HomeMy WebLinkAbout0032 ", r.' / ~ ,,,", 11).11 ti~ II \ E A S E MEN T hNDW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that Mary Ann Gruenwald Florian Gruenwald and of J8ffersnn County, State of Colorado hereinafter called the "grantor", of ONE DOLLAR ($I.OO), and other in hand paid by ! ,;~'\J.~; for and in consideration of the sum valuable consideration to them given and unto the said < The City of Wheat Ridge "grantees", receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, has granted and by these presents does hereby give and grant grantees, their heirs, successors or assigns: A PERPETUAL EASEMENT on, along, over and across the following descrihed premises, to wit: ,1.2- ... A tract of land lying in Jefferson County, Colorado, in the NE~ of Sec. 25, T.3S., R.59W., 5th P.M.; within the boundaries of Lot 13 of the Connellee Subdivision and more particularly described as follows: A troct of land, lO-feet in width, to be used as a permanent easement for a storm sewer whose centerline intersects the grantor's north property line at a point 5-feet easterly of the N.W. corner of said Lot 13. From this said point of intersection, which in fact, is the point of beginning for this easement centerline, said centerline of storm sewer and of easement proceeds southerly along a line which is parallel with the west line of Lot 13, a distance of lol-feet, to a point on the south line of Lot 13, which last point is the end of this easement centerline. This tract contains 0.023 acres, more or less. \/ \7/\ ' c A TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT on, along, over and across the following described premises, to wit: A tract of land lying in Jefferson County, Colorado, in the NE~ of Sec. 25, T .3S., R.59W., 5th P.M.; wi thin the boundaries of Lot 13 of the Connellee Subdivision and more particularly described as follows: An additional tract of land, IS-feet wide by lOl-fe~t lon~ and lying adjacent to the east side of the permanent easement, to be used temp- orarily as a Construction Easement. This tract for Construction Easement contains an additional 0.035 acres, more or less. The accompanying plat is a part of this description. FOR THE PURPOSE OF INSTALLING A STORM SEWER. And the Grantor hereby covenant(s) with the Grantees that it has good title to the aforedescribed premises; that it has good and lawful right to grant this easement; that it will warrant and defend the title and quiet possession thereof against the lawful claims of all persons whom- soever. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, (I) (We) have hereunto set our hand(s) and seal(s) this "" 'I day of ! /. d , A.D., 19 '/ / ~ ~, r"'< , ,'".::. ~~~ntor L-YI'~ STATE OF &.y.: k?4e)(j Count\! of ~/-r~~.s:cJA../ /-1 /', ~,u'/ / / /1 :%'-2- /" /~~/..L~<'V<..AIa2,f Grantor ) ) ) The foregoing day of ~/0?/ C, ,r- G /11;/:/1/ :.t/~?-!) instrument lJJas ackrmwlecgeo b6fore me this <"'::~ ~4 , A:f5., F.7L, tll! ~/-;!/L.Y 4",;1/ 2472. Is&' Wi tness my [,arlVly ,\'\bmi:ll!t:H ~ial." ~~at. My commissj.Hfl expi r8S ' "' /..-/ ' " ~/ t:; ~-'7l',. / C"/J -/)!(-<(--'( ,~ ,C'~ "/J~'__ Notary Pu lie 1 ~7':J -- j .24t72 156 U, rf\ m_ ~ (,'j; mJl n -1 · 0 7J ~ ----..-. . 1- 101 \/VEST ;1 I t~1 " rf' 1] r )> -1 I 1] r }> Z ^ 11 ]V o 1J (\ ~ 0 -1 l -( l' [fl- o r 1] r r ~ [Il 0 F (l1 -{ r (]I _ ):> C lJJ ~ OJ (7 [11 ( - ^ Ul fi1 - OJ O. !iT r. I !J I r .fTI. _ ---- I -01 rfr -l r1 r r fTI AJ () -1 - (I: ui -{ o N ~ + (fl i m ' I ~ I 01 ~ N I Vi i , i I . ~ / -- - ~ I _ ~ ..... -" 2472 156 \ \ \ , I ,- i,'VV'Pi.~~".~ : 'PID'-'''' 'i ir..Sf." , \ Mf,NT )" 1. Y;-""u., \::'''' "'"- I 0. [' <> l... u ,~ -i ! :;> ( (T? , I ~I i"-J I ; I I I ! I I I , , I I I , " ,.. .'"1 ~ '7 i........\.-o___...........,.jW...~~...'........._~ ~,,~J~.........,I 24 -12 157 ~o..j--'-ooj ,--._...~~:..-.J I...-..,...-J 1720 California Street Denver, Colomao 80202 To: CITY OF WrlEAT RIDGE. Description Lot 13, Connellee Subdivi~ion. ( "j, " "'" '1; I"J' Grantee In instrument ownership' last consecutive transferring Florian Gruen~ald and Mary Ann Gruenwald by Deed recorded July Book 2281 at page 703. ?') ~-', 1971 ~n Unreleased mortgages. trust liens deeds. and judgments: Deed of Trust from Florian Gruenwald and Mary Ann Gruenwald to the Public Trustee of Jefferson County for the use of Empire Savings, Building & Loan Association, recorded July 23, 1971 in Book 2281 at page 704. '" ;;:c .." ~. ~ "., ." "T1 n c.71 " C) -(/)O Z co r- -l c: .... ;XJ l'T1>z .b. ... 0 c...c' 0-1.... d'j n r>1 - ", -< ~: ,.. c:' Zoo -.J " .. CX> 3: ..'1"'T1 ~ ~ z N~ -.J \., jlo -, i lll> ,:ti to ~..:. "~", CO I lIl.l:t:l> '~J fll N::.r: .,r"';;1' C)U1 .. ~ )00 -' z "" ~ t..-' V' THE COMPANY FURNISHES THE FOREGOING INFORMAl ION FOR YOUR SOLC USE ~ND BENEFIT WITH THE VNDERST~NPING THAT THIS INFORMATION HAS BEEN TAKEN FROM OUR TRACT INDICES. WITHOUT REfERENCE TO, OR EXAMINATION OF. INSTRUMtNTS WHICH PUkPORT TO Ar;~LT THl REAL PROPERTY. THE INFORMATION IS CAREFULLY PREPARED, BUT IS IN NO WAY GUARANTf(O OR crRTlflED, AND IS NOT Tv ot. CONSTRUED AS AN ABSTRACT OF TITLE. NOR AN OPiNION Of TITLE, NOR A GUARANTY OF TliLE, AND THl COMPANY'S LIA81LITY IS LIMiT[~ TO TH( AMOUNT OF THE FEES COLLECTED, Dated this 30th day of July A. D. 1971 at 8 0 cleek A.M. TRANSAMERICA TITLE INSURANCE COMPA~Y By (';-;;r I '- ~ ! t. ; c~ A.. _ / 1720-AU 2472 1~7 .. -" "~_\ l.V 1'1 ",otl .. '" <j~ <II 11, lID 12 9 10 <l' <l' - '-N~ ~ .-rr ~ T& "1-1. - 1'1 16 14 ~ N Ge 44 45 c , 41 42 43 ~ 2 \ 1 .d !I "". -s~~ J~ ~ ~-- 1&0 \ c E 2 t~1t t , ~ T~ T~ S 6 '" ';Cg 3 ~ 4 N p..- '" N P \ ~W ~ \ 32ND 'Pt.. __ w,- ~ \ ~ 2~ ~ , ~ f:-4 '1'