HomeMy WebLinkAbout0341 RECEPTION NO. q 1116272 RECORDED IN COUNT JF JEFFERSON 5.00 STATE OF COLORADO 8/03/93 15:15 Proiect No.: 92-02.04 Loc;tion: 6140 W 30th Ave Wheat Ridge, Co PERM~N~!'l.L~A5f:ME;!n . 5frl! r KNOW ALL, MEI\I BY THESE Pf":E~,EN f~1- that COATES, EDWARD A _ & MAMIE K. whose add,ess is 014'1 W. ,0 I Hvellue, Wheat Ridge, County of Jeffe::,)'lp,Ti,J, State)f C dor ad", herei nafte, called the "Grantors" fo~.,';:a~~ ~bff'",.j::onsi'ierat J."II ot the sum vf LJN!;ANPNOOQQ Pol"I"AR (~..),()...q.')"'8,ri8..;"~her vahable (,"'nsiderat iOIl to them in hand paid by t~/c~t-y: ,Qf.'0rJlleat Ri :Jge, hereinafter called "city", do hereby giv:e';'ahtl'/~i-~nt to said city PERMANENT EASEMENT on, along, ove, 8~d acf6~~ t~e frollowing described pramises to-wit: "A. t, act <Qf 1 d n d 1> i n 9 i 11 the ~:; W 1/ 1+ 0 f See t ion 2 -5 , towrishlP' 3 South. f':ange <->9 West: uf the 6th Pr i ncipal MlV r'.i di an, C i t Y 0"1 (,J h eat Rid 9 e, l. 0 un t. 'I 0 f J e f fer son, State of Colorado, descrJbed as /-1 The North 5 feet of the pa,cel of land described at Reception Number 24091000 of the official records of the County of Jefferson, State of Colorado. as Lot 1 Bonnie Rae Subdivision. [-7 0 , the p U 1" pc, s e (, f: C 0 fI ':; t rue t i ,', n and m a i n ten a nee 0 f curb, gutter and sLdawal~" Subject to thE followi ng t~~Yms awl Londi tions: ['lONE. Said tract conrain. 412.~ square teet mvre or less. Also known by st,eet. llV:J number 8,,;: 6140 \,..1. 30th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado, 80033 And the G,8ntor.:; hen")7 COV(31lant wlth the City that they have good title to the afofedescl ibed pr"emises; that they have good and lawful right t'J gr ,nt this easemE'nt. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, (.,'e have day of :]iA)Y ,____H .[, hereu nt"" set uU1" hands this 3diz. ,.1993 * A ;:::::z/J) .f) -~-~ I.OATES~J7DWARD A., . Grantor 6-~ ?7f~~, COATES, MAMIE y,., Grantor STATE OF COLORADu, I ':?~, COUI'iTY OF JEFFERC,OI,[ The 3'i~ MAMIE K. foregoing If,.strulll<ent IAlBS da y of .].,. \ y___ acknowled'1ed before me this , 1 (")9-;, b:' COATES. EDWARD A _ & My commission expi,es seal. 4/11 , ..l'iC!5." IrJJ.tness my hand and official ...~ncttf",..,~ ,.". I, "., ,. 'Ii '!'> " ,.... ~~;o,) . l.iIj'''!. " ..~.v ........ fA< ' ScS .' "'~', ~,." "'. ~ ' t r - ~ I! --. 1" " , ~i ,\ ~ \ i ~ J '.::-":- ; U\""'it.: E ~ ~ ..~ . ", ~ 'i .~ ". 1'1 \ IV .:. { :.""'lI. ...... '" ' .. ~ ~ ..... ". , , ..e ~ $: I",~."",;.~ '-.....,;.... e~ .....,... Y,., fl". t\ \. ,_, "r, f"'..,. \\" t~""ftfltttH\ . -- ~ 7S..L.-<;<c- ...- Iju.Jli,~ " 75uO WE ,r .!9 t h AVENUE WHEAT RiDGE, CULORADO, 80215-6797 :t"\1'\ '.. ... ..v ".\ ." ! ,.'u'N __ 'I,., '., :GHtJ I,) , ;j l v.".~", ,''', If,;) a '. .6.". Ii .w"" .' q .-' "8 ' ".J \ , QI:I" :Ph;; ^,' a "',,: ., Ir ~i'W