HomeMy WebLinkAbout0017 f , t ~ 7:'bS5b J u DEVEr,rJP,.1E::N1' I,GF<E:E"fc'NT , ~3c, - I , ~ (I LI ~- I ~ 1'1,L5 DGTELOPf.lENT /IGRe[;NENT, (as provided by paragraph D, Development ,,'p'cement, ~/i thin SECf'rO:'l SE'VEN: VI1RII1NCES, of the SUBDIVISION REGU- LllTIO,VS of the CITY OF' [mEAT RIDGE, passed, approved and adopted F"b- rUdry 7, 1972, as amended) entered into this 27th ,day of February 1 S',J~, bet.'leen The ci ty of [iheilt Ridge, a t1unicip-;;] Corpo~ation, hereinafter referred to as City, and Bonnie I. & Daniel E, Gallegos lV'Tr..::.ino.ftcr referred to as (jr,'lnE}T. 'I , -..s -..s c:::n CD :J1 en l' ' I, 0 rJITdESSl::Tlf ; 1. riEfEREAS, the O;oJner is the ti t1ed O.mer of a tract of land in the City of Wheat Ridge, County of Jefferson, State of Colorado, des- cr.ibec7 as fol1o."s: The North 104 feet of the South 200 feet of the West one.-half of the South one-half of the East one-half of Lot .1, except the West 25 feet thereof, Block 1, Barth Subdivision, according to the recorded plat thereof, the County of Jefferson, S~ate of Colorado. - " N ~c, ~ as ".,.. U - L -0 ~ (~ :::;":1 ~, I ~ '":; CI1 v, CI1 .' N v' -' '" ., '::1 N .r-- 2. [iHEREAS, the Owner is developing a tract of land as described in Paragraph No.1, and in fact is being issued the foJ,lowing permits to do so: and 3. WHEREAS, Right-Of-Way Improvements fronting 2940 Upham street said tract of land as descr]be~ Paragraph No. 1 and the neighboring tract of land are incomplete and be7m'l those standards as set out in SECTION FOUR: DESIGN STANDARDS and SECTION FIVE:: IMPROVEMENTS of the SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS, and ,I. [mERE/IS, to be consistant ~.rjth the existing neighbori,ng improvements and completion or non-completion of those improvements as required by SECTION FIVE: IHPROVEHENTS of the SUEDJ \'ISION REGfll,Il~;IONS 1"i11 make no significant change at the present in those streets fronting that tract of land as described in Paragraph No, I, ana the neigh~ boring tract of 1ands; and 5. [-lHEREAS, in order to conform to those l'equ ,.rem::mt:s (JS .,:;ot out }n SECTION 1,'OUR: DESIGN STANDARDS and SECTION FIVE: Il1PROVENENTS of the SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS this agreement is hpreby determined to be applicable. nor", THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY AGREED, THAT A. Property responsibility for meeting and conforming to those require- ments as set out in SECTION FOUR: DESIGN STANDj-lRTJS and SECTION FIFf:: INPROVEMENTS of the SUBDIVISION REGULA1'IO~TS is hereby recogni zed and affi.rmpc7 . B. T~e Director of Public ~orks, upon the advice and consent of the Mayor, shall direct the O.vne, or his assigns and S'Jccessors to Ji;eet those re- quirements as set out in SECTION FOUR: DESIGN STANDARDS and SECTION FIVE: IMPROVEMENTS of the SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS. C. In the event an improvement district is created by the City to implement those requirements as set out in SECTION FOUR: DESIGN STANDARDS, and SECTION FIVE: IMPROVEMENTS of the SUBDIVISION lIEGULllTIONS for those streets or streets fronting that tract of land as descrjbed in ParagraplJ No. 1 and the neighboring tract of lands, the O~ner or his assigns ana successions will not oppose its creation, ~e3'1 552 2837 553 D. In the event an ,improvement district is crcated by the City to accompli sh the intent oE SECTION FOUR: DESIGN STANDARDS and SECTION FIVE: IMPROVEMENTS of the SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS, the costs accE.'ssable shall be of direct benefit to that