HomeMy WebLinkAbout0011 ,,0 Jf' KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, THAT GeOftge R. & VOJr.o:thy R. Joyc.e, HeMY A. & Sh.Ur.f.ey of. 1/ B.i..ttneJ1. , 06 Je66eMon County, S:ta:te. 06 Col.oMdo , heJ1.unaMVt c.all.e.d :the. "GMnt().(C"/../ 60Jr. and in c.onoideJt.a..:t.i.on 06 :the. .6wn 06 FotLty Five. VoUaM ,and o:theJ1. va1.uabl.e. c.onoideJ[~ a.ttorlh paid in hand by :the CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, CO LORAVO, heJ1.una6;teJ1. c.all.ed "Cily", fLe.ee..q,:t 06 wluc.h .u. hVteby ac.lmowiedged, ha.6 give.n and gMnte.d and by :thv.,e. pJr.v.,e.n.t.6 dov., heJ1.e.by give. and gfUlnt .6ubje.c..t :to :the :teJun.6 and c.onc1i:ttono c.on:taine.d w.i.:thin :t1U;, agJr.eement, unto :-" :the. .6aid "C.u:y" an EASEMENT on, a1.ong, OVeJ1. and ac.Jr.OM the. 60Uow.i..ng dv.,CJzi.be.d pfteIn.u.V" ;!!:; :to - w,ct : 7Z~'?j'; TRAFFIC SIGNAL EASEMENT @j) A pMC.U 06 l.and .6i:tuM.ed in :the SW~ 06 :the NE~ 06 Sec.tion 23, TownolUp 3 So ILtl1 , Range 69 Wv,:t 06 :the 6th P1Unc.ipa1. ,\fvU..cUan in Je66vu.,on County, Cof.onado, mone paJt.tic.ul.atU'.y dv, c.1Ubed a.6 60f.e.ow.6: Beg,wning M. :the SW c.oftneJ1. 06 :the NE~ 06 Sec.tion 23, T3S, R69W 06 :the 6:th P1Unc.ipa1. MvU..cUan; .thenc.e nolLth a di.6:tanc.e 06 60.0 6eet a1.ong :the wv,:t line 06 :the NE~ 06 Sec.tion 23, and :the. c.e.n:teJ1. line. 06 Wad6wOllxh Bl.vd.; :thenc.e ea.6:t a di.6:tanc.e 06 40.0 6eet :to :the eaM 1Ugh.t-06-way line 6011. Wad6wotLth Bl.vd. and :the :tJtue point 06 be.ginning; ,thenee ea.6:t a di..6:tanc.e. 06 5. 0 6 e.e.t; :the.nc.e .6ou:th a d.Wtanc.e. 06 13, 2 6 ee.t ;(:0 :the. 1Ught-06-watj line. 60ft Wv.,:t 44th Avenue and Wad6wotLth Bl.vd.; :thenc.e a di.6:tanc.{~ 06 14.5 6eet a1.ong a c.wwe :to :the 1Uglt:t wlUc.h haJ., a Jz.acLi.1u, 06 20.0 6eet, :to :the :tJtue point 06 be.ginning; c.on.:t.aining 45.33 .6quMe 6eet mofte Oft .tv,.6. '" .r=- '-, -- '^, . 2 ~ ~ i .1 .- FOR THE PURPOSE OF: lno:tall.a:tion and Main:tenanc.e 06 TM6Mc. Signa.t Po.tv." Con:tJr.olleJ1. and nela:ted appUl1.:tenanc.v,. This easement shall terminate if the above-described property is no longer used for such purposes. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, (We ha ve heJ1.eun:to.6e.t OuJr. hand(.6) :thi.6 day 06 ",' A. V.-;79 ---' ['I ,./ /, / / / ../ ~"7-, < , / Q' I G"",,-,o' 1 ~~v,' 0, ~ GMntOft I " ~ ..... z(' !--- v: '- \. ?.. '.. - .~ '( Gnan:tOft) 1 J ,,- ~c-- '-- .-'( , \ . >r.;tc.o.- S:ta:te 06 Coun:ty 06 , \ VJ J J' ,1,/ ,< ( GMn:tOft) SS. -4..), The 601tegoing inotnwnen:t Wa.6 ac.lmow.tedged be60~e me :thM, '\\. , " , 19~,/ btj " J, IT I., Wi:tn..t.6.6 my hand and 066iua.t ua1., i"\",, r: .\' ,_ Y' My Commission expires Sepl 10, 1977 --+ I eJ I ',t ~::) !. " . day 06 'f~ :tt-, , '__'-l" ~. 1;\ \ . \-6- \.'" ," ~ '" -, -:, ,J_ / l"l \ ' . :l ')1 ' r -" ' ,Il,;~ , t ~.u,.L ':~., . N0:taJLy Public. Appnove.d a.6 ;(:0 nOJun: 1 I II ~ ---I ~ ~--,;, ~( / City A:ttOJr.ney I : ,r i ApPl1.Oved Rec.ommended: ~ (.; l '":tC-< ..1_ If ~' , " '/k-L~ '- V.iJtec..tOJr. 06 Public. WOJr.!u, AppJr.oved: ~~<'.~Au~"__ c.u:y Admini.6:tJta;tOJr. /) c... wK/6,_ )11 , ~ JIL/_i A'...lJ t , " "(,.a.--r '"\ --j ,1ft r/,/// /, -..vIr> / - " '1..<-/;1 Mayon /) .----... / 721707 \:15 JUL 21 ~H \1' 02 A:tt4v,t: ;7 ~ ;,:' ,( 1"1"';:-(.-. ~/;;2 ... ~; .. 4 .!'zv:y C.teJtR County of Jellersor1 SI::.12 ot C Recorded IN 2750 644 --_.~._~---"-'-- 2750 644 o r() 40' WEST 44th AVENUE o r() ........... '''. LEGEND 40' 40' . o > ...J CO :c I- a:: o ~ (J) Cl <! ~ + 40' .-.-.- EXISTING RIGHT OF WAY EASEMENT j/ N o v o v .,,/ /' ./. ATTACHMENT A CITY OF DEPT. DAII:.: 4-7-75 WHEAT RIDGE, COLO. OF PUBLIC WORKS DRAWN BY' R.E.D. AP VD BY: R;f:!i' 2750 645 PAGE 2 of 2