HomeMy WebLinkAbout0085 o YX +\ 79096774 IJ'iJ ~~1, 23 AH IB: 33 -"'I"il """". ""'" .' \ll 'iElf~1,lf,\k~i~q\~'{r~FtQitat' r,' Cr; - --,-~~.-------- @ 1 ' \t'~ 1\11S I'LVlL,~~: ~" In ,\ ,VCI.',C:IH, as lluti,,\)"izl'r.\ I,I the SUBDIVISION REGULATlO:lS of the C11f 01' \;,i',:,: j'iI,L,i3 t'l1trn:d into this 21S'fcJay o(S~PT!::fv1BER ,1979 , iJel,..\~cl1 the (',t: D: ','('iCat Eid')Q,' i,\ 1'\\lI1\cipi11 COI'pOfation, hereinafter refer'red to oS City, <11,11 WHEAT RIDGE FIRE PROTECTION DISTRI~There;l1dfter referred to '" a-1J,uas;[{uillTpa 1 "COrpomi on ---- ('\5 ,"""lle r. \Hi :;E ~<)t.1 ii 1 , '.:',',[,,;:,1\', 11(' Cr,l I i: U,,' '~lt11,J O..::1f?i' uf oj tract of land ill the City of \'!hC'~lt i,id ie', r: "JI\ti 'Jf ,Jrffc:r::;ul1, ')tilt,~ of Co'lor'ado, described as fo1lc\'Is: " {., The South 280 feet of the East 1/2 of Tract 2, BROOKSIDE, as recorded in Plat Book 2 at Page 28A. Jefferson County, Colorado AKA 10901 West 38th \~::!:.i;Lli:" r!ll~ (,,',:1' ,t.:~i:c'}V) dcvel06~ t':ldt tra~t of land ~s ~escribed in Pi11'Jgl'iflh 110 ',3ndin filet, ~"H_~~~_~", hiOcn Issued a BU11dlng Pennlt ( hils/has nut) liS of'SEPTE,MBER_2"lL,1272.._ to do so o'ld 3, \:i IE i\E^:, , CURBS, GUTTERS & SIDEWALKS bU~lrcli IrCJ 'r~'J t ,~'J',-~t,-"J(TG'll~J J-S-(rescril)~~f1nraragraph tlo. I and the nei qi1bor'inn tl'lct" of 1 and ilrc~ incomplete alld below those standards as sl't out il: U1I.' )!YHlIvrSrOil f:EGUL^TlONS of the City; and '\, \-:',1,[,1:(:;'1:',. "l 1'(' u'ri.JCIT'::1 ilnd consistent '<;ith the existinq neighboring 11':!'I'l)V"':c" l'~ ~ lei c')\I1plctiun or non-comr1eti(jln of ~hQS,e .i!!1provel11€nts oS 1'\;(I\1il".I.'( ')[1:1:: fIVE' [i'!Pf(OVU1~'NTS of the,.5UBDl-\lLSlO'ltREGUlATICi\S '../I 11 I1hd,p 110 , '11\, fj cm'~ c.han1je at--'tn~"present in those~Stre~ts fronting thilt l',IC' \.If 1,11101 a, CIt~SlT'jl)l'cl in f'ill"a<Jraph Uo, 1, and the neighboring Ll';iC ts lJ ~ 1 till I, ~Iirl 5, \':iili;[iI:~, i' l" ,l'I' to <-,.>IIfOT1I1 tG thos'2 I"equirements as set out in the S:'!:-:llIVl';(I"; i\l' 'IJI,'''TlOiiS I)t tlli2 Ci ty, tillS agreement is hereby determined to h(~ ;)1"0 r ~i[)\\, l:il~':i!I);,I, ]I 1. lIU:1'[;( ,'M:iE!:, TH/\T " (, ,II,~ 1I::,:I.II~I:,,'I i~,/ fOf' 1,,'ptll)ll, confofll1in~) to alld providin~,;tl)Jfl:i~ ", ll:qlllr-i2I:II;I)t: ,1. "I't out in llH~ SUUDIVISIon REGULATIONS q,f~~~l!~e"Ctty','js: hen'by 1 CClJi:l,i 2,~c! by [".v:lel" ".'2;' ~;', r Jl"J " 1.......... C) , . .," ,~. .--'~~ ,". ~ 'r - :.-::: 111,' Oil'l'l',_'1' ':",,~)1 i",JI'ls, upon tile aUVlce and cOIl-setrt~Clf',.th>:d"ray6t?:1 ~,l1clll clif"~U llr: U',:ner ',I' his assigns and successors t~,~m.e!:t those l'I,:quir'-'I'K'1 ',S :\, It (JI,t ill tl\e SUBDIVISION I<EGULATlONS o'(?t.he,ti'ty. ," \;Jo..~ ': \ .;. ,-::, [',",In 1l:_''',Jt II' ',llch lic)'i::e to furnisfl or construct the public 1mp,rcvement "5 l"c<;ui I" d UIi ie,' the jlJCLJrVrSrON P,[GUL^TIONS of the City, Ovmer hereby clr;I'CCS to ':UIL '.f' Ie t and furn ish at O'llrler' s cos t, such improvements as are \'c<]llin.:'\ :'y tll" ;UiliJI"'I'j!UN REClJLATIOUS of the City, and to do so in lonfonro1n e \-li',n the d~silil1 standards of the SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS Gf the Ci ti 1\ , " [, [1, 111 t(le l:V'~l1t i~:1 Improvct'lent District or a Special Improvement District is Clccltccl b( Ul~ City to 11ilprove or provide those requirements as set out in the :;UtjOIVIS\JN REClJ\,^TIONS for thase