property as described in Paragra['h No. 1 and shall not be costs that are disproportionate with costs acc8ssab1e to other nearby and like propcrties. E. Upon execution of this DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT by the City and Owners, the City t'.',i Zl w.:Jivp the quarantees for pui,.l ic improv(.!ments 200 set out .i n SECrrON TIlREE: PROCEDURE (Subsect,i all C., Pilragraph 5.) of the SUBDIVISION RECrlLATTONS J'. This agreC'ment is exccutod by tlle Or.mer pl'rSlIant to the SUBDIVISION RF:GULATIONS of the CITY OF [1HEAT RIDGE, i lssed, approved and adopted February 7, 1972, .:JS amended. G. The Parties hereto aqree that tlJis DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT, by its terms, shall be binding upon the City and the Owner, and upon the assigns and successors thereof; and shal.l constitute covenants runn.ing wi th the described property. This DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT shall be recorded with the! County Clerk and Recorder. IN WITNESSTH [vHERE:OF, the parties have set their hands and seals on the date first shown. . \ ~~~~t=~'~~~~ RECOMMENDED BY: J, ''1'1 L (' /r --, ) ~ ., Y1Jblic ['lorks Department J , Commun1.ty \F---< :.~~ opm nt De~rtment INTENT: t.,' .v( /:. APPROVED AS TO FORM: APPROVED ,- \ -----." tl (~~ t- ~ ~JiY/7C C.ity AttornGY City Administrator ;' ' EXECUTED BY CITY: ~ , I "...... l /.. I:J.6 ......1. L.!..~ v ',,........ , ~ " ~ 1.;...'" AT'lli:c;TEJ? TO BY: I .:' ;J" ''''." ~)" '- p ~- //)J ~~)~)<~L?t'(J~ ~:Y5:_": ./1' ) '.-'. ' ( i"". l.ty Clerk ' '" ". " MaYOT ;;7.)": ;~'u ~~-~_. ',..Y, ",n'< ," , ./>~' " State of Co.Iorado County DE Jefferson ss The foregoing instrument ;/ d- ,. '_ 'A//"'~-{Jy- --' was cxecuten before me tlJi,s .,;;.";:' '/,., dJY of 19 :-'/' by /?/.':>''{.'d 7:~/j.Lfi")) '>-: P;/7'l/1,?k'/~2/1..t.5!') ,,/ My cOffimisssion expires: !' ",,) P,10Tf .~-< // . ,~/ ,/ ~ , =-.//,.(k~,-l Notary Public 2837 553 ,'\ CITY-bF WHEAT RIDGE BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION I" ' 7470 WEST 38th AVENUE 421 8480 \1 \ \ , , ,<\ t.'. I)' Two sa~ of building plans and < j I --\ .1. ~ \~--'-'_-'- .- f\ PERMIT NO two plot plans must accompany this application Address R PROP LINE 2. '/ Lit 1/ /) /.. /~/i: .~ /J~ i - lSPECIFY NORTH lld ~ UF U~ ~ D /' ~JJ 1'.\");~C\/~~,~~~'Jl ~,U~~V[y REQ~_\'i F'~~:) , /" f 1 {. ~--+l \( / (J ' UJ ,. Z ...J >- I- rr UJ C>- o rr C>- w ?: ,( ...J >- I- a: w C>- o rr C>- -jrjf./ FRONT PROPERTY LINE Show distance from other houses, streets, property lines, above On irregular lots, show ~ distance from house to property lines. not l1)a.ximum or average distance. Setbacks from property lines are as follows: (Circle front) N E S \,'1':[; OWNER'S NAME I':., .= /-- (-:1'.',:1' LEGAL DESCRIPTION Metes and Bounds Description Attached CONTRACTOR. .' ,) (, .,' LICENSE NO .lf1.1'7 (', A(', I ADDRESS LOT NO ") (- i.': ' "...... / II. j1;/ I..) /) / ,.,J. ADDRESS ;~'\' ~ .',' I. 4.:..e..;i.L- PHONE 7 ";7. /( ~+ BLOCK NO I CITy_j)~_tU..u.:.., ZIPCODE .y, ~.:).l. ') . SUBDIVISION jo,'J/:' TII '> FILlNG___m LOTWIDTH Cd' DEPTHL-?1,".c-.,_AREA /-i ,I',,';' Indicate those of the follOWing off-site improvements nOW existing: curb & gutter_ street paving V water / sewer ~storm drainage t.-- Have arrangements been made to provide for those not now existing: Yes _ No 1./ Are there any special assessmen!s against this property Yes No ~ I hereby certify that the above setback distances shown on this permit ap- plication are accurate and do not violate applicable Ordinances, rules or regulations of the City of Wheat Ridge or covenants, easements or restrictions of record, that all measurements shown, and allegations made are accurate, that I have read and agree to abide by all conditions printed on both sides of this application. OCCUPANCY {J,t!'1 r-.