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WHEREAS, the land adjacent to the south boundary of said Avenue, is owned by
Lutheran Hospital and Medical Center; and
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WHEREAS, the City of Wheat Ridge is desirous of improving certain vehicular
and ptdestrian conditions existing on UJest 3uth Avenue by Lutheran Hospital
and Msdical Center; 2nd
WHEREAS, the City of Wheat Ridge has entered into Contract for the purpose
of providing for needed improvements; and
WHEREAS, Lutheran Hospital and Medical Center is agreeable to the improvement
of said AveTlue;
THEREFCRE, BE IT RESOLVED, that Lutheran Hospital and Medical Center hereby
apprOVES of and grants permanent easement and ~ight-of-way over, under, across
and thrcugh certain real property located within the City of Wheat Ridge
more describ~d as follows, to wit;
The Southerly 10 feet of the Northerly 45 feet, except the Easterly
feet, of a iract of larld consisting of those parts of the Northwest ~ of
Section 26 and the Northeast ~ of Section 27, Township 3 South, Range 69
West, described as follows:
Beginning at the Northeast corner of the West ~ East ~ Northwest ~
NorthWEst ~ of said Section 26:
Thence South 00 10' West along the East line of said West ~ East ~
Northwest ~ Northwest ~ a distance of 1,203.5 feet to a iron pipe set in the
road between the North and South branches of the Rocky Mountain Ditch; thence
North 770 01' West a distance of 344.8 feet to a point; thence North 780 25'
West a distance of 200.5 feet to a point; thence North 630 34' West a distance
of 443.1 feet to a point; thence North 470 31' West a distance of 158.7 feet
to a point; thence North 360 54' West a distance of 222 feet more or less to
the pGi~t of intersection with a line which line is 193.8 feet West of and
p~T~llEl w~th the East line of Section 27, Township 3 South, Range 69 West;
th8n~e due North alonq said line 193.8 feet West of and parallel with the
East "line of Ssction 27 a distance of 602 teet more or less to the North line
'fJf, S'>.C~:HH'~ 2''1," thence East along the North line of said Section 27 a distance
Clf''''193.Er fes,t'+,o the corner common to 5ec;;ions 22, 23, 25, and 27, Townsh5"p
J South, "Ral1'g13 69 West; thence North 890 48' East along the North line of
8.E}ction 26 ,8 distance of 987 feet more or less to the point of beginning.
Subject to the following terms and conditions:
1. The said easement is for walkway purposes and all costs of the
construction of the improvements to be placed on said easement
will be paid by the City of Wheat Ridge and it is mutually agreed
hereby that none of the costs of construction of said improvements
will be paid by the owners including walkway construction, fees
and/or permits, or any other cost normally incurred in construction
of said improvelilents.
2. The City of WI18at Ridge shall indemnify, defend, and save harmless
Lutheran Hospital and Medical Center against all damages or alleged
damages to public or private property, together with all claims
for damages for personal injury, including accidential death, arising
out of construction of improvements by the City of Wheat Ridge or
its 8ssifJns~
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The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this
of , 19____, bV
Witness my hand and official seal.
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\ City Attorney
Wheat Ridge
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The within deed is. accepted this day of
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BY. .t{].~~!C~u/~~:J~~=_..m.m'..
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City Clerk
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