HomeMy WebLinkAbout0344 Project No.: 92-02.04 Location: 6185 w.30th Ave Wheat Ridge, Co I?i:RMANENT~ASl;MENI KNOW ALl_ MEN BY THESE ~'RESH'-1 rs, that TOURNIER, BRYCE AND NORMA whose address is 618', W. ;01 h (wellue, Wheat Ridge,. County of Jefferson, S,tate "f C )l.)r3du, her ei.'I..d'ter called the "Grantors" for and i 11 considerat l(,n nl the 'SUm of ONE ANPmNQ/).,QQ mPQl"l"AR (~J"QQ) and other valuable c,)nsid(~rat ion to them in hand paid by the City of Wheai Ridge, hm"einafter called "City", do hereby give and gl ant tc sai::J City PERMANENT EASEMENT on, along, over and across the following des, ribed premises to-wit: 5~ t A ,t,ract of llnd 'TQ,WnsJ')ip 3 South, Me\,'idian, City 01 Stat6 of.~olorado, l,ing i,l the ",\;'J F'ange ,<-1 West Wheat Ridge. described as; 1/4 of Section 25, \,.,f the 6th Principal County of Jefferson, /- ) Th~:South,!5 feet of Lot 3 Stebbin's Subdivision. "F-Q.r' tb.e' ,-P,HP"se ,..t. C0112;tr uctlon and maintenance of -''''",..., ",,~ ,curb,9utter and sidewalk. Subject to thE fol10wing terms and conditions: NONE. Said tract contain~ 050 square teet more or less. Also known b~' street ,Hid number as: 6185 ~~. 30th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado, 80032 And the Gr3ntor2, herEb> co\'enant wl.th the good title to thE' afe,redescl'ibed PI emises; and lawful right to grant this easement, Ci ty that they have that they have good IN WITN2;?'3~EREOI' ,6 hev" hoc "" n I' set our he ods th is day of . _____.__A.D., l')9'. ~ "' /8-CJ-----L/'v".- <..J2/\..-, BRYCE Grantor :J---- ~~~ ~ ~ .'ll__ au 'Ii'! I [f'\ , NdRl"iA ~-~ Grantor STATE OF COLORADO. i SS COUNTy OF JEFFEHSllN The.)foreguing. instrJme~ was ac.hnowledged before me this '2-'" day of ~,I' AJ-\- 1993, by TOURNIER. BRYCE AND NORMA My commission e><p i res _"~___199.s::- Witness my hand and official seal. , ,,-,:1:'_'\_, ,..\\I~HUtjrf"II' \,'t\\'.:.' Jt "lIlt,; SJF~.. "'" ......." ..th.., ~~.. ..."'C"""", .~, $ "''l. ....... .-:- llJ{\\t1T/lf/r \~\ \:,. '~m.~~l.!} ~'.A1 .# ~ ~ ~;..:._----~, $ ~"'''' ., l''''(\''''+ I",.ft*t,uu...,t,"'" d..tLL~ ;.j ~A D-JJ.A.-n_ l'iotar i Public 7S00 WE3T 29th AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO, 80215-6797 RECEPTION NO. 9311627: RECORDED IN COUNTY OF J'OFFERSiH\J 5.0(1 STATE OF COLORADO 8/03/93 15: 15 _''''10 nl3 .. .'it"" t14 lEI IlO8 .OJ .. _1Ilo3.......