HomeMy WebLinkAbout0080 OU \0' 79089388 ,., . - I f'j:,l I....'.' ~;'~ IJI~ l,;,~1 ,,:" ~'" @ J- 3 ....... ....... . r{_ ;,It: I r)~)1,1'_41:: r f'f) ~'~/""\.:.;~ . ~_l,_ ~ I~_':".'_ ( i ;~=-\ .~__ _\_~: '~:::;r:~..t~\ ~ f ..'( L C r ,. "'f .... t "'l t ~ r t ,'" . ~ ~ - ... ,r_~\l' ~.!'I~'~~lr I l\" d!t. fi:~t'(~ ~;/ '~l ~ SU2,DlV1SIL:i R~CUL:\T1C'~.) C; '1"('1_, io PilV'I,..d'1t::.. I:IllS 7T_H CO]' of AUG..L:'ST" ' I) 79 , j 0-. / 'I,:! ' 1 t 1,1 i r.]r;c: I -1 : kn i. i po! '~U T'\)U r"a t '1 lJ!1, l-J~ f(~ i na f~~~r 1"'1-2 ~ ~~-l~"r:(~ .1::' JIMMY J. HAILEY AND JUDITH L. ,hen~inJftcr refurcJ: ';0 ~~--- --HAILET- 011 \~) ',: \ L '.flC ,- I : I :- : ! 1 , . I ' (~\ ~l I! i ' ' t 0 ~\ ~ (' 1 I. I' I r:, 0,'111\!' ;,,r :! 11'. " U, r 1 ! it ! .~ I 1, : ,', ,~, _ r , l-~ I ( ;- J ii, ,'( ) II) J i,' ! I I (1 t~ i r\ C:' 0 f I Ii:' din t r I C: C i t ~ f , ; I,) ~i ') t .... (~U I C l': S C rib e d '- -' '0 1 : :- \ .. 3 : AS PER ATTACHED EXHIBIT "A" I" I f' \ .-" '- 'Jt_ J '. ;) i1 ! ,j-jl '-,' " -'.!""' I In r .' ii, ',_J . '- " I \ .l'j vi ~UGUST 7, 1979 lilVt:;-lil~'1 t}l.lt tr.Jct uf lan<.J a:: ::>-=(;I_'T'l~n;{j 1'-1 HAS NOT 1,t'I- issut;d C\ 8c;il,jir,r; tc,mit h J~,' lJS :1:1:_) t_J (~O so a'- j 1 J .. It:,,, CURB, GUlII;RJLSIDlW1iLL__________~'________ ru II r!i",; ,",j' I I_t Jr' 1('1111 J~; \ l:'s':I'il,,o,1 in f'Jl'ili',r1:ph 1;0. 1 and ti~fC nL'i (-:IL)(<I'I~11 ~.t'", t, of hnrl iir c illcompl,'cn. anci belov! these standa rds as '~JC~~ ()IJ1_ ir UI) i~~f;L\I'~ j'_~I(,dl flE(,lP,_^-II\)~:::, 0t ~fl~ City, and , " , 1,.I:t_l:i-~\:" .~) lIt' 1~;;I~f'r':i dnd ~~(;~l';i~-.;tent ,'/lth the existinq nei9htorin~1 1 Hf)l i'./l ~~"~'.It ) ,r: j _);:';\1~tlcn n:' lion -corn~;letlon of those impr'ov{::,n~nt:.: a:; :'lill.1 ll,' '_,~:, ~: )', fl'!":: H~f'i~O'/H\EtlT'; :)f the SUBOIVISIO'l REG\JLAT1U;S ,,1111::1:'" :n o~'::! f'c:\!1t c!iJllqe at the [il'esent in those s'.:.reets fronti:lc l':"lt t .I' c ,Jf " \')-1 J~ r1c~lI'i:,,'c1 in i'iH~(ll'(lpn i~() 1, and the neir,hu()rin(;~ :) i ~ l s !:' ~.l '; \, II ! ":I~j~~,~,)) [' ,i d t\ C1ilf1ltlli tu tr;os~~ IcqJirements as 5et Ollt 11l the ("~\'I'IV: )l,"~ i,l:'ll\!\_,^\Tlr;;'~. Ij1 t\:! City. ~;1i5 aqreemEnt is hereby det(~rn~inEd ',1 I,. 'i I' ,\ ,; 1 i :It 1 i' 1 :l~;'El'Y 1\ ,r~r:.t~~,lt Ttlf\T ll, t J\ ,111..' 1".[ ,!I Ii ~ur'l_r)~~I[\ril ::l'rl(IJriillfilj tJ llnd prJvldir.g t:'iOS( l"'illil";i:U1t~ iJc :,.': JU'; JI1 1.11(: SU[llJIVrSICJI; REGULATIONS of the Ci':J '5 ht~1'\\hy r~'r-u ;lIi 2. ~C\ ;)j O\"~jcr 1 'I ' [! 1 ,', . (_ ~ :,'Jell1 .J i l'C r, . !J~:I'I:'~ i~:_I:';,~) j~-.)n tril Jr!'1icc iJnd con<.>ent of tne 1';I~)rrl ti," '.i,"~l';r c i' I,~s ilSr,;9i1S ~nd successors to meet those , - " l"j', ill '_:\2 '~;\J[;D;VL\0:; i1EGUL;,nOW) of the Cit: ) 'I ' 'i Iii r 1'" I \ ..~ _~ (' 1[1 )t"_ ,j .~ (; ~u,_h ri~).