HomeMy WebLinkAbout0467 RECEPTION NO. F'\ .'\, d);., f" lv/P'OI 'Olll ,)':'\.0.::'17' \!Ij: OOl--(}!)l. PHGt FLE: OJ.OO Dne. HE :0. ~(', REenRDED IN JLFFLRSON LUUNII, LuLUk00U ProJect No. s-sc.I'-O l-lJ(J Local1on. 5995 W 38th Ave Wheat RIdge, Colorado ~02] 2 P"RI\IANI,NT t"A~EMENT KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that Wesley A. Wlute and Marlene R. White, whosc address IS ~205 West 19'h Avenne, Lakewood, County of Jefferson, State of Cololado, ~()21 5, hcreinafter called the "Grantors" lilT and 111 consideration of Ihe s,nn ofTen Dollars and no/ 100 ($1000) and other valuable consideration to Wesley A. White ami Marlenc R. White in hand paid by the City of Wheat Ridge, docs hcreby give and grant to the City of Wheat Ridge, a PERMANENT EASEMENT on, along, over and across the followl11g described premises to-wit. I / r A tract orland IYl11g in the SE 1,4 of Section 24, To\'mship 3 South, Range 69 West ofthe 6th Pnncipal Meridian, City of Wheat Ridge, County of Jcfferson, State of Colorado. described as. A part of Lot 1, Carter Minor Sul)(hvislOn, belllg a porl1on of those lands as described at Rcceptlon Number 1'09907lY of the offiCial records of the County of Jefferson, State of ('olorado, belllg more particularly descrihed as follows. Commencing at the Southeast Corner of saId SE 1/4 ofSeetion 24, Whence the SW Corner bears S~()059'58"W, a distance of 264815 feet, Thence S89059'5~"W along the South Line uf said SE 1,4, a dIstance of 2478 08 fcet to a pumt: Thence NOO"O()'orw leaving said Suuth Lllle, a dIstance uf30 00 feet to a pomt on the Northerly Righl-of-Way of West 38th Avenue and th~ Point of Beginning; Thcnce S8Y"59'58"W along saId RIght-ot~Way, a dlstancc of 125 uO fect to a pOll1t of curvature; Thence 23.S6 (cet along the arc of saId curvc to thc nght havmg a radIUS of IS 00 fect and ccntral angle bemg 90000'00" to a p01l1t on the Easterly Right-of-Way of Harlan Street, Thence NOOoOO'02"W along said Easterly Right-of-Way, a dIstance 01'26 00 fed; Thence NS9059'58"E,leavmg saId Right-of-Way, a distance of 13 89 feet; Thence SOoo09'42"E, a distance of 19 on fect; Thcncc S44049'U2"E, a dIstance of? 05 feet, Thcnce Ni'i9059'5i'i"E, a dlstancc of 12 I 09 feet; Thcnce SOO"00'02"E, a distance of 17 00 feet to the Point of Bcginning; NOTE: All hearings are relatIve to one another and are based on the bearing of the South Imc of the SE 1/4 of said Scction24 as being S ~9059'58" W I'ur the purpose of: The constructIOn, mamtenance, and operatIon of the llty's nTigation system, streetscapc elemcnts including but not limited to plant matenal, street furl1lture and other Items shown m Wheat Ridgc Project IIS-SCP-02-01, includmg payment of the water bill for water tap number WRWD #439 I The C!ly's in Igation system and the propelty owncr's watcr service shall be and remain mutually exclusive. No inter-cOlmects of"ater systems shall be allowed. Subject to the following temlS and conditions: To the extent pel nlltted by law, and without waiving any immuI1ltles, protections, or defenses ,h'aildble at conlIllon Id\i.... or LInder stalut~, 1I1clUthllg, wllhoUl hIllltatlOl1, the Coloradu liovermnentallnlffiunltles Act, Section 24-10-101, et seq., C.R.S.. the City, IndiVidually and Illr itselfunly, agrecs to hold harmless the Grantor(s) from and agaInst any suit, c1anIl, attorney's fees, loss or damage, mcludmg personal injury or loss of hfe, which may occur as a result of negligent constructIon or maIntenance of said streetscape elements and lfTlgal1011 system by and/or for the City of Wheat RIdge on the ploperty suhject to this casement. Said tract contams 2678 square feet (0 ObIS acres) of land, more or less. Also known by street and number as: 5995 W 38th A venue, Wheat Ridge, CO 80212. And the (irantors hereby covenant with the CIty that they have good tItle to the aforedescIibed premIses: and that they have good and lawful Tight to grant thiS casement. IN WlTNESS WHEREOF, Wc have hereunto set our hands tillS 4- =1<- day of UC-+ohe.- A.D., 2001 Ci [trld c-- ~ & dE. ../7latt.il.-rcL. . ~ . ~ Marlene R. White, Grantor , Grantor STATE Of COLORADO ) ) SS. ) COUNTY Of JEFFERSON The foreguing mstlUmcnt was acknowledged hefore me this 4- +~ day of C C. -+() b c- , 2U01, by Wesley A. Wlute and Marlene R. WhIte. My C0l111nissiuI1 expires Ap,...,1 Z' , l..lh.; I Witness my hand and offiCIal seal. SEAL .~.~~~ rrJ~ Notary Public 7~00 W 29th Avenue Wheat RIdge, CO 80215-6713 The uraftcr of thIs descnption is Rogcr A. Vcrmaas, prel)arcd on bchalfofAs1)en ~urveYll1g, Tnc ,79')3 S I' St St 150 _ .cona, .,' e. , Aurora, Colorado, SOO 14 and IS not to be construed as rcprcscnting a monumcntcd lanu s~rvcy