( Exterior materials. Walts ;.,1 E' 1(' k Roof _ S/i!i j( I:{' Stories __ L-_ Units _ _~_ ___ IOwner) Signed By Date (C5~tcto1' /-::;" ~'}, /~ '1 /;. ~ /7 'I ~'? _/,~ _.";(. v Remarks: Basement-rough Basement-finished Ground floor See ond Floor Garage Other Other Sq. Fl. ~x...-_= Cost Building Department use only ZONED (,) - I.t --.. c:' 2. ' ./iI. ' , . (.... '-; cy. :"""'- -~..:- I I / J../ '1,/ ,'1 ". , -" '-- ~Blf :z. .j ( -I . .:;.--<G -- Remarks ,I -I if AA.!-i (/...../ 30/. / l- I Board of Adjustment Case No. Date ~ '-ft. c --',-v -.....-J II -.J c.___ Building Cost $ ..}.:-:",:~=~ FEE $ /3'3, 1-0 . (J . APPROVED 4r-~, .DlSAPPflOV[f) __/,/ ~_r;-~, \..~/./~J1..~ J Remarks: By Date Issued / / 7-;/2.:/76- / / W.R. FORM o.lA H01~H15INIWO~ 8NINOZ ~;~)~')~ .~.~'~. ".chY'J J :, }'\ jH(~n~t~n )~~~ci~l~TLJ '-3 ~cn .3JN~NIO~O 8NINOZ x d- 03NOZ A llN3S3~d lON 5I 5I 35n 03S0dOCld 3H1 -2- 5I "'\.'\\'5'v\~C\ 0ly70Z l~ 031~JOl A1Cl3dOCld 3H1 NOI5IAIO 8NrNOZ :WO~J Cl01J3d5NI 8NI01InS J3IHJ :01 . , ")L/nZ/Z 31~a CERTIFICA1-E OF SURVEY 6001 BURDICK WEST 16TH ENGINEERING COMPANY AVE, LAKEWOOD, COLORADO, PHONE 232- 1692 80214 ---1 ------ - f'..: ." ~" '1J if 3421 - 1 ' I I I I I I I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ! "11,, I ,r-r-..7 .lil . tT\ t 1'3 I I I I ~ , I ~ CI) Sea /~ 1/1, I{XJ' o '" :7et r';r; 158 st;.' 3/7 II' ,- - I /5855 ' \1'\ -~.~ " , ~'. ' ~, "" C\J' . 158 5(.' ?;' ~o 1335(" , '0' ~ .~ ~i, . aPr} ~ ~ & ~ ~ i ~, &P :335&' o. 158~' '- ~ "- ~ Scf~nr IO:.v ~ fIO'l<IococlC/o/ . LO'-"~"" j --- ;~ I 1 ~, I I L\L ,. cP3,f Z2 ' 15'1 9, , /58 S5 . ....J L__ W 29Th Ave. I ,- '1 ( L, ,'1 l J. d + f \ , .... ! ,t I . 1 j ~ ~ ~'l i ~ L,~ ~ .:: i l! ' t ", . , " , , ;t ( I, ., -1 '. , ,: _ \..: l ' I J ~ j }"o... '1, :: 1, L .. 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DJSHPRSER'S SUTleE (Mt'chanlca Lim Ad) Copyright C 1965-BrBdford Publbhini{ Cornpnny, 182(-46 Stout Street, Denver, Colorado -10-71 ~~~f'{ DISBURSER'S NOTICE BY SERVICE INVESTMENT COMPANY a mortgage lender, pursuant to Section 86-3-26, Colorado Revised Statutes 1963, as added by Section 5, Chapter 215, Session Laws of Colorado 1965, in connection with funds to be paid or disbursed as work progresses upon a structure or other improvements on the land described below. 1. The name, address and telephone number of the owner (s) of the land to be improved: Name Daniel E. Gallegos and Bonnie 1. Gallegos Address Telephone 3483 South Fairfax Street Denver, Colorado 80222 757-1054 2. The name, address and telephone number of the principal contractor (s) : Name Address Telephone 3483 South Fairfax Street Denver, Colorado 80222 757-1054 Dgniel E. Gallegos 3. The disburser is Service Investment Company 4. The land to be improved is situate in the State of Colorado, and is described: Countyof Jefferson . Legal description Address The North 104 feet of the South 200 z.1~ Upham Street feet of the ~est one-half of the South one-half of the East one-half of Lot w, except the West 25 feet thereof, Block 1, BAR~ SUBDIVISION, according to the recorded plat thereof, the County of Jefferson, State of Colorado ,.' ,S ~I1'! ~,c.~.,,~~.Y~~.~~.~~,u~~)~~~,~1:>isburser BYj~~c/~NTmmm .Copit!ll of t.h~ notIce, whether or not executed by disbuner. lIlAJ' be Uf'ed u the lltntementa of Informl1t1on required b;r 86-8-26(8) C.R.s. 19&1 to be furnished materialmen and other supplien. TIll' pnnte,j ll(lrtl<ltl {If this f(l(m <ljlprll\"l'c! by thl' ('olnrdc!