HomeMy WebLinkAbout0002 \) \) , '\1' .~..} '..--.,/ I- Z w :E >- <( "- u. o o :r: I- w :i: -:t t'- ....... o N ....... tf) TI ..-1 [0 0. o o . ...- ~ -:t t'- ....... lO ...- ....... tf) .-l ~ H U 2: :::J 0 U > z I- 0 <i5 H Z U w ,,: I- > X '" w CO ;> '" Z 0 OJ 0 ClJ P l.u ::0 Z 0 ::; 0:: u. CL Z 0 CL 0 w c:t V1 :E '> <: 0 z 652048 @ RETAIN PERMANENt!. Y Iplat No, Document No. UTILITY EASEMENT 5'1 =J11 The undersigned Grantor hereby acknowledges receipt of $ 1.00 (ONE AI'lD NO/100) from PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF COLORADO in consideration of which 'he ht::,cby grants un~o sdid Company, its successors and assigns, an easement to construct, operate ,nd maintain utility lines and all fixtures and devices, used or useful in the operation of said l;nes., through, over, under, across and along a course as soid lines may be hereafter constructed in Lot Block Subdivision FORM I e) 410.10-'468 Correct: ;-/0423 ~,- ,~ Approved, 87002 ....-'d R.O.w. Agent o z in the NE~ Range 69 WEST_, of the SIXTI! of JEFFERSON, State of Colorado, of Section 22 Principal Meridian in the City of the approximate center I ine of the easement Township 1 S OlJTIi , County as follows: o --;> is described o 3: Beginning at a point on-the southeasterly line of Lot 180, CLEARVALE SUBDIVISION which point is one (1) foot more or ~ g ~ f=- less west of the east line of the NElt; of Section 22, To~"'g r- :-< c ship 3 South Range 69 West thence southerly and substan~aily ~'~ - parallel with the east line of the NElt; of said Section ~. 10 ~ a point seventy-five (75) feet southeasterly of and mea~t d~~~: :;:. C" --.: '" ';:'L: at right angles to the southeasterly line of said Lot 180. ~J ..,. t', _u,_ ~1~'; en c.1'I < N C 0 t , Ie A I eo - -OJ .r .J: .r tl1 ~ Said easement is feet in width. Together with the right to enter upon said premises, survey, construct, maintain, operate, repair, replace, con. lrol and use said utility lines and related fixtures and devices, and to remove objects interfering therewith, includ- ing the trimming of trees and bushes, and together with fhe right to use so much of the ad(oining premises of Grantor during surveying, construction, maintenance, repair, removal, or replacement of said utility lines and related fix- tures and devices as may be required to permit the operation of standard utility construction or repair machinery, and the right to permit the installation of the facilities of any other company The Grantor reserves the right TO use and occupy said premises for any purpose consistent with the right and privileges above granted and which will not interfere with or endanger any of the said Company s facilities th~rein or use thereof Such reservation by the Grantor shall in no event include the right to erect or cause to be erected any buildings or structures upon the right of way herein granted. in case of the permanent abandonmenr of said right of way, all right, privilege and interest herein granted shall terminate. The work of i:1stalling said !in~5 and ,elated fi_y,tu~e:; 2i1d devices shaH be done with care; the surface Ctlong said right-of~way shall be restored substantially to its orlqlnal level and condition. "Grantor" shall include the plural and the feminine. Signed this 17th Mav ,19~ day of WITNESSES, ATTEST: ;:;: /)/1 /41v:t:(?ltlcnzJ ~CM~rf. LJ.ot.vLle:rk GRANTOR CITY OF ltlHEAT RIDGE BY 72..-/,-4?d4_,''''r----- Paul ~ Abramson, Ph.D., Mayor STATE OF COLORADO, ) 55, County c(, .;]afferson) .\..\~[ !l/I; 'I . 1it/i.......da;.'fli May ..:" t~:.'. r.' -r . .,....:;": ~...~_ ~ ~"'.o~ Whli'at 8,:dge, County ~ r)-.-, ,- ] ~ ~.:y c 7:. t;.\V\yrcornm(s~i'Qn ...exp\res <.. 'Witness m'y h~d)1n(j official seal .....1.:, t,;:'"" 0 :;,or:.'::'." >.~ :: ~ ~ ('r-"I,'j(1q 'j'n 'c{HIl~l' or ~,lI1111H . 1974 by' of Jefferson, The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me 1his Dr. Paul B. Abramson, Mavor, of the City state of Colorado, ,d v.,. ;cs r.O'ii.~ILer 14. 