HomeMy WebLinkAbout0048 , " t/ /\:'\' .1. v-\, 91598 Exhibit IIH11 , ' r~occ qL~ ~ ,nu ~,>:14 ,""'-----" / \ / C ~~, : i' r: 1: 2,1 0\. ':ow ;'1 :}f J21 ~~~ i St,ale.o; C ;;~c;:r~~ j i1.j ''';~ \If:-!' !,v] ,jT !~l11)~~-\irNT '<III' co!: 1[' Y<"E'<- r>Ci<"'^, 'IT < ;',..) .)~V,_LlJ}-"1 l'il ~Jr'tL:')~l'i ') a~~lilf-(L('11ej bv the S\;PJQV1SION flFC,.JLAT10NS cf th~ eIlI i~F v!!~UT Ril:G~-, 1\ entfCrtd i:cto thi'f 1 d,'yoj August I ' "I' 1977, DE- ween ihe C ,( of \':heat '1:", .) !Iu i'cfC;-,;'l lc1nJcritlOI1,-Tl-e'refna-rfer c, n:i'e'n.,j L' 2S (it:" Mij Elgin T. Kelly, Grace R. Kelly & George T. Kelly -....Q her~in3r:Ler ((!ferrecJ to d<:,- \.)\vn~(~-t:~ ~~ -- --~------_._------_._,-_._"-------_.~ vJlnlESSl :fi WHERL',S, the Own~r is tn- titlerl Owner uf a tract of land in the City '1f \'Ihi'at Ridqe. Cnuntj of ,'effC:','H1, ~,t'1te of Colorado, dpsc)'iberj as fall'1',!s That part of the Southeast one-quarter, Southeast one-quarter, Northeast one~quarter (SE~ SEcl;NEl of Section 21, Township 3 South, Range 69 West described as follows: Commencing at the Southeast corner of said Southeast ~, Northeast l (SE~ NElli thence North 35 rods to center of road known as West 44th Avenue; thence West 461.5 feet; thence South 35 rods; thence East 461.5 feet: to point of beginning; except East 30 feet thereof; except portions described in Book 352, Page 274 and Book 552, Page 38 and Book 2169, Page 260; and except portion lying in West 44th Avenue; and except the North (Con't next 2. ,JHEREAS, the Ol-mer' desires to 'jevrlop th,jt trart of land as described in page) Paraqraph ',0. L dnd in f'ct, in, ir'cn issued a Builrlinr; Penllit to do so; 2nd 3. '!H[RE/\~, 43rd & Kipli,n~,_all street improvements II -"tJ i."~Av z E fTc/v,S, (J A) e.ur.:r, b'Jdrdiwi l'iat t aLt cf lancls "q-;lh6J lrl-~-;1~'aql'-(1Ilh ~[n-, Tand~' 12"---"G,^,1i:J::I::~,'7i:V',I-Ii'K. neighborinq t\ '1C~S '11' l"n:1 dre inc''i:'[1lct'l and beloYI those standar'L as set out in thf' SUL;[l] \ ISIO:I <ED I' ,tilU'h ;), U'e City; 2n:1 {L \>JHEREI\S to be '''il'orm and crnsi,tant "lith the existinq neiqhGorinl~ imr,ro'v'e- ilients ilnd completion ')i' non-cxi,plction of those improvelilents as required by SECTION FIVE' IMPROVEMENTS or thp SU9DIVISrnN REGULATIONS will make no siqnificant chanqe at the prpsent ln th'1se strpets frontino that tract of land as describt'd in ParacrrClP!l ~iu 1, CinG the neiohbor i,: trdcts of land; and ~. WHEREAS, 1n orde, tu uonf~rm ~s thos~ reauirements oS set out in the SUB- DIVISION REGUL"TIGIS of the City, this c1n,reement is herehy detern.ined to b," proper, ~mvi, THERrJORf:., IT I', m.PfGY AGPE::J,!Hi>T A, TI'e responsibility for' meetinq, ~IJnfonriincl to and [Jl^ovidi 11 thosp require- Inpnts as set ur,t in the ::li[',DIVISTn'1 i'[(;Ul,ATI0NS of the Citj is hereby rl'cogni zed by Ol'mer rL Tile Di)'ec'o!' (Jf Public v:uI'ko" 'Jp0n tll( ad'vi:e and con:,ent of the Mayor, silal: direcl: the OVlIlcr or his assir,ns and succes,ors to mi"et thOSf! requil e- ri.nts as set out in the SUCOIVI\lClfJ FE',iliL/ITlONS of the City. , !Jpon n,ceir.;t