HomeMy WebLinkAbout0037 - ~ If r1 v c::i c::i z z a: c:i UJ :I: "7 <..> 0 ::J ;: 0 ~ :I: '" <l: ~ I- Z UJ :E >- <l: c.. u.. 0 0 0 :I: I- UJ :E z ;: 0 I- H W ~ H en H W ~ ~ Cl <<: ~ ::;:; 0 :3: IX> ..... Z If) z z CO 0 I- '" <l: > <..> 0 0 -I t. f.~.' IH, 410 1(' 14'-( 80054143 35/47 hEl Air; f'EFHN In Nl L Y lJ I)] l):: Correct Approved Document No Plat No Grid No. /" ~"'.:/ / L -<....-<.-/?7 ~ R"O W AQ"e1it ;- ~ ,'~-r- UTILITY EASEMENT The undersigned Grantor hereby acknowledges receipt of $ 1.00 (ONE AND NO/100) from PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF COLORADO, 550 15th Street, Denver, Colorado 80202, in consideration of which he hereby grants unto said Company. its successors and assigns, an easement to construct, operate and maintain utility lines and all fixtures and devices, used or useful in the operation of said lines, through, over, under, across and along a course as said lines may be hereafter constructed in Lot Block Subdivision In the SEll; Range 69 WEST , of the of JEFFERSON of Section ] h , Township 3 SOUTH SIXTH Principal Meridian in the City of , County , State of Colorado. the approximate center line of the easement is described as follows, Commencing at the southwest corner of the NW~ of the SE~ of Section 16, Township 3 South, Range 69 West, thence north along the north/south center line of said Section 16 a distance of 719.0 feet to the True Point of Beginning, thence east 31.0 feet. 800S41lt3 In'n l'IL ,..- .......i.i...\,1 ,,~ /" ,..... ...- ..I jJ ~ i ..... ..... '::J~,t:.. ofJcff~rs:;r, Stc:: :1 : The easement is 8 feet in width Together with the right to enter upon the easement to survey. construct, maintain. operate, repair. replace, control and use said utility lines and related fixtures and devices, and to remove objects interfering therewith, including the trimming of trees and bushes. and together with the right to use so much of the adjoining premises of Grantor during surveying, construction. maintenance, repair, removal. or replacement of said utility lines and related fixtures and devices as may be required to permit the operation of standard utility construction or repair machinery, and the right to permit the installation of the facilities of any other company The Grantor reserves the right to use and occupy the easement for any purpose consistent with the right and privileges above granted and which will not interfere with or endanger any of the said Company's facilities therein or use thereof Such reservation by the Grantor shall in no event include the right to erect or cause to be erected any buildings or structures upon the easement granted or to locate any mobile home trailer units thereon, In case of the permanent abandonment of the easement all right, privilege and interest granted shall terminate. The work of installing and maintaining said lines and related fixtures and devices shall be done with care, the surface along the easement shall be restored substantially to its original level and condition. "Grantor" shall include the singular. plural, feminine, masculine, and neuter Signed this 29th day of ~'ay 1980 .- CITY OF h~EAT RIDGE WITNESSES ...-- / --./-- I,~ GRANTOR ~'ayor ATTEST: ~c:. -. ", City Clerk STATE OF COLORADO.) County of Jefferson ) ss, The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this "29th<' day of Frank Stites and Carol Hampf ~'ay .1980 by' ,,. ,...~.....~ My'.commiss\oQ'€.xpires .. l \..'- I ,.. ,. Witness my~nd and official seal ---- ~"r~;r! 11, 1984 ..--.. l... ",----' , r\.OTARY PUBLIC jf acting in offiCial or representative capacity insert name and also office or capacity and for whom acting ----- l"""":~"":~~'~~~~~"~~~.:";0'?-"':IT!f:~~~,'q~;..~:;.;~.. \ ,> i ~~j;~, ~ S;:f:~~l ''''-''-1 "; ~ 'i:",. ~Y:~'~~:;::",- "": , ,.. ---- y ...._~-<--....-"';.;..~ - j 'fJ._...~,:', _~.'."" ,."..-..-~ ~:~t" ._..... ;.~'" _.....__.,,-'~_.~~..~-r;:'--:t...._~ Ii "1 fi,;.)...,-b-t>; -.I ~ ;:";'1'0;#, , . ';,\ .:~~~;.;~-:;:-~:";:<:;":':::"::=:'::::;=::').."._,:-:-':':;>:'::'~~~':-=':;;~ " j '1 I I. f 1 i, L T: P i :jLU) ;,~ H, .JC,fJ'\ rJ, C?~...'t";_-1i~'~ if> u ] flf'l ., , ' d'r ~htt-if,t ~~1.~! t'~ tJi .., -~, ~ ;II} A.- ~,1~~t:1i':.tU'l ~t-. ..-~., ~.~.. .... '. "..... ""J 1..j..~ .'.... r: !.--'::'~;f .,--j , ~~d ~f~~l~ ::\1 ~}JfJ !0 1 ~~~ t7:1 ." H/ :"7,;:' '~'':!f' t' et)kr~,10 i- f~'f 1-;~1 C::f,f1;<}-t'1't'i.fkrl ct I';,"' "~ '",' l~... '. ,. j.. I! I L lQ"~fj t:1.iU:. ,! 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