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7 9 08 9 3 9 0 131S,OPl ~,l-al'2;;\5G
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UEVEUJf'I'IUn "R~~E4NieTson'St?t~-tt o.
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'THIS [)l:.VLLOi'~E.ln":;r::'EI'\C:ln, as ilutllJrized IlY the SU?rDIYISlOl'l REGULATlO:;S of
the C I n OF '..Ii iF/IT :'l (,r',E, is en to reel into t!1 i S ?!L day of August, 1 9 79 ,
lJeb'iCcn the Cit( 01 ',iiJe<1t RicJ'iC, u 1'\unicifJill Corporation, hereinafter referred
to as Ci ty, al".\ ..__...JJ!DWES_'I:_J3.!!IY.!%B~L-INC,--____' hereinafter referred to
(I s cr.'1I1 c r ,
\~l\:H:::<)c Iii:
1. ":ill:.'I\EAS, LI\c: (),:n'"lis th,~ :ltlcJ O,1:1e1' uf u tract of land in the City of
\'ihcJ t .'i r! Il', C ",:11 ty of J,' fft'rsof\, S to to of Colorado, descri bed as foll C~/S:
The West 1/2 of block 12, Brookside, except the West 12 feet of said block and
except that parcel described in Book 663 at page 363, and except that parcel
described in Book 682 at page 503, and except that parcel described in Book 809
at page 312, together with a Right-of-Way for ingress and egress over the westerly
12 feet of said block 12, County of Jefferson, state of Colorado.
Also known as 11250 West 38th Avenue,
2. \~:I[l;l::t\:" the Q';(kr desires\tQ develop t!lJt tract of land as described in
Pi1r;:jgl',ph No '" and ill filet ".h~_22.ot___,_ been issued a Building Pennit
( hus/has not)
uS of .zihgust 20, 1979 to do so and
--,-------- -..-----...------.--
bOilrcli II~J t-n'j t-':r:J-cToTTa-r1(rasdescrTbe~ll~ragraph No. ) and the
neiClhborinq trelct", of land (ire incomplete dnd below those standards as
sot out if' the ~,U!lOIVrSIOII I,:ECUL^TIONS of the City; and
\',i:[[\[/\:;, to he u'1l1.jorm and consistent ,:ith the existinq neighboring
i:l1l'I'()\'Ciiicnt,; old C)mpletio[\ or non-completion of those improvements as
n.'C]l1i\-\~dh,! :;[,'TrJ:: FIVE: IHPPOVH1ENTS of the SUB-DIVISION REGULATlCI\S
Nill 'muk~ 'r\~."si(lll,ficilnt chan(le at the- present in tho'se streets fronting
that t,'ilct of ICInG as oesc1'il)('d in Pal-agl-aph lio, 1, and the neighboring
tl'(1Cts 'If 1 lil1,J, cll\rI
~ .\.
5, \':IiEP[A::i, ,11 01 IeI' to "Ollfonn to those requiremen'ts as s'et out in the
S!IWIVlS[flil Pi:- ,IJL(~TlorIS of the City. this agreement is hereb.y determined
to h,(~ [nul''' T'
~!(1\~, Tiii~i,:U\Ir::r. IT I., IlEi:EG ( tICPEErJ. THAT
ii1c \'\~',;'c!l:;1\,i1it./ for n<::ctill'j, confoT'llling to and providing those
ITql/irc111c:1ts'a', :;d out in the SUUlJIVlSlON REGULATIONS of the City is
hereby reco'lni !I,rI by 01'111121',
[I Tll(' Oil'C"I"'Jt' e,f ['\:\)li,: ":od;::" upon the advice and consent of the I~ayor,
shull din,lt t'I'.' U',me1' ur his ilssifjns dnu successors to meet those
requir',~IIIC'(lts ,\ ,',pt out in the SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS of the City,
C, lI;;un leCl:',)':. (IF ~uch no'ice to fUl'nish or construct the public illlprovement
(IS rc<;uilTd lIll,I'~I' the SUL10IVISI0N REGUI_!\T10NS of the City, Owner hereby
ajrC0S to CUI1:;~t'IICt and fumlsh at Owner's cost, such 'improvements as <Ire
l'eq\lin~rI by th,' "l![)[)IVISlDN REGULATIONS of the City, and to do so in '
conFonnilnce \'ii:h the desiqn stunclards of the SUBDIYISION REGULATIONS
of the Citv,
0, In the CV'2nt en [mprovement District or a Speci,al Improvement District is
crc:lted bl the Ci ty to improve or provide those requirements as set out
in the SUGOIVISION REGULATrONS for thQse streets or streets fronting that
tract of land JS ~escribed in Paragraph No.1 above and the neighboring
tt'ucts of li\nc!;, the o.~ncr or his assigns and successors agree not to
oppose its creation
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111 lhe (;vent ill1 Improvement District is created by the City to provide
the iIl1Pl-OI<::II'l'nts as provided by the SUGDIYISION REGULATIONS. the costs
u~e:ssabll' (ll)ainst the property as described in Paragraph No.1 shall not
b~. d"isplOl'ortionJte \,lith costs Jsscssahle to other nearby and like properties
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lIIJOI} er,cI,:ut\\,I'l ,uf t'il)S [)f'V[U>:' iiT jif,i.!'rl'kliT by th," Cil'y ilnd Odners, the
City \,i11 Ildi;e t~he il1l::r;cJidtC l)lIilr,1ntccs for pub-lie improvements a'; set
out in tile ~)\~:).0;l/ljli)rl p[rIIJLI~TlO;i'~ of Uk rity,
G, This i)QrCcrr,,'l1t is CY',:f,'U:d \1'1 the 0,:111'( [luy'suant tc; thlO SUSOIVIS10H
;~[GULt\TI(I:1S lIt 'ill, C!n flF 'iIH[,\T 1(l(J(,[
1\. The pill,ties h r:t" (lqn>: Lr!(lt this [1E'iUJJ[li,iEiH AGREEt~ElIT. by 1ts t.erms,
shilll IiI.: hind\i1'l li[lO!1 U,,, ci tj )1)(1 t ii' rymer, and upon the aSS1~H1S and
slJcces :;0 ", th,: nc'o f; dll J '; ild 11 (:onc, t i tu 'ce covenan ts runni n ~ Vii th the
clescri be j rriJ;'e ~t\/.
SPi:CIAl PI:iJVI:;\[J;: ,\:ilJ f\1,[:ttHlr::C;
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TillS DEVELOf'''Fur l\r',cEHEiiT sha',l \w )'~CI)I','rJ I/ith the County Clerk and Recorder,
IN \'iIHH~SS l-ii:[i<EiJi:, the parties lIo/e set their !liJnds and sea'ls on the date firsl
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[;i,[CUTlO [\'1 llililCi.;
COUNTY OF JEFfEf<~ll:1 )
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TIle fUlc(joiQ,'l ,j~I~\$Wtllt \':il~ c},ec:ted befvre me this .pt,!$/.. day of
___~____> 19 .'19-,__> by i1Duuf:~, X (A7 'Cf-----
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f~E;V. 117~