of such notice to fun:ish (i' construct the pUblic impy'ovement ae requi red under the SU8UI'1 ISIOr, RE~;Ul)\TlO~,S of the City, O',n0r hereby aqrees to lonstrJct aNj fL;rni';,: ,,' ("wnrr's CO'it, slJch i"l!WOVements as are required by the SUBDIVISION PlGUL~iIU~S Gf the City, dnd to do so in con- fOiTlat;Ce with ~hejesil.jn stCifJcJl11'ds (,j tile ~UE8!VISIl'r. REGULATIONS of the City. D. In tli8 event an imf,rOVenlPllt di st: i, t i <; cp"ated by the Ci ty to ii~~JY Gve or provide those rf:C]i!i rements il'; set Ol,t in the ~UGDIV ISIOr~ REGULATII)f'IS ror those streets nr stre0ts Frontjn~ that tract of 'and as ~escribed in f)araoraph No. 1 a~ov," anI! till' Illci~hborill'J tr3fts of lanE, the Ol-lIler or his assilns and SUCC2ssors ~qr~2 not to o~pose its rleatiol. E. In the event dri i!1lpt'ovpnJ~nt di~,tX-!Lt I) (Jt't=.c1tCQ bJ the City tc p(l'vidr~ ti,e improvemEnts dS provir'ed by the S!JPDIVI'3ION P[(~ULATIONS, the costs lccessable aq3inst the property as ~P';c ibed 1n Parar,rarh No 1 Shill1 "ot bp disproportionate with costs lcce<~ablo to other nearby and like properties. ~s(, 56 9fl4 3066 965 49 feet of the South 50 feet and except the South 1 foot of the South 50 feet, County of Jefferson, State of Colorado. 3056 96~j 3066 966 F. Upon pxecution of thi5 DEVELOPMENT AGREEME~T by the City and Owners, the City \~i 11 Ilaive the immediate quarantees for publ ic improvements as set out in the SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS of the City. G. Tt s agreement is executed by the Owner pursuant to the SUBDIVISION REGULA- TIONS of the CITY OF WHE~T RIDGE. H. fhe Partirs h"reto agree tha~ tllis DEVELOPMENT AGREEMEIH, by its terms, shall be binding upon the City and the Owner, and upon the assigns and SUCCfssors thereof: and shall constitute covenants running with t~e described Droperty. This DEVELOPMENT AGREE~ENf shall be recorded with the County Clerk and Recorder. IN YITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have set their hands and seals en the date first shown. RECOMMENDED BY. ( 1 '-.~<" d>--,_~ :;L-_c -" ,/'--1- 17 PUT;~WOrkS-DepartmenC-------'--'---' ~ilti~&~_u -- CiJ~ EXECUTED [3Y OWNER -C-, . ~~,/ V' I" '7 :c.~-c L7------{--2-;~-LJ7.:+--- _ ~~~~ __-------;;L Community ment Departlj;pnt EXECUTED BY CITY. - / - ---/ , I ' -____~~L~~___'..LJ<, Mayor (~ \ / '/,"/,'i ' ,I .iHTES TED ,? ~---- ~;:.--p:-L~ City Clerk TO 8Y: , C7<~i-~~~ -. / / ~r/.sl '/? STAlE OF COLORADO ) )S5, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON ) The~oregoi,n. g instrument was exr-;c.uted. 9' e,fore~e ~hJS, 4-61l- '-4-r- d5Y 9; --':j.1.<.,Gu. \T ,____, 1 :!_27_, by ~~!r.~_.-1__K~V-_L_~JT II 'VL~f' ~\" ,j/~' 1// I .:/ ". ~u "--^. l L:/ . I . '.- ': ~' Notary/ p, blTc------ . -- t~y Commi ss i on Expi res' ___ 'PL.i2--! _ 1-.1 fLL___,_, -, '. r ~. !: .-:~, " 'i :..~,.........,4;:~ "1 \ ~ ....;. The foregoing instrument Ut"d.s~ /-/ :r:n was executed before me thi.'3 5 .r-' 19..2.2..-, bY~t!(1; f /);;//</;( : '.........- ' / V day of .