1977~ ~ ~ . ,,{jZ( { f;~'7.k7 j' ;;((~(j/i' J'M j _ N6 ary Public 26'12 551 representatille capacity, insert name ~nd ar~o office or capacity ~nd for whom lIcting. ',,- ''';', -, o z o '( o 5 >- z u.J :::: >- <( 0.. LL o o o I >- u.J :::: z 5 o >- z 0 U) z u.J >- <: x ;.a u.J > '" ",," r.1 0 ~ w Z LL Z 0 0 u.J U) :::: > <( 0 z ~ RETAIN PERMANENTLY FORM '8; 410-10-1468 Corre<;t Approved: Plat No Document No, ).... , ' ./ R,Q W Agent UTILITY EASEMENT The undersigned Grantor hereby acknowledges receipt of $ i. ',~ \.' " ' ,,' 1-"') from PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF COLORADO in ce>nsideration of which he her"by grants unto said Company, its successors and assigns, an easement to construct, operate and maintain utility lines and all fixtures and devices, used or useful in the operation of said lines, through, over, under, across and along a course as said lines may be hereafter constructed in Lot Block Subdivision in the Range of of Section -~~ Principal Meridian in the City of the approximate center line of the easement IS described ;.l......p Township ) ..,) - , J..t1 , County as follows ," ,,,' J. ,of the ,1";'111 v,~1 ;.,',011 ,State of Colorado, ;,,_,,:i l'lLl'.; at u poiLlt Oll-t1e 9out;least",rly lin'~ ot Lot 180, loW:.At, "...Li:: SLulJI'iISILlN wtLi.::u point is on~ (1) foot more or It:.tiS w~st c:f tll;~ ~a:,~t lLn~ of t3\t;~. jL"'~ of Secttoa 22., 1~own- ",.d.p :; '-'cliLl l~l.,.:,'~ t;) .''-':.1 c: t..kuce SOl.<Llcrly aau suostantially !laxllllel 'Ii t,l tae "as L ,Hi.", of Lll! .<;~j.. of said S~ction 22 to 11 point severity-five (75) feet sout,l",aatarly of and n.casured at rigut allgl<ls 1;0 tae southeasterly line of saiu Lot H,O. Said easement is feet in width Together with the right to enter upon said premises, survey, construct, mainta'm, operate, repair, replace, con. trol and use said utility lines and related fixtures and devices, and to remove objects interfering therewith, includ. ing the trimming of trees and bushes, and together with the right to use so much of the adjoining premises of Grantor during surveying, construction, maintenance, repair, removal, or replacement of said utility lines and related fix. tures and devices as may be required to permit the operation of standard utility construction or repair machinery, and the right to permit the installation of the facilities of any other company The Grantor reserves the right to use and occupy said premises for any purpose consistent with the right and privileges above granted and which will not interfere with or endanger any of the said Company's facilities therein or use thereof Such reservation by the Grantor shall in no event include the right to erect or cause to be erected any buildings or structures upon the right of way herein granted In case of the permanent abandonment of said right of way, all right, privilege and interest herein granted shall terminate The work of installing said lines and related fixtures and devices shall be done with care, the surface along said right.of,way shall be restored substantially to its originai level and condition "Grantor" shall include the plural and the feminine Signed this 1'7:h Mav ,19~ day of WITNESSES: ATTEST :~ . /') Jf' ) /2' <iJ;,)1PL / 't ;r:,'" 1 I', ('-../ ../:...,..l. --- '<--~ (liB,. ~''''''':'''' ra' V Cl!::ak CITY [jf GJHE;;T nID-~~E GRANTOR c; ;' -0 /'1 / /'b' I........;: 0 '- i, !,.<"f',;7 -,'-"-"" Paull. Abramson, [-'h.L!.. ~';ayor Uy STATE OF COLORADO, Counjy of ...J;- frr:~T';r'r ss The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this by* d:' "'2U~ '1 ',,1.:,,< _ 1, ':, i'Jr, of the Ci t\j ,'18 of Color3~o, ...! /:,r. 19: " day of '- J . ~ .. -f' (' " My commission expires Witness my hand and official seal ... If acting in official or representative capacity, insert name and also office or capacity and for whom acting. iWbt: \a- . __l:::~c:-:':: ~. (-y--=~Jt~ -- ----, J "- '- _ J _ ~ ..::\ -- ,'''''''''''' '----y ~ l -- I -- 2Ll 45 -- I -\ 65 83 100 115 130 143 14 .., ! 1; .., _8_ ~ ~ ..-- 87 .'''''2 ~ .' ~. - ~ -, - ~ .85 85 .. m, ~ ~ ell '- Jas1 T~J,..: ell ~ -< 1r 22 ~ OA ell o-N Wo ....00 ell co W --./ >- BO w N ...J~ ., 00 . :) 0 ~ 0.,.... - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ . ~CA -181 ~1-i 8J g]'. ~~~ BO lli- ;-;;!.hl u 0 Co <~ j N-z .::> o. - ~Ul-N u"" CI) N c..; e '-"~ 42 ~C)~ C)_ I77l N Ii If711 i ~ COLOR! ll..JJ' f-~ II WYOMI ~ 142- 155 ,,05.... 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