() Ht'dl r:<.;Lltp C()lllmi~si(ln (SS.f;O-7 71) LAND TITLE GUARANTEE COMPANY ~~ l "' , ",.."-... Qnllllnl! LAND TITLE GUARANTEE COMPANY ~;Jo f1EPRfSFNTlNG TITLE INSURANCE CnMPANY OF MINNESOTA :31 ;)() E 3rd i\ n'nue Df'nYer Co]n H0206 321 -1880 R:W Kipling Lakc\'v'ood, Colo H0215 232-3111 Gore Valley Title, Inc, Box 357 Vail. Colo 81657 476.2251 H:1~i:{ (irt'l'nwood Blvd Ih'nvef Co!orddo H022] 427-~':~ri3 :W3 South Ca~('ade Colorado Sprinr;s, Clllu H0902 634-4821 1211 !\.lain .'\ venue Duran~o, Colo 81301 247-5860 ~ ESCROW'" 5785 ORDER"" E 30495 PROPERTY\DDnESS STATEMENT OF SETTLEMENT SELLER'S 0 PURCHASER'S I6J Vacant Land, Jefferson County, Colorado SELLEn AB.oT!:.~J,eona rd and Lucill e SETTLE\lENT DATE--.lebruary 6, 1976 PURCHASER GALLEGOS. Daniel E. & Bonnie L. DATE OF PRORATION February 6, 1976 LEGAL DESCRIPTION North 104 feet of the South 200 feet of the West one-half of the South one- half of the East one-half of Lot 4 except the ~Jest 25 feet thereof, Block 1, BARTHS SUBDIVISION, according to the recorded plat thereof, Jefferson County, Colorado "' , - I Selling Price 10.000 :10 2 Deposit, paid to ABDlE ,Leonard and Lucllle 50 00 --- 3 Trust Deed, payable to 4 Trust Det:cLjJayable to 5 Trust Deed, payoff to ---- 6 Interest on Loan Assumed 7 Title Ins Premium MOl?tgagee Policy 108 00 8 Abst ract il!R: Before Sale 9 After Sale 10 Title Exam by 11 Recording Warranty Deed 2 00 12 Trust Deed 6 00 13 Release 14 Other Disburser:s Notice 2 00 15 Documentary Fee 1 00 16 Certificate of Taxes Due 5 00 17 Taxes for Preceding Year(s) 1975 Paid $42.42 18 Taxes for Current Year 1976 36 days @ .1159 per day 4 17 19 Tax Reserve 20 Special Taxes -- 21 Personal Property Taxes ~~- Co. 22 Hazard Ins. Prem Assumed Poli.9'.. No $ Yr Term Expires Premium $ Days Unused at ct per day 23 Premium for New Insurance - -, 24 Hazard In~.!l<';;(~,r_\::e ~~~A ~o~~~('Ins. Assumed ~6~_EHA I\I9~~e Ins. Reserve 27 Loan Service Fee (Buyer) 28 Loan Discount Fee (Seller) 29 Interest on N'ew Loan - - - -.- .~ -- --_._~..._. ---- - -. 30 Survey 31 .\ppraisal Fee 32 Water and/or Sewer 33. Rents 34 Security Deposits - 35 Loan Transfer Fee 36 Loan Payment Due 37 Broker's Fee 38 Credit Report 39 Closing Fee ----- u Sub-Totals 10.124 00 54 17 Balance due to/from Seller Balance due X\l{/from Buyer 10 069 83 TOT A LS 10.124 00 10.124. 00 Debit Credit The above figures do not include sales or use taxes on personal property APPROVED AND ACCEPTED Purchaser~K* BROKBR Sl.c~ let: By '{~"--'./."'~r~-"/ 12.., c1 & r :~*r LAND TIT~ GUA~.;NT~.C?.l\:PANY, CI sll1g Agent By ......... (..I: J' /}tl/-ro,;. ll,--,-t:... -.>'l t I~c::.. ~_ ~~. ( c' PurchaserX:X~){X CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE - MEMORANDUM To Jesse Russell Chief Engineer Subject ROW Improvements-2940 From Dave Shellel/-Vc:::::"" Planner II "~_J February 25, 1976 Upham St.Date Approved Date . Application has been made to build a duplex at 2940 Upham Street (see attached papers)~ Do you want the ROW improvements to go in right away or should there be a development agreement? CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE PUBLIC WORKS Dt, TE ,..cf,L~~r;:._.. RECEIVED...~ ,--_.e.e.!:_..~~.:' 2-:L&- (' II ~t- t rec ~ 4 (('1)) 711, U j '\ --- ' II I i,', {i {L L.:., fI t L, L 71 <', 'j_i:. / a ({C 11 v: -fa L'In L 7~ t" , IJ/----t _- -( 1" <- ..ll.. g./ '){~ J) ..../1Z 072[( /Jh /~ . ( ( ((, 't t t (i ((. )-'l."tftC. _~.tt (Ie _ {cf!l--c . CC 7 r L -/1 '7 ZC' I L ~ ") , ):.ft ,,,,;Li[ -( -