- .,.. ~ . .. .., " ~~, :b(A'~ aty PublIC ~y Commission expires iiovllmbet 1.3, 1977 , Ml:l_Co'!lnU,ssioa Expires: , ' ... "(' '. ." ",\ f. ~ ~~.. ~, '... C-~/""'" r 3066 9fl6 -- AMOUNT kwyers 111le Insurance (9rporation A Stock Company Home Ofl'ice - Richmond .Virginia POLICY OF TiTLE INSURANCE SCHEDULE A NAME OF INSURED 3066 967 DATE OF POLICY $~,OOO.OI2._, __.!!lav 30. 1973 at 8:00 A. M. Elgin T. Velly, Gt'ace R. Kelly and Geor'Je T. KellV 1. The estate or interest in the land descnbed herein and which is covered by this policy is: ~.ee Simple 2. The estate or interest referred to herein is at Date of Policy vested in: EI~lil') T. Kelly, Grace R. Kelly ail': Gpor'JE: T. ~,c, Iy 3, The land referred to in this Policy is described os follows: That part of lhe Southea~t nn~-au~rter, Southeast cne- quarter, Northeast one-ouC'....ter (SE/4 5E/4 NE/41 of Section 21, Township 3 South, Range 69 "Jest. described as follows: COl11wlncing at the Southeast corner of said Southeast one-cuarter. Nor theas t one-quar ter (SE/4 NE/ 4); thence North 35 rods to center of road known as West 44th Avenue; thence West 461.5 feet; thence South 35 rods; thence East 461.5 feet; to point of beginning; except East 30 feet thereof; except portions described il') Book 352, Page 274 and 800k 552, Page 38 and Book 2169, Page 260; and except porti0n lying in West 44th Avenue; and exce~t the North ~9 feet of the South 50 feet and except the South 1 foot of the ~)outh 50 feet, County of Jefferson, state of ColorJrio. Countersigned: DENVER BRANCH O~FICE ~ '--+- Issued at: ~env~ Co, orad2- Case NO. 41232-J ~~/kjh Page l-Sched. A'-Policy No, ""----- -~ Authorized Officer or Agent ,707 J22 3066 9f;7 PolIty eo, ("I" lot!,u 1<' lJ', A Al l^ {)~""r' P":I,,, ~,,,rn e Il,1/0 IhQ" 1011101 Copylluhll?/lY -, 3066 9~8 ULwyers 11tle Jnsurance u)rporation A Stock Company Home Office - Richllwnd .\ ir8inict SCHEDULE B This Policy does not in"ure against loss or damage by reason of the following: i. 2. ). Rights or claims of parties in possession not shown by the public records. Easements, or claims of easements, not shown by the public records. Discrepancies, conflicts in boundary lines, shortage in area, encroachments, and any facts which a correct survey and inspection of the premises would disc lose and wh i ch are not Sh0\.m by the pub Ii c records. Any lien, or right t'1 alien, for services, labor, or material theretofore or hereafter furnished, imposed by law and not shown by the public records. 1;. '. - . Unpatented mining cl3lms; re~~rvations or exceptions in ps!en's or in Acts authorizing issuance thereof; water rights, claims or title to water. '" v. Taxes for the year 1973 and subsequent years. not certified to the county treasurer. Speci~l ~~0ssmer)ts or ch~l-ge5 7. Deed of Trust from Elgin T. Kelly, Gnmcc R. I<ell;' ane.- Goo-c:p T. keil'{ to the Public Trustee for the benefit of Holt Chew Motor ce., Inc., a Colora(io Corporation to secure $95,000.00, dated May I, 1973 and recorded May 29, 1973 in Book 2510, Page i39. Puge 1 ')f Sched B-Policy No P 7,')7022 3066 9f~"j AI!" 0 ,.".. t'"i"y f,)"", 11 19J(lIA.v 10 IJ 70) C';lly,IUhll ,r/~