-i:e l'j furni(~r1 llr =on.:;tru:t trl~ public i,(,~rc'vC::::2n: tlj 1-1\~;.)II'i'~: t1; '-'CI" tne (:;1iC Jl','l~I()l-~ P[CULi\i lrlf'[S of the City, Ov/ner ner'c:t~y l1~~ r'~::; tu (i).L\~t~'tir-t ,J!1(t hJ:l11,h at Q'{Jnerls co'.:.tt such improvefl'.'t;nts o~ al~e l'c'(,llil_'! ~), till' ~,:',\IJ!VI:;!lir1 RU;ULX:IOi;'~ 1)1 tilt: City, and to do so i:~ C(1nton11dll1.2 'o'li:h the de:;j'1I1 stiJndarJs uf the StJEOIVISION REGljU,T]nt1s 'If the (j l/, :1 111 tnl. (;.,en: lon in"iivven:ent District ur a S)ec;al Impro'.'ement District is Cl~;lteJ hi tl,,' City tlJ ir:lprove or fJrovitl,' those requirements JS set out in the JUf,[)lVI';r:~rl REG\ii},T[CliiS for thlJse str'eets or streets fl'Of\t;r,g that t:'y:t of 1 Jnd Jj JescriIJ2d in i'arilr;rilf,h :10. 1 above and the neighboring Ll'lC~'; of Idrl'!" the [\~ncll' or his assi'!"s and successors agree not to O\-~~)~,~ i r3 ....r-..~)t_.i f'l E [n lh,' ,,"'1,' l~~; '9S\~~~IIl"'):ct" ':, '_l't:ated by the City to prnyjce the i'f"'; ':i 11l~ a~';d'ol'id,,,' by lhe ~,ll:lJlVjSlON PEGUU,TlONS, the costs aSSl'ssilllll' d i:i:l<;t :h,o \"'o"er'ty as dc,crilled in flaragr'aph No. " s[",11 not J I ~ "i 1 (' P I C\.~): ;~ ; 1 ,f'i .) :, P \) i t h __ 0 <) t. s J (~ S (' ~ ~, d ! 1 ~ I t U 0 the r n ear b j d n d 1 ~ k c p ro per tie s ~ i" . lJ\1\.1\, ~\l.':_~~lti"1 i.;f >-jli'"; r- \lr ~ C i t y \.;i 1 1 ~ " r1 i ,'. t- \, ,~, ',' I"" '1;;) ,-1 ~< l~ 't: " ' , _ i _ ,_ u , . nut in 1[,\) (,!:,llr)~\'rrJrr/,: Ill;, ~T; ,r ,', \" ; : t' I'~ 1"; tfl, ,I) 'J 1 r; This Jqr"~._ I'llt I:; ;::=C~;L/\rI():';) (11 t[i , 'C! t.: ", ( :. 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STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF JEFFERSON The foreooino instrument was executed September, 1979, by Judith L Ha il ey. ss, , ,;' V, i 171 My commlsslO~ expires: (1rJ'1{/ ,(' h i 'l ,/ .;) ) 'i,( J I before Me this 1;/;1\..., day of ,\ ,('d \'L)!:Uh{ ('" ,',e J- >JC{ t.t ":t;t"-,,,,,- Notary PubllC 79089388 EXHIBIT "A" A tract of land in the Southwest 1/4 of the Northwest 1/4 of Section 22; Township 3 South, Range 69 West of the 6th P.M., described as follows: Beginning at the Southwest corner of said Southwest 1/4 of the Northwest 1/4; thence North along the West line of said Southwest 1/4 of the Northwest 1/4 551.85 feet to the South line of West 44th Avenue, thence East along said South line, 583 feet to the true point of beginning, said point being on the West line of Jellison Street; thence South along said West line 150 feet; thence West, parallel to the South line of West 44th Avenue, 80 feet; thence North, parallel to the West line of Jellison Street, 150 feet to the South line of West 44th Avenue; thence East along said South line, 80 feet to the Point of Beginning, County of Jefferson, State of Colorado. 19190\ 3' .....11I\'" lltl ..-- ) , l.ln,y of, I