HomeMy WebLinkAbout0098 ~' \01 ao rn (68 9 6 Z ~ @:: t8QO .sep 16 iIll,I.O:;1 i CountY:QI J0ik,~~Gn St~tc.:of Co IlE'/ELfJi':'\Un r,r;Pr"idOOttJi!P:11l ---~-"_..- -- ---- lltlS )itVLlOl't::":(, ,\r,ILEH('!/T. as ilut/;.-rize'; ill' the SUGDIVISICJiI R~Gt;UTiC:;S of the CIn OF '..:ill::,1' P,F1f,[. is pntf;l'l~,i int:J this 21STd1JY of . MAY .19 8n , r,eL':~en th~ Cit'! Clf \'iheilt [(ill'},:, 0.1 l1i:llici~,,'\1 V~I\lor~titln.-}.'2relnat'tf.r T'l:f';I'red to (IS Ci ty, al1'J MILLER INDUSTRIAL PJlRK AssnCIATE<; ,herein.)ftcr' referr,,~ ':.c iI S C'l-.'me I'. ',ii.--CciiJJRADOTIMITEO'-pARTNEP5I:TIP---- H 11 :a., :;':';E Ill: 1. -..:iH..i,I:I\:''., til~' 0..:i10I' i~ th,: :.itlH O..I:ler uf ,) trClct of land in the City of Hh~.:tt i<id'w, Crjl,!llty uf J"lf.-.rs'JI:, State of col01'a'~o, d~scribec as f~l1c\'ls: 2. SEE EXHIBIT A ATTACHED PARFET INDUSTRIAL PARK.. 5130 PARFET STREET 1-- 3 3. \~H[\~[^~" the O...:n,:r desires't') develop thilt tract of land as described in Pill..:tgl'"ph No.1, and in f(\c': ,__J:iAS-JJ.OJ_, b~eli issued a Building PermH ( has/has not) LIS of '\ MAY 21, 1980 to do so and ---ClIRBS;-GUTTERS"-ffi,1f) SIDE\oIALKS TO BE COllAPLETFJI IMMEDIATFLY F'ILLmmJ(; HiIEREN;, _.l1lJ121UJmLQE, Bl!.L~D)...NG ON LOT~_~JlNQ.~_ 'bo:tnli1l9 thJt tl'<lct of VCllld <lsdescrib;;J in Paragrtph Ho. 1 and the nei{]hborinq tracts of land "re incomplete and belov' those standards as set out in th(! SUGOIVISIOi: REGULATIOnS of the Ci ty; ilnd 4. \,:HCPEA:;, to he unifol"lll and consistent ',:ith the existinq neighboring i:~\ll1'ovl~n;l':lt:; ilntl cOlllpletion or non-comDletion of those improvements as n'quil'l~d b/ :;;:010;: FlYE: It-IPRO'ofE.t-\Et!TS of the SUBDIVISIOtI REGULATlCi\S \.1i1l nhl:~e no Si~lllifica!1t chan~le at the present in those streets fronting th<lt ll",lCt uf Ll:ld <IS described in Pilragruph lio. 1, and the nei~hboring true ts 0 f 1 MId', "nt! 5. \':ii[I~[^'), ip (rder to ceonfulm tc tilOS(: rcq\Jiremcnts tiS set out in the S'HIDl\'lSlrJii l~l:;IJU\TlOrlS of ti,e! City, this ilgreement is hereby determined to hi! :l1'Up~ r. :IOH. Till~:~i~ FO,~[ I IT r S I!Un:Y j\r,RrEi!. TIi^T: . ,\. iilc l"e:'I'(;II:.ihility fur ne'!til\'l, confonnir,tj to and providing those , n:quir':II,I..'fit:; .:IS :.d. out in Ul<! SUUDIVISIOU REGULATIONS of the CHy is hcn~hy reco]n i ?