streets or streets fronting that t.r0ct of: ulld JS described in Paraqrapl1 No.1 above and the neighboring tr'0.ct<; of 1 d:d), the C~'m('r or his aSS i qns and slIccessors ag'ree not to oppose i to crc,ltion E, In the' l.:v'nll'l 1l11provemc:nt District is created by the CHytb"p,rovid~ the ililpIO/el"'IIV; ilS provider! by the SUllDIVrSION REGULATlONS-, the costs llssesoabll' iiClo1inst the> property as described in Paragr(),ph'fj,O.. 1.sllal1 not be' displol1urti'!Ii)te I'lith -ost') dsscssJI,le to other near~y and like pr'operties .,;;~':t~"..~ '~" ,I '\ \" :l e 0 e '\ , r. lIi'on el;lTlt l.UI' lJ r :ili~, iJL:'.T.L."i', ':,cn fi(,IT,:ki;T tJ/ the Ci I'') ilnd OViIlers, tliic City 1'lil1 ',lili'li~ the ir:l:icdiatc C;,I<lrantcr,<; Tor pub'lie improvements il'; set (Jut in th~ :)I!~:JIV[j!()!l :'Jor~IJlJ\TlC!:~'3 of til'! r:itj, ~ G, Thi S ilqrc !;r,('11 t i ~ (iXi,:('Utl'c! \1,/ tire (/,,'1'('1' PU1',UiHlt 1\L'GULAllCHS ot tiii; C! ~( III ',!f'e,'.:' 111[\(,[ to the SUBDIVISION . II, The jJili'til:S hrreV, ilqr'C': th,1t th'is [j[I/'rI"Jpi'\EIH AGREU~Elrr, by it:; terms, 511Jll 1',,: JindinCl upon t:i~ Ci t,y :lIicl tll" 1)"/f1r.:r', and upon the assi~ms and SIJCCCS,;CI; tl,el~of, \lncJ ",1,.111 r,un';tituct: cuvenants runninq I'lith the described rl'urert: 5I'[:C 1M, ['I:(I\! r'~ 1 ',":' '\ '[) f\"::L~,:'\' , rc I I _1 , ---.-- ---~~._-~--_...~.~._,_._.- ------- -'-_._._----.~--._._-_.._~.-- -. ~,(' __.__...____.___~,_~___~_..,.--- ___",_ _____.____,._. __ __ _ .__.~~____.n_ ~._-:'...__"__._~~..'"';.,...--------'---~------ ---~ -. --_._---,--~ -- ----_._._-._-_...._.-.._.__._~---- ----~ --"'--- ------~-----_._--_.__._-- ._..~--....- _._-----~..- ,_. ....-..---------.---.--,.-.- , This rJEVELOF"c1iT ;,r;.Ji'\[.iiT slrdll Ill' t'cc:on'"rj \'I'ith the Count)' Clerk c;,d f\ccorder, IN \'iLTN[SS \'iiii I([lii, the pdrtil':' l'i1/,! set. the I r hands and seals on the date fi rs t sho\','n'l 1\[ CUl,,'ILNDE D S( I". APPROVlD lIS '[.'l For, I", -~-, i\-. d /'J.~cX ~ --.-.---.------- /I_City Admlnistrator ~s~~ EXECUTED CY CITY: -~-~~- Mayor, City of Wheat Ridge C::i~"""tJT [D L\ ( 0 ,If I E !~ _.-' 'i"R.O,,~E1tt; ~IDGE. F~RE PROTECTIO~ DISTRICT, ...--~~:...."""" ~ ' .J,-IQ1,l1l1C1P2.L.GorpQratlon .I' ;:'(rJ.' ()t.On . I,,, '" 'i!1fi:. l;3.y..., __/,.-/~_Vlce Presldent ~j~ .' , ~i.," ,. ~ q_':!Y'_ ,.Secretary ~ , ":A ., . '.- . 1Y .' t- \~f~'~"..!.;;~~~~L_____m-- - '..,_ _ .,~ tIC .....;tJf;1.' , -1'j':;', ' , ,\,')..'~~~~f":' i:01!IIi'Ji,.':.:r.-, ,'f';"':"':' ~~p ,. STATE OF COLOR/I!);) ATTESTED TO CY: CTTy--Cle'rI----------------- S5, COUNTY OF JEFFERSOII The fo1el]oiwl ilFtrU;l1ellt '>'ill: C'..C'cicd lJl;fOrt: :ne this _26th.. day of Septenlh~L:r,:________.__, 1 ~ ~2___ ,_,_.' by Dal"E?,.Ji~st.~-9:s as Vice President and Willard Krieger as Secretary of the Wheat 'dge Fire Protection D, istrict, a quasi-municipal corporation. ~~ ",\; p "H~l;j.f' l,lf. It I ,Il ~ .' ;3;,"""1 _ .______ ~.,'~ '1~~,~ ,~~~ ~ ~ '''"'...... u b 1 i c .<'<,. ~~t:...., "' ~ .t ~ .... i; l.~ ..,' f.&.~"'~. -'_. ~ ........ f::-,.;'~T.4h~..{~~~li s s i 0:i [,[', n: ~: __tJoY-~Illl:lE?E.1QL,~.9_~,L .-r ; .:A(~:~"$" 7" ~,-:: ;~;~..... \' .' .." '"t ci ~~,t"f\'b~, c" ,~: "', ~ \'A",,: "i\..\" /~''j '~~~~.... ,.,.,..;-.,/ " , ~"..",~c.\.~ ...- ~/"lti/~Ut'" \~\\'\'t\ ~, C!"':'" c r \"~ '-,n ~IOGf: Ci TV CL8iK'S OFFICE P. O. BOX 638 WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO 80033 f'il V ,I /79