6 (} > _r f-,':: ,1"'" 5 ..) " ~ - --'.:>36 -. r - -{"' "\"'..J.' ;; ./ ,~. ,V460.~'jJ .5 _./ S q_~ ....":} ,. .;- 1 , , .,- ): I ~. :',\ / \ <) , 9/7..... ~', 'I ~ ~ .' ~7 "? ....1-\ _ _?!_~) fJ 7" ... ./ /"- '- .,0 ., n /.. ',.:'8 5 C 2819 786 Recorded at ....0.c1ock.. ......M,. ................... ........................................................ ................. Reco rder. .. Reception No. rms DEED, Made this 1 s t day of S ep tembe r , 19 75, 2819 787 between CORINNE M. AMMON of the City and County of Colorado, of the first part, and Denver and state of TERRANCE J. AMMON of the City and County of Denver and state of Colorado, of the second part. WITNESSETH, That the said part y of the first part, for and in consideration of the sum of TWO ~~D NO/100---------------------------------------------------------1DOLLARS. to the saId part y of the first part in hand paid by the said party of the second part. the receipt whereof is hereby confessed and acknowledged. ha S remised, released, sold, conveyed and QUIT CLAIMED, and by these presents do remise, releas@, sell, convey and QUIT CLAIM unto the said party of the second part, his heirs, successors and assigns, forever. all the right, title. interest, claim and demand which the said parllf of the first part ha S in and to the following described lot or parcel of land situate, lying and being in the City and County of Jefferson and State of Colorado, to wit: LOTS 53 AND 54 APPLEWOOD VILLAGE SUBDIVISION SECOND FILING TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the same, together "ith alI and singular the appurtenances and privileges thereunto belonging or in anywise thereunto appertaining, and all the estate, right, title, interest and claim whatsoever, of the said part y of the first part. either in law or equity, to the only proper use, benefit and behoof of the said part y of the second part, his heirs and assigns forever, IN WITNESS WHEREOF. The said part y of the first part / hereunto set he r hand and seal the day and year first above written. ........lrc..;::.~<.c."~.?/JA//.c.~C?,"'=L[SEAL] or I nne ,.,. mmon Signed, Sealed and Delivered in the Presence of Te.( r.aiYte...J.;....Aiiimoii....... .....[SEAL] ....[SEAL) .....[SEAL) City and County of Denver }ss, STATE OF COLORADO, The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this 2nd 19 75,by.Corinne M. Ammon and Terrance J. Ammon day of Sept embe r My commission expires M~ Commission Expires June 20, 1979 ,19 . Witness my hand and official seal. ~~ ~~ - .. ~7~ c~~:Z'l7 . .. .._.::..~.........-:::. .........u.u......u.~......uu...... .~ ......i5;.,. Public. I L-- 2819 787 -U by natural person or persons here insert name or names; it by person acting in represent~tl....e or offlclal capacity or B.8 attvrney-In-fact. then !r.sert name of person as executor, attorne;,o'-ln-fact of other capacity or descrIption; If by officer of cor. Doratlon thE:n insert name of Euch officer or offlcprs, as the pre~ldent or other officers of EUCr. corporation, naming it. -Statu/or]! Ad,,,",u,I'(ed.om(',.,t. ~f'C, 11~-(j-l Cc.lorado Heyi~ed. Statutes 1963.