~d hy O\~ne r. U. TIll' Oin~cllJr tlf !'ublic \:Qr\~, u;>un the advice and consent of the Hayor, shull din::c, tho: (/.mcr or- his ilSSi9nS and successors to meet those: n~quin~II1(,llts (I''; set out in tilQ SUGDIV1SlOi/ REGULATIONS of the City. ,. '-. U;1011 n~cl:illt rlf such notice to furnish or construct the public improvement l <IS reCjuired tHidcl' the SUl:lJIVrS!Oi/ EEGUi..ATIONS of the City,'O"lncr hereby JSI'CC'S to construct ilnd fumish at O',:r:f~r's cost, such impr0vements as a:'e n~q\dn!d by the :';UilDIV1SION P.ECULATlOW; of the City, ilnd to do so in confonJ1i.1nce vdth the ch.'si~ln standards of the SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS of the City. n, In the c'Ient Ln lm\irove~'\ent Distrlct or a Speci.al lmpro'/e;r.~nt District is cre.1ted by th,~ City to if1lpr-o'{c or provid,~ those I'cquiremcnts as ~et cut in till! SUBDIVIsrorl REf;UU\TIO:IS for' those str'cets or streets fl-onting that tr:lct of land ilS uesCl'il"ed in Paraqro;1l1 ~lo. 1 3ho\'\~ and the n<!i~hbC'ring t"Jcts of IJ'\C:", the O..mcl' or his cssiqn, ar:tI SUCCessors ilsr'ee not to opr~~e its crcatiol1. E . In I.hl.' ev(,nt ')', Improverrent L'istrict is ':rt:ilted by thE City to provid2 the ililprov.:""lts uS prov,O\(;(j by th2 Sl~l\~HVjSIO:1 HECUU,T101;S, th~ costs Jssl'ssilLllc ll'F!in3t :11(' 1~I'o:~er~y <Jsje.~r:ri~le(~ in i\;rilgrc)pl\ Nc, , shi\11 no~ ~c '1iS\lI'O;)or'LinlloJt.,. I.lith 'ost.-, "'jses:".111e tJ Clthcl' nearby and lil.e prc;l'!-~,~ r. Upon c':l'cutlun of tid:; ir:V[l('!'j.1:iH {f'.ITr:'\:.Iii:; the City aod O,:O(:f$, the ~ C1 ty Hi 11 \.,()ivl~ the ir~;::cdii\t" 0c1<1fo1ntcc::. for ('ubl'ic. in'aro'lell~;;ts u'; ::;~t out in the SU3LJIV[S!IJU Pl.r.IIL^Tlc,:r: vf th.! f:1ty. G. This ilqrCefl:l'nt 1:; ey.'.'rd(~cl b', the '..J'.:nl'r l''Jr<;u:1I:t to th(! SUL1D!'/ISION r.CGUlMIONS of t.hi; C!TY OF \,1\ ,[X: HliJ~,[. Il. The j).:lrtic5 herctCi Mjl'cr! th<1t thi:; (l['n:LCJPI'.UH {"GRE(I-\~'n, by its terms, !;hJl1 bl.: bindinq UI1U!\ thQ City lll\tI tIP ~Y,m'.'r. (lnd upon the il::;:;ig(\::; ilnd SlJcceS$OI'S th('n~of; t1nd ';i\,111 (on':tituce C,'V0r,iIl1ts run;\'.r19 vliU, the descrihed propertj. SPECiAL PROVI51O;:5 NW JI,I,;r,[tJ:i::T5: ~(..' , ---_._-----~- -~.__.- ---~. -~. ------. ----- --------- --------- - - ------ ,---.------.. ._- --._---- " "..- --------- --- ----....-------- -,--..-...--------...'------.- ,~ This DEVELOP;.IENT J\r;,<EE1'lEtH shan b,-~ rccordcrJ \'I';th the County Clerk and Recorder. IN ~lliNESS HilEI{EOF. the partics hur~ set their bonds and sea'ls on the date fir.s~ shovln., RECO~\:I(NOEO BY: , '~~--~ ' COn\rilur((! D.~~"l-', ~crtrr:cnt" APPROVE 0 lIS TO FOR!'\: Atto,~?/u'- :<ECUTEO (1'( miriER: /}. /? / ;z?-; -, // ~:J'lf' /-,:/-_~~~______ - / /) / / " / / / jI / / ,~~ ' (.:ZL'17N:/1 cttyiJ:iiTni~(riltor ,- EX[CUrfO CY CITY: r"/ ./". __,.>c:!2.d:,~.:z~ I~Jj?r, C1 ty of ~Jheat Rid~e I .' -_.__....--------~-_._--_.- . t.TTCTED TO B'j: 'e . t. ' _~~e;22~r.if.i ~.' _~ '_ City C'~rk " . I ,- ,"> ': ~. . ' ..~','" .. ,l'l STATE OF COlORADD ) ) 55. COUNTY OF JE HE RSOil ) The fore~oin':l instru:nent \'iuS c},ec\lted befor!.' ['lo:! thisd~..__ day of . 1- ~________.__,_" 19!~.... by f)am~/).ka'ffg,.k.-..____.._----,- (7' ., . ' I' I _~h~~d1IL-, __.'_______ tlotdy Puh 1 ic 1-1,)' CCIl~ni s s i (171 [w. re:; :~:.__ l~j'iJ\l ~l ~j'r"'i~~._. c..j't~' " po J _ f;lV, 1/79 ..... ~~ Vl :':J n '" ..; ~, .., '" III .... ... ,- ..~ 80068962 EXHIBIT A A portion of the NE 1/4 of the SW 1/4 of Section 16, T. 3 S., R, 69 W. of the 6th P.M., County of Jefferson, State of Colorado being more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the SE corner of the NE 1/4 of the SW 1/4 of Section 16, thence North along the North/South Mid Section line of said Section 16. 410.32 feet to the True Point of Beginning; thence West a distance of 228.33 feet; thence North a distance of 229.95 feet; th~nce N 890 34' 30" W a distance of 300.00 feet to the East right-of-way line of Parfet Street; thence North along said East riqht-of-way line a distance of 268.04 feet to a point 170.50 feet South of the South right-of-way line of the Colorado and Southern Railroad Company; thence N 740 48' 40" E parallel with said Railroad riqht-of-way line a distance of 526.73 feet; thence North 20,00 feet West of and parallel with said North/South Mid Section line a distance of 170.50 feet to the South right-of-way line of said Railroad Company; thence N 740 48' 40" E along said South right-of-way line a distance of 20.72 feet to the North/South Mid Section line of Section 16; thence South along said Mid Section line a distance of 814,16 feet to the Point of Beginning. County of Jefferson, State of Colorado. PARFET INDUSTRIAL PARK 5130 PARFET STREET ""_L c--~ 1.1 ... ~ s '-.~ ;. ~",,; .-~ Co~ Rec 3 ~HEA~~I~'~E COLORADO 80033 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE - MEMORANDUM I I (' ~', ! ' ~ . I'if ! ,'..: I 'M To TOM PALMER, CITY ADMINISTRATOR From KEN FENWICK, ENGINEERING TECHNICIAN Subject PARFET INDUSTRIAL PARK 5130 PARFET STREET Approved Date AUGUST 18, 1980 I~~ Date The accompanying Development Agreement for curbs, gutters and sidewalks was drawn up because of the number of heavy trucks entering the property during construction phases, We feel that it would be counter production to install curbs, gutters and sidewalks until all construction on the new buildings are complete because of the danger of new concrete to fail under excessive weight. KF/em Attachment , n ....., = " -i -~.. --- ,J ') -''-j'. , co '-, .~..... [II ~ 1'1< -'- ,.> fT1 '-10 .:::- ::J . . 